SUFAC Meeting Minutes for 15 Oct. 2009 I.

Meeting Minutes for 15 Oct. 2009
Call to Order
SUFAC Chair Lynsy Beckett called the meeting to order at 5:15pm.
Roll Call
a. Members Present: Lynsy Beckett, Matt Kehl, OFO, Jessica Olive, Joe Xiong, Joe
Tyrrell, Ryan Conohan, Lindy Vang, Lisa Tetzloff, Sophie Nelson
Recognition of Guests –Dominic Petroni - At- Large applicant; Matt Balson- atlarge applicant; Tiffany Wilhelm- at-large applicant; Allen Jambor- Mens’ Volleyball;
Adam Hartenberger- Mens’ Volleyball; Mike Schilleman- Phlash TV; SuAnn Detampel
OFO: Contingency is $38, 998.28. Small org start up is $1300.00.
Senate: no report
Vice Chair: no report
Chair: Matt and I approved $75 for International club for carving pumpkins.
Approval of Agenda- Lynsy entertained a motion to approve the agenda. Matt
motioned. Jessica seconded. Ryan called the question. Matt acclimated.
Approval of Minutes- Lynsy entertained a motion to approve the minutes.
Jessica seconded. Joe seconded. Ryan called the question. Matt acclimated.
Discussion Items
Auxiliary Budget Presentation: Budget cuts this year for 09-10. 1% cut across the board.
For fund 128 for Auxiliaries Segregated fee account was exempt from that account. 1.2 million
For GPR tax payers and students it is a biannual cut. The total cut for the university was about
2.2 million. Excludes furlough money. Results of the furlough is about 126,000 has to be
returned to the state, even those that are paid with segregated fees. Form 128 from the OSL:
operating receipts or revenue is what will be approved for the budget. When the department has
cash balance we do we receive cash income form that. Operating expenditures includes salaries
from limited employees or student employees. General rule of thumb is the fringe benefits will
be calculated at 23%. The percentage can fluctuate by department, number of employees, etc.
Sales credits should never exist. Capital items have a life expectancy of about 1 year. Aid to
individuals includes financial aid. Debt service is debt that is owed. The Kress events center and
the Union are the only auxiliaries that should be included. Bonds and note payables are both
included in those. As a historical unit, we are the second smallest increase in segregated fees.
While currently we are paying the largest amount in segregated fees. Classified staff is the
support staff; clerical staff, maintenance, etc. Academic staff includes advisors, professors,
directors, etc. LTE staff includes those that are limited time and are not able to receive benefits.
When an auxiliary usually comes in we want to look for large jumps and the presenter will state
that and say why. The presenters are usually pretty good at respecting the segregated fees. Our
jobs as students are to ask questions about the positions and determine if we feel they are
necessary. Then we will compose a letter and present it to the chancellor to examine. Fringe
benefits will be going up again, there is about a 10% increase in health insurance however; the
employees will also have to pay about 10% more. We generally have to explain also if we are
over 15% in our budgets. 128 accounts are segregated fee accounts. Student life is the only
office that is 100% funded by segregated fees. Operating fund is the net income or the operating
b. Senate & At Large applicants: Matt Balson- stated that he is interested in joining
because he is a business major. Tiffany stated that she is involved in many groups on campus.
Dominic is interested in joining to become part of the org. Lynsy motioned to package the
votes. Jessica motioned. Matt seconded. Ryan called the question. Lynsy entertained a motion
to approve. Jessica motioned. Ryan seconded. Matt asked what they were involved in. Matt
isn’t involved in any. Tiffany is involved in NAMI, Psych, and French. Dominic is involved
with Gamers club. Jessica called the question. Roll call vote passed 7-0-0.
c. Phlash TV request: we would like to get a web player so we can broadcast to all those
off campus, parents, and others interested in watching. The two mini camcorders are being
asked for capturing. We have enough cameras but some are a bit old. We record on DVD tape
and then we put on the computer to capture. The jacks on most of our cameras are old and only
one camera actually captures onto the computer. We are requesting two mini camcorders so
they can be plugged in at all times. After checking out all options this is the cheapest way of
doing things. Matt asked how many cameras are in the office at one time that aren’t being used.
