University of Alaska Anchorage FY16 Operating and Capital Budget Requests

University of Alaska
FY16 Operating and Capital Budget
7 August 2014
UAA Performance FY14
Continuing to Grow
Largest Graduating Class Ever – Up 7.7% Over 2013
Focused efforts to improve completion via regular advising helped 2,312 graduate
with 2,633 awards, up from 2,146 students and 2,489 awards in FY13.
Record Number of High Demand Job Area Awards
1,824 awards in high demand job areas, up from 1,790 in FY13.
Kenai Peninsula College opens first Residence Hall and new Career and
Technical Education Center.
UAA and Willamette University College of Law agree on partnership to offer
an accelerated “3+3 program.”
UAA Performance FY14
Continuing to Grow
UAA Performance FY14
Student Excellence & Achievement
UAA Students Continue to Earn Top National Honors
UAA’s Debate Team Ranked 16 of 180 Teams Nationally
Two Fulbright Scholars: Tom Honer and Angelica Remaley
Truman Scholar: Xavier Mason
Congress-Bundestag Scholarship: Ryan Bergerson
Advanced to Quarterfinals of the 2014 Universities Debating Championships
Matt Ostrander won 2014 Global Debate and Public Policy Challenge in Budapest
UAA Athletics Ranked in Top 5% of All Division II Schools
3.18 average GPA among all athletes
4 Conference Championships
25 All-Americans
1 National Champion
New Athletic Director: Keith Hackett
New Hockey Coach: Matt Thomas
UAA Performance FY14
Faculty Excellence
Professor Landry Signé (political science) received 2014 Governor General
of Canada’s Award.
Dr. Nancy Jane Shelby, professor and director of Alaska WWAMI School of
Medical Education named Louis L. Kralick Professor for a 3-year term.
Aron Crowell (anthropology), received 2014 Smithsonian Education
Achievement Award.
William Hensley (business) and Eva Saulitis (creative writing) received 2014
Governor’s Award for the Humanities.
UAA’s curriculum proposal selected to become the basis for the
Foundations Phase for the UW School of Medicine and the entire WWAMI
system beginning in 2015.
UAA Performance FY14
Books published by UAA faculty during FY14
UAA Performance FY14
Productive Partnerships
Alaska Middle College School
Enrollment Up 58% from 45 in FY13 to 71 students in FY14.
Student Credit Hours nearly double in 2nd year (from 739 in FY13 to 1,405 in
Three high school students earned AA degrees in Spring 2014.
Signed MOU with Anchorage School District to implement dual credit.
ConocoPhilips Arctic Science and Engineering Endowment
Early pay-off will allow researchers to be eligible for $435,000/year by FY17.
UAA’s Smoke-free Campus Team joined the Fresh Air Campus Challenge.
The Building Futures Fund, established last year, raised more than $2M.
UAA Performance FY14
Research & Scholarship for Alaska
UAA has become the first institution in Alaska to be designated a Center of
Excellence for the Department of Homeland Security. UAA is co-lead with
Stevens Institute of Technology for a new Center for Maritime Research
(CMR). UAA will focus on developing innovative solutions to challenges in
Arctic maritime domain awareness
Center for Behavioral Health Research and Services Center received a 3year $935,000 federal grant for training health profession students to
conduct substance and alcohol abuse screening.
UAA is partnering with 12 other universities on a $20.3 million National
Institutes of Health grant to create a research network to expand capacity of
using clinical research to address health problems such as cancer,
diabetes, heart disease and obesity.
UAA Performance FY14
Prioritization (more later)
Title IX Team trained more than 500 employees in June.
New Student Affairs Division of Student Access, Advising and Transition.
Focus on seamless, comprehensive experience.
Launched first E-Catalog.
UAA Care Team reaches more students (from 503 to 1,336 in FY14).
Supporting Diversity.
New Words of Welcome signs placed across campus in Alaska Native languages.
Transforming the University: Alaska Native Studies in the 21st Century published as a
follow-up from the first Alaska Native Studies conference held at UAA last spring.
Alumni Relations gaining momentum with 11 new chapters.
