Planning Development Committee Agenda

Board of Regents
Planning and Development Committee
Wednesday, June 7, 2006; *11:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon
Kodiak College
Kodiak, Alaska
*Times for meetings are subject to modification within the June 7-8, 2006 timeframe.
Committee Members:
Brian D. Rogers, Committee Chair
James Hayes
Cynthia Henry
Call to Order
Adoption of Agenda
Carl Marrs
Joseph E. Usibelli, Jr.
Mary K. Hughes, Board Chair
"The Planning and Development Committee approves the agenda as
Call to Order
Adoption of Agenda
Full Board Consent Agenda
Approval of University of Alaska Fairbanks Mission Statement
Approval of University of Alaska Foundation Fee Structure
and Report on Board of Trustees’ May 8, 2006 Meeting
New Business
Future Agenda Items
This motion is effective June 7, 2006."
Full Board Consent Agenda
Approval of University of Alaska Fairbanks Mission Statement
Reference 9
The President recommends that:
“The Planning and Development Committee recommends that the
Board of Regents approve revised Regents’ Policy 01.01.03 –
University of Alaska Fairbanks Mission Statement, as presented. This
motion is effective June 7, 2006.”
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Planning and Development Committee
June 7, 2006
Kodiak, Alaska
The University of Alaska Fairbanks Strategic Planning Committee has
proposed a revised mission statement to complement its Strategic Plan
2010. Reference 9 includes information regarding the vetting of this
revision with the UAF community. The current and proposed revised
mission statements are as follows:
The University of Alaska Fairbanks, as the nation's northernmost
Land, Sea, and Space Grant university and international research
center, advances and disseminates knowledge through creative
teaching, research, and public service with an emphasis on Alaska,
the North, and their diverse peoples. (04-21-00)
The University of Alaska Fairbanks, the nation’s northernmost
Land, Sea and Space Grant university and international research
center, advances and disseminates knowledge through teaching,
research and public service with an emphasis on Alaska, the
circumpolar North and their diverse peoples. UAF – America’s
Arctic University – promotes academic excellence, student success
and lifelong learning.
Chancellor Jones will be available to answer any questions from board
members regarding this revision.
Authorization to Charge Certain Gift and Endowment Fees Effective July
1, 2006 and Report on May 8, 2006 Board of Trustees’ Meeting
Reference 10
The President recommends that:
“The Planning and Development Committee recommends that the
Board of Regents approve the implementation of the gift and
endowment fees as described, pending approval of a formal operating
agreement between the Foundation and the university. This motion is
effective June 7, 2006.”
Over the past 18 months, the University of Alaska Foundation and the
University of Alaska have been considering the best way for the
Foundation to become less financially dependent upon and to focus on
raising more private support for the University programs and scholarships.
The Association of Governing Boards for Universities and Colleges
(AGB) was engaged to conduct a strategic review of the University of
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Planning and Development Committee
June 7, 2006
Kodiak, Alaska
Alaska Foundation and to give an objective assessment of the
Foundation’s fundraising function along with recommendations for the
necessary changes that would more closely align the Foundation with
national best practices in this area. Representatives of the Board of
Regents and the Board of Trustees worked closely with AGB to develop
the scope of work to be conducted in the review and to provide counsel
and leadership in the review process.
Over the course of 17 days, two AGB representatives personally
conducted face-to-face interviews of 90 key internal and external
University stakeholders. The final review contained an analysis of the
Foundation, the results of a self-study of the Trustees and
recommendations for change. An AGB representative presented the results
of the review while facilitating a two-day retreat for Trustees and
executive staff in November 2005. The retreat provided a framework for
reorganizing the Foundation to better align it with its renewed mission.
A task force consisting of seven Trustees, including the Chair of the Board
of Regents, was created at the conclusion of the November 2005 retreat.
The task force reviewed the retreat’s outcomes, considered options for
reaching the goals identified during the retreat, and made
recommendations to the Trustees outlining the best way to organize the
Foundation to provide optimal benefit to the University. The Task Force
examined the Foundation’s mission statement, bylaws, staff structure,
policies, goals, budget and funding mechanism and made
recommendations to the Foundation’s Development Committee, Finance
and Audit Committee, and finally, to the full Board. Consequently, at the
May 8, 2006 Board of Trustees’ meeting, the following actions were
taken, to be effective July 1, 2006.