The cameras that we use at the Kress center stay at the Kress all the time. We only have one in
the office. It is a daily function to capture footage. Aaron asked if the two cameras were a
matter of necessity or convenience. We have two offices, one in the union and one in the
Kress. Matt asked where they would be stored. Only a handful of people have access to the
locked office. Lindy asked how many people are in the org. We have about 25-30 interns the
others are volunteers. Matt asked if they have been looking into commercial revenue or
something that would bring in revenue besides SUFAC. We are still making a transition and
we have more interns than we have ever had and we are definitely planning on moving towards
in the future. Matt stated that the reason the current funds are on there is more of a reference
for the org to know and for us as a point of information that they use the money.
d. International Club request: International Dinner for a $1. As international students we
will have 8 recipes and we are expecting 250 students. It will be held in the E.C. and we are
requesting $454. It gives the International students the opportunity to get to know the
American students. It will occur on Nov.2.
Terror on the Fox: we are planning on giving students to opportunity to experience an
American Halloween. We are requesting gas money and 3 vans. We are planning on 15
students attending and the total is $405.
Food for Thought: we are requesting $100 for food to give students the opportunity to
discuss various aspects of our cultures.
Food for a meeting at Taste of India: as international students we don’t have cars so we
will have people drive us. We are requesting $96 for 12 students to eat buffet style at $8 per
person. We are asking for gas money also at a rate of 29 miles.
Jessica asked if these events were open to all students. Yes. Tiffany asked if there were
special requirements to become a member since many of these were advertized to members.
Matt stated that they didn’t provide a price for gas. She stated that she was unaware of the
price. Matt asked if any non students will attend. No, we advertise on campus however; Kristy
Oelke may attend because she is an advisor and may drive. Matt asked if she talked to any of
the Aviands people for Indian cuisines. No, the idea was to get off campus. Ofo asked if the
advisor would drive. Possibly the two interns. Ofo asked if SUFAC would be paying for their
meals. Yes. Matt asked if they were students. Yes.
VII. Tabled ItemsMen’s Club volleyball: Lynsy entertained a motion to remove from the table. Jessica
motioned. Ryan seconded. Jessica called the question. Matt acclimated. We are going to store
the balls in the laundry room. We are also hoping to drop the Wally ball and Wally ball net
and request a cage for $300 to protect the investments. As a point of information, the Kress
cannot allow any other space to be used by Club sports because they are used by the actual
sports. Matt asked how many volleyballs the cart would be able to hold. About 25-30 balls
would be kept in the carts. It is going to be used for normal storage and during practice to
keep things organized and free of injuries. Matt motioned to enter committee of the whole for
15 minutes. Jessica seconded. Joe T called the question. Jessica acclimated. The total cost is
now $1570.00 without the Wally Ball and Wally Ball net. There was a discussion on the
storage issues of the Kress Center. There was a discussion on the cage requested. Jessica
motioned to exit. Matt seconded. Jessica called the question. Matt acclimated. Lynsy
entertained a motion to make this an immediate action item. Jessica motioned. Matt seconded.
Aaron called the question. Matt motioned to approve. Jessica seconded. Matt called the
question. Roll call vote passed 10-0-0.
VIII. Action Itemsa. Bylaw Amendments- Matt motioned to approve the bylaw amendments. Jessica
seconded. Matt handed out a sheet stating this information on the timeline. Matt
pointed out that if you weren’t present for an earlier discussion it is suggested that
you abstain because you are not familiar with what is talked about. Ryan pointed out
that is usually the same with when an org is presenting. Jessica asked if we made it
optional for orgs to present or not present if under $2500. Matt called the question.
Roll call vote 6-0-1.
Announcements- Next week we will hear the Dean of Students. We will possibly send
something out in emails in the next few days. We will soon be taking applications for a new Vice
Chair. We did contract Matt into being here for D-day.
Adjournment- Lynsy entertained a motion to adjourn. Jessica motioned. Matt seconded.
Jessica called the question. Jessica acclimated. Adjourn at 6:40.
Respectfully submitted by:
Amanda Hart
SUFAC Admin. Assistant