Operational Budget - FY14
 Planning became urgent in Jan 14 with general fund
decrement announcement for UA
Projected shortfalls in FY15 of $7.5M
 Intent to make permanent resource allocations and
reallocations informed by the Prioritization process
Prioritization was not ready for the FY15 budget cycle, so
opted to identify and implement temporary budget reductions
of $7.5M, generally 7% GF across-the-board
 PBAC Sub-committee created to analyze solutions for
short term cost savings and revenue enhancements,
announced list of ideas in March 2014
Operational Budget - FY14
 Major budget units began managing their response to the
temporary FY15 7% decrement immediately
Alerted in Jan 14 to take whatever cost savings and revenue
enhancements possible
Successfully resulting in large UFB at the end of FY14
Units left positions vacant and delayed hire of staff and
faculty, a few examples:
 Unfilled Advancement positions (Alumni relations (3), development officers
(2), and Assist. Vice Chancellor)
 CBPP: several faculty vacancies in Accting, Bus Admin, Computer info,
Econ, Logistics and Public Admin
 COH: delay in hire of director of CAAS (Ctr for Alcohol Addiction Studies)
Units left UFB balances unspent from the previous year
(purchased less equipment, fewer classroom/lab
Operational Budget - FY14
 Colleges experiencing tuition deficits hit harder in FY14
(and will be hit harder in FY15 due to lower UFB balances)
2 largest colleges experienced $1M tuition shortfalls in FY14
due to declines in non-resident surcharges and SCHRs:
 CAS (-3%, -4,703 SCHRs)
 CTC (-7%, -4,759 SCHRs)
Implemented personnel reductions and other enrollment
management policies.
 CAS: Delay in hiring 3 regular faculty, eliminated 8 term
faculty positions (non-renewed)
 CTC: eliminated one CIOS faculty, eliminated 4 admin
assist positions and 1 LRC librarian
Operational Budget - FY15
 Distributed temporary reductions of 7% to each Major
Budget Unit
 Including state-mandated travel expense cut
 PBAC recommended no internal funds for new
initiatives, but did distribute minimal budget ($786K)
for fixed costs including one additional police officer
in support of the new AK Airlines Center, basic lease
increases, and maintenance of current library
Program Prioritization
 Focus on Prioritization Process
 Goal: Improve the overall alignment and
effectiveness of our programs and functions
 Organization
 Champions: Bear Baker and Bill Spindle
 Task Forces
 Academic programs (not departments)
 313 reviewed by faculty
 Support functions
 178 reviewed by staff and faculty
 Facilitation Team
Program Prioritization
 Prioritization Post-Report Process
 Cabinet briefed on taskforce results
 Taskforce reports released to internal staff and faculty
August 11, after faculty return
September – December
 With help of select members of task forces, will develop
permanent reduction and reallocation plan for FY16 and
 Plan will be publicized at the end of December
Process will be on-going, not one time
University of Alaska
FY16 Operating Requests
FY16 Operating Budget Request
 Health Care By and For Alaskans Increment
Shaping AK Future
Increment Request Title
Partnerships: Public &
Private Industry
Health Workforce Pipeline: AK Area Health Education
Centers (AHEC)
Accountability to the People
of Alaska
College of Health Compliance Officer
Partnerships: Public &
Private Industry
Dietetics and Nutrition Program Faculty (TVEP
funded 7 years)
Partnerships: Public &
Private Industry
Diagnostic Medical Sonography (TVEP funded 6
Partnerships: Public &
Private Industry
Expanded Dental Programs and Functions (TVEP
funded 6 years)
FY16 Operating Budget Request
 Support State Workforce Development Increment
Shaping AK Future
Increment Request Title
Partnerships: Public &
Private Industry
Geophysics Faculty
Partnerships: Public &
Private Industry
Kodiak College Maritime Industries Coordinator
FY16 Operating Budget Request
 Student Achievement Increment
Shaping AK Future
Increment Request Title
Student Achievement
Rural Student Recruiter and Outreach Specialist
Student Achievement
KPC Student Success Advisor
Student Achievement
Financial Literacy Outreach Specialist
Student Achievement
Real-time Communication Access for Students with
FY16 Operating Budget Request
 Research to Enhance Alaska Communities
Shaping AK Future
Increment Request Title
Research & Development
Center for Research and AK Native Education
Research & Development
Innovation and Commercialization Prototype
FY16 Fixed Costs Request
Shaping AK Future
Increment Request Title
Accountability to the People
of Alaska
UAA Alaska Airlines Center new facility operating
Accountability to the People
of Alaska
Engineering and Industry Building new facility
operating costs
Accountability to the People
of Alaska
Engineering Building Parking Garage new facility
operating costs
Accountability to the People
of Alaska
KPC Career Tech Building new facility operating
Accountability to the People
of Alaska
Title IX Coordinator
Accountability to the People
of Alaska
Engineering Building Lab Coordinator
Accountability to the People
of Alaska
MSC Valley Center for Arts and Learning
Accountability to the People
of Alaska
UPD Police Officer
University of Alaska
FY16 Capital Budget Requests
FY16--UAA Capital Budget Request
New Construction
Planning and Design
Land Acquisition
Recent Capital Accomplishments
 KPC Housing complete-$17.8M
 PWSCC Wellness Center complete- $5.8M
 KPC Career Tech Facility-complete-$15.3M
Backfill activities still in progress
MSC Paramedic Facility—complete-$3.6M
MSC VCAL Under Construction-$20M
AAC Under Construction-$110.6M
Engineering Under Construction-$123.2M
KPC Student Housing
PWSCC Wellness Center
KPC Career & Technical
Education Center
Recent Renewal Projects
Whole-Building Renewal of the Natural Science Building complete—$12.4M
Building Renewal of the Allied Health Science Building over two summer breaks
Whole Building Renewal of Beatrice McDonald Building underway--$14.3M
Critical System Replacements (Phase 1) in MAC Housing underway-- $4.4M
Critical System Replacements (Phase 1) in EM1 and EM2 --$2M
Roof System Replacements
(EM1&2, Aviation Hangar, ADT, KPC Goodrich) -- $1.9M
In Planning/Accumulating Funds
WFSC—Short Term Renewal - $10M
Library Old Core Renewal - $16.3M
Arts Building Mechanical System Renewal - $7.6M
EM1,2– Renewal - $5.8M
EM2 Mechanical
Kodiak Fuel Tank
FY16--UAA Capital Budget Request
FY16--UAA R&R/Deferred Maintenance
Anchorage Campus
Campus Building Envelope/Roof Renewal
Campus Building Interiors & Systems Renewal
Campus Exterior Infrastructure & Signage Renewal
EM1 and EM2 Mechanical ($5.58M)
WFSC Near Term R&R ($10.0M)
Library Old Core Mech Upgrades ($16.3M)
Fine Arts Mechanical Systems ($7.6M)
$ 1.00M
$ 0.50M
$ 0.25M
$ 3.00M
$ 2.86M
$ 4.32M
$ 0.07M
Anchorage Campus Share of $50M approx. $12M
Renewal Projects Support SAF Themes 1d; 4e; 5 c, d, f
FY16--UAA Capital Budget Request
FY16--UAA R&R/Deferred Maintenance
Community Campuses
KPC KRC Campus Renewal
Kodiak Campus Renewal
PWSCC Campus Renewal
Mat-Su Campus Renewal
KPC KBC Campus Renewal
KPC Career Tech Backfill ($3.5M)
Mat-Su Parking/Road/Circ Renewal ($1.7M)
KPC KBC Gas Conversion ($0.4M)
PWSCC Parking/Security Upgrades ($2.5M)
KPC Academic Ctr/Classroom Renewal ($2.0M)
UAA Community Campus Share of $50M approx. $2.5M
FY16--UAA Capital Budget Request
FY16--UAA Planning and Design Funds
Cuddy Hall Expansion & Renewal/Replacement
(FY19/20) $1.6M
Community Campus
PWSCC Lecture Hall /Workforce Development
MSC Roads and Parking
(FY17) $ 0.90M
(FY17) $ 0.20M
New Construction Projects Support SAF Themes 1d; 3a; 4e; 5 c, d, f
FY16--UAA Capital Budget Request
FY16--UAA New Construction
Anchorage Campus - 3 Projects
Emergency Infrastructure Repair/Replacement
Master Plan Circulation Improvements
(Mallard Lane, Housing, UAA Drive, Pedestrian Trails)
Health Sciences Phase II Building & Parking
(Design, Site prep & Parking Structure – TPC--$132M)
Community Campus – 1 Project
Kodiak Career Tech Facility
$ 24.3M
New Construction Projects Support SAF Themes 1d; 3a; 4e; 5d, f
FY16--UAA Capital Budget Request
FY16--UAA Land, Property and Facilities
 Anchorage Adjacent Land
 Condo’s North UAA Drive
 Homer Adjacent Property (Young’s)
 KPC Adjacent Property
 Related Land Issues
 Northern Extension Lands