Mailing Label Request Form

Return completed forms to Residence Life, Housing and Dining Services in Hammons House, Room 104
Today’s Date:________________
Date labels are needed (allow at least one week):____________
Organization name: ____________________________________________________________________
Advisor’s name: _______________________
Advisor’s email: ________________________________
Brief description of purpose of request: ____________________________________________________
Type of output requested (required; check only one; all output sent to organization’s advisor)
Note: only electronic distribution will be provided, it is the responsibility of the organization to print
their address labels.
 Generic residence hall addresses (no student names) in Excel spreadsheet received via e-mail
(which can be used multiple times). Just be sure first line reads: ‘To the resident of” in the
place of name.
 Addresses in Excel spreadsheet received via email
 Addresses in Word document to print with Avery two-up labels
Residence Hall
 All residence halls (Blair-Shannon, Freudenberger, Hammons, Hutchens, Kentwood, Scholars,
Sunvilla, Wells, and Woods)
 A particular residence hall(s)
o Please list the hall(s) _______________________________________________________
Gender (default will be both genders)
 Male
 Female
Student Class (default will be all class levels)
 Freshman
 Sophomore
 Junior
 Senior
 Graduate
As advisor, I have read the request for labels that the organization has requested. By signing this form, I
acknowledge that the labels are being used in an appropriate manner and that the organization will
abide by all polices of MSU and all federal, state and local laws when using the provided address label
information for material pertaining only to the sponsoring organization.
Advisor’s Signature
Campus Phone
Student Contact Name
Phone Number
Email Address