95 Pearl Street, Middletown
Fellowship Description:
Four Student Fellowships are awarded by the Center’s Advisory Board for each
semester. Student Fellows share an office at the Center and take part in Center activities.
Among these events are the Center’s Monday lecture series; colloquial discussions on
Tuesdays, 10:30-1:00; and occasional Center conferences. One course credit is awarded
for a Student Fellow’s participation in the Center’s activities.
Applicants for a Student Fellowship must be planning to do a senior project (an honors
thesis) on a topic related to the Center theme for the year. The project need not be
underway at the time of the application. The themes; “Hope and Hopelessness” and
“Intellectual Property/Intellectual Piracy” are broadly construed and connects with
projects and problems across the disciplines.
Fellowship Requirements
Applications must be received by the Center for the Humanities no later than Friday,
April 8, 2016. They will be reviewed by the Center for the Humanities Advisory Board.
Notification of the Advisory Board’s decision will be made April 29, 2016.
Biographical Information
Last Name __________________________________ First Name__________________________ MI ____
Wes Box ___________________________________ Phone _________________________________
Email address ________________________________
Application Checklist:
1.) A proposal (no more than two pages) for a senior project (an honors thesis or an
essay) to be carried out during the fellowship, indicating its relevance to the
theme in the semester applied for.
2.) Two letters of recommendation (sent directly to the Center) from faculty
members. Please note in your application the names of the faculty members
from whom you are requesting recommendations.
Please upload your application documents here.