Approved a mission statement for the University of Alaska
Foundation as follows:
The mission of the University of Alaska Foundation is to seek,
secure and steward philanthropic support to build excellence at
the University of Alaska.
Approved amended and restated bylaws which provide for the
following substantive changes summarized below:
Members of the Foundation - The Foundation evolves from being a
membership organization to one which is able to function
independently as Board of Trustees with no need for members.
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Planning and Development Committee
June 7, 2006
Kodiak, Alaska
Number of Board Members and Quorum – Flexibility has been
added to the number of Trustees and the size of the quorum. The
Foundation Board of Trustees may now contain anywhere from 20
to 30 individuals. A quorum of the Board of Trustees is defined as
a majority of the elected members of the Board.
Composition of Board – This area of the bylaws has been
simplified by the reduction in the number of classes of Trustees.
The emeritus (with the exception of the current emeritus trustees)
and appointed categories of board membership have been
Process for Electing Trustees – The process for electing new
members of the Board of Trustees has been simplified and the
name and duties of the Nominating Committee have been updated
and expanded. The new name is the Committee on Trusteeship.
Term Limits – Term limits have been reinstituted for both the
members of the Board and for Officers of the Board. Trustee
terms of service are limited to a maximum of three consecutive
three-year terms. Officers may be elected to serve one complete
two-year term.
Officers of the Board of Trustees – The names of the officers of
the Board of Trustees have been updated to “chair,” “vice chair”
and “secretary.”
Executive Director/President - The Executive Director position has
been redefined, expanded and renamed as the President of the
Foundation. The President is the Foundation’s chief executive
officer and is selected by the Board of Trustees in consultation
with the University President.
Treasurer - The Treasurer’s duties remain the same. Rather than
being, ex-officio, the Treasurer is appointed by the University
President in consultation with the Chair of the Board of Trustees.
Amendment of Bylaws - The provision for amending the bylaws
has been streamlined by making it possible for the Bylaws to be
amended by a vote of two thirds of the Trustees voting at a
meeting of the Trustees (provided a quorum is present). Under the
old structure a three quarters’ vote of all the Trustees was required.
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Planning and Development Committee
June 7, 2006
Kodiak, Alaska
College of Fellows –Members of the College of Fellows are now
directly affiliated with their respective campuses and are no longer
members of the Foundation.
Approved Foundation policies on Conflict of Interest, Employee
Concerns and Ethics.
Approved Foundation staff organization.
Approved Foundation goals for next fiscal year, which include
creating and adopting a Memorandum of Understanding between
the University of Alaska and the University of Alaska Foundation.
Appointed an Acting Foundation President.
Approved a fee policy and established a fee structure.
The University and the Foundation agree that these changes follow
national best practices for University-affiliated foundations and, when
implemented, will enable the Foundation to better serve the University of
A copy of the fee policy adopted by the Board of Trustees on May 8, 2006
is enclosed as Reference 10. The fees approved consist primarily of a
one-time Gift Fee of five percent (5%) on all gifts received after June 30,
2006 and an annual Endowment Fee of one percent (1%) on all new
endowments established after June 30, 2006 and quasi endowments in
existence as of December 31, 2005. The land grant endowments will be
charged an annual fee of 16 basis points (.16%) effective July 1, 2006.
Because the land grant endowment fee, the quasi-endowment fee, and the
gift fees are scheduled to start July 1, 2006 and the Foundation and the
university have not yet completed an operating agreement, which would
normally cover such issues, the administration is seeking concurrence of
the Board of Regents to initiating the gift tax and endowment fees
effective July 1, 2006. The operating agreement between the Foundation
and the university will be presented to the Board of Regents at its
December 2006 meeting.
Mary Rutherford, AVP for Development, will be present via
videoconference to answer questions.
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Planning and Development Committee
June 7, 2006
Kodiak, Alaska
New Business
Future Agenda Items
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