What Do We Need to Know about Wind for GSMT? George Angeli 26 November, 2001 Introduction GSMT modeling environment Wind information needed Known (perceived) inconsistencies between models and experiments What to expect from wind simulations? Design process Concurrent engineering (structural, optical and control) Design verification through simulation Feedback to reiterate and improve the design Our approach IDEAS Structural design Modal DE FEA Lin.trans. Realization ZEMAX Optical design Realization HW/SW design Realization Lin.trans. Ray tracing MATLAB SIMULINK Control design FB DE Design verification (Simulation) Our approach Advantages Highly improved simulation speed Significantly reduced computer requirements Potential for more complex model Each discipline (mechanical, optical, control) keeps its preferred “native” tools and environment (unlike IMOS but like IODA) Affordable price Our approach Potential drawbacks Difficult to handle nonlinear effects in structure or optics Limits of the linear optical approach should be explored and established Structural model Modal description: q Φqm m 2ZΩq m Ωqm M1ΦTB0u q State-Space description: q m x q m 0 x 2 Ω 0 I x M 1ΦT B u 2ZΩ 0 Optical model Modal description: pOPD Pq Small deformations! P - optical sensitivity Zernike expansion: aj aperture Z j r pr dr Z j n pn w j p n aperture a Wp WPΦ qm Ray tracing Integrated model Wind, gravity, heat Noise Noise Sky motion, atmosphere G(s) A B r1(s) r2(s) K(s) u(s) x C1 Structural dynamics C2 Edge detector feedback Wavefront sensor feedback y1(s) y2(s) What to expect? Improve the design of the structure to make it less sensitive to wind load by Optimizing the shape and surface of structural elements to minimize the wind-to-force efficiency Optimizing the geometry of structure to minimize the coupling of wind power into higher order modes Recognize the need and location of additional damping and stiffening What to expect? Aid the enclosure design to optimize its effect on the wind by Optimizing the shape and surface of the dome Optimizing the vents and opening on the dome to achieve the required filtering effect What to expect? Verify the control architecture by Estimating the amplitude and bandwidth for wind induced deformation of telescope structure and primary mirror Recognizing the need and location of actuators and sensors Determining the necessary range and speed of actuators and sensors What to expect? Aid the design of the various feedback loops by Providing well defined disturbance signals to reject Help to estimate the optical performance of the telescope Need to know… Time evolution of wind forces on structural nodes Wind characteristics Velocity distribution in the vicinity of the structure with spatial sampling rate of node distances Pressure distribution on the primary mirror with at least 3 samples per segments (to resolve torque) Need to know… Wind-to-force conversion Drag and lift: u t 1 Dt CD ρA U 2 1 2 U 2 u t 1 1 2 w t Lt CL ρB U 2 1 2 C ρ A U D U 2 2 U Vortex shedding (buffeting with Strouhal frequency at low Reynolds number) Aerodynamic attenuation of large structures 1 f fi 4 3 2 Effect of enclosure generated turbulence Validity of first order approximation Wind velocity (m/s) ; Wind Azimuth (rad) ; Wind Elevation (rad) Experimental wind data Wind velocity at the Secondary Mirror in Series c00030oo 10 velocity azimuth elevation 8 6 4 2 0 -2 -4 0 50 100 150 200 Time (seconds) 250 300 Use of experimental wind data Current approach Using Gemini South wind measurements Real amplitude and direction time functions, no “assumptions” Problems Limited relevance (different place, different size) No simulation flexibility (given sampling rate, sample length, amplitude, etc.) Limited environment control (vent gates, direction, elevation, etc.) Limited feedback to design (no understanding of process) