WESLEYAN \\ U N I V E R S I T Y Facilities 170 Long Lan e M i d d l e t o wn , C o n n e c t i c u t 0 6 4 5 7 (860) 685-3476 FAX (860) 685-3101 ADDENDUM #1 Date: June 6, 2012 To: Bidders of Record Project: CFA TUNNEL / BASEMENT WATERPROOFING PROJECT & CFA ‘P’ THEATER – EXTERIOR REPAIR & WATERPROOFING PROJECT - Annual Major Maintenance FY 14 SPECIAL NOTE: Addendum #1 information shall supersede the information contained in the Contract Documents This Addendum forms a part of the Contract Documents and modifies the original Bidding Documents dated January 4, 2013 & May 31, 2013. Acknowledge receipt of this Addendum in the space provided on the Bid Form. Failure to do so may subject the Bidder to disqualification. Bid / Construction Schedule Bids due: June 14, 2013 @ 3:00PM Post bid interview/bid review: June 18, 2013 Selection of successful bidders: June 19, 2013 Construction Start & Submittal Date: June 19, 2013 Substantial Completion Date: August 1, 2013 Completion Date: August 16, 2013 1. Schedule: Completion dates shall be strictly adhered to. 1. Coordination of the work is critical. 2. Safety: Zero accidents. All contractors shall practice safe workmanship practices 3. CFA Complex and Building will be occupied throughout the project schedule. 4. OSHA Training: Contractor shall provide minimum 10 hour OSHA Training Certification for workman and minimum 30 hour OSHA Training Certification for Working Foreperson or Supervisor to Owner prior to start of work. Reference 01015 General Requirements. 5. Hazardous Materials: Contractor shall coordinate all required ACM removal with Owner. Inspection reports are available in the Owner’s office and will be posted to the MM FY14 website. 6. Lead Materials: All painted surfaces are to be treated as positive for lead containing paint due to the construction of the building prior to 1978. All contractor personnel working on the project shall be certified by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for lead based paint activities 7. Parking; Parking on grass surfaces is strictly prohibited. One contractor truck allowed in parking lot. Off street parking is available. Additional parking is available at the Vine Street parking lot. 8. It is the contractors’ option to a flash drive or CD to obtain available AutoCAD drawings. 9. Contractors are encouraged to check the major maintenance website frequently for new and updated information. Addenda, specifications and additional project work will be posted to the website as it becomes available. Major Maintenance FY2013/2014 Project Number 2014000000 ADDENDUM #1 6/6/2013 10. If out of office message is received when contacting R. Sillasen by phone or email, contractor is directed to call Steve Formica at 860-865-3778 or sformica@wesleyan.edu. 11. A bond is not required. Builder’s Risk insurance is not required. 12. Insurance Certificate must name Wesleyan University as additional insured. Fire Alarm shutdowns to be coordinated with the contractor and Wesleyan University. Pre-bid sign in sheet shall be posted to the website. AUTOcad drawings, version 2004, shall be emailed to the bidders for informational purposes. The Prebid meeting of 6/5/2013 also addressed the following items: CFA TUNNEL / BASEMENT WATERPROOFING PROJECT 1. Drawing C-1 was updated to reflect changes to the types of repairs required at each location. The crack repair and control joint repair details were revised, and two additional repair locations were added. 2. Drawing C-2 was not revised. 3. Detail A on drawing C-3 was modified to address conditions identified. 4. Detail B on drawing C-3 was revised to incorporate the use of SikaSwell S-2 waterstop and Sikatop 122 Plus repair mortar. (New Products) 5. Drawing C-4 was revised to update Detail B repair material specifications and also added Detail D & D1 repair system requirements. 6. Drawing C-5 was added to incorporate Detail D (Crack Injection Detail-Sikadur Crack Weld System) and Detail D1 (Construction Joint Waterstop Detail – Sikadur Combiflex System). (New Products) 7. Eliminate the following products from the scope of work a. SikaSwell-A swellable joint sealant Type 2010. Replaced with SikaSwell S-2 waterstop and Sikatop 122 Plus repair mortar. b. SikaSwell Type E paste. Contractors shall use the products specified to determine the base bid for this project. Each contractor also has the option to suggest alternate repair methods and products for the different conditions noted. The contractor may provide alternate pricing on the appropriate spaces in the bid proposal form if alternate repair methods are being proposed. If the Contractor decides to provide alternate repair methods, product cut sheets and specifications of the material being proposed shall be included with the bid proposal form. CFA THEATER EXTERIOR WATERPROOFING PROJECT 1. The control joint at the CFA Theater loading shall be cut back 1-1/2” on each side of joint. Maintain fabric material. Place Dow 795 silicone building sealant as specified. 2. Contractor shall power wash exterior below grade stair towers all elevations on east and west sides of the Theater. Apply water repellent as identified for concrete surfaces. 3. Access to the high roof of the CFA Theater shall be from the exterior. 4. Mortar joints: a. Cut out mortar from joints to depths equal to 2-1/2 times their widths but not less than 3/4” nor less than that required to expose sound, unweathered mortar. b. Contractor shall take extreme care not to damage the edges of the limestone blocks when using power operated grinders. Do not widen joints. c. Remove mortar from masonry surfaces within rake-out joints to provide reveals with square backs and to expose masonry for contact with pointing mortar. Major Maintenance FY2013/2014 Project Number 2014000000 ADDENDUM #1 6/6/2013 d. Apply first layer of pointing mortar to areas where existing mortar was removed to depths greater than surrounding areas. Apply in layers not greater than 3/8” until a uniform depth is formed. Compact each layer thoroughly and allow to become thumbprint-hard before applying next layer. e. After joints have been filled to a uniform depth, place remaining pointing mortar in three (3) layers with each of the fist and second layers filled approximately 2/5 of joint depth and third layer the remaining 1/5. Fully compact each layer and allow to become thumbprint-hard before applying next layer. f. Tool joints to match original reveal and appearance of joints. Remove excess mortar from edge of joint by brushing. g. Allow 6 DAYS for mortar to cure before cleaning entire building. Please contact this office with any conflicts noted within this addendum. Attachments: Pre-bid sign in sheet Proposal Form dated 6/6/13 CFA Tunnel / Basement Waterproofing Project: Drawing C-1 dated May 31, 2013, Addendum #1 dated June 6, 2013. Drawing C-3 dated May 31, 2013, Addendum #1 dated June 6, 2013. Drawing C-4 dated May 31, 2013, Addendum #1 dated June 6, 2013. Drawing C-5 dated June 6, 2013, Addendum #1. CFA Tunnel / Basement Waterproofing Project: Photo # S-1 dated May 31, 2013, Addendum #1 dated June 6, 2013. Photo # S-4 dated May 31, 2013, Addendum #1 dated June 6, 2013. Photo # S-5 dated May 31, 2013, Addendum #1 dated June 6, 2013. Photo # S-6 dated May 31, 2013, Addendum #1 dated June 6, 2013. Photo # S-7 dated May 31, 2013, Addendum #1 dated June 6, 2013. Photo # S-8 dated May 31, 2013, Addendum #1 dated June 6, 2013. CFA Theater – Exterior Waterproofing: Photo # P-104-1 dated May 31, 2013, Addendum #1 dated June 6, 2013. Photo # P-104-4 dated May 31, 2013, Addendum #1 dated June 6, 2013. Photo # P-104-7 dated May 31, 2013, Addendum #1 dated June 6, 2013. New Product Cut Sheets: Detail B – SikaSwell S-2 Extrudable Swelling Waterstop SikaTop 122 Plus, Repair Mortar Detail D – Sikadur Crack Weld Crack Injection Kit Detail D1 – Sikadur Combiflex Seal System Sikadur 31 Hi-Mod Gel End of Document Major Maintenance FY2013/2014 Project Number 2014000000 ADDENDUM #1 6/6/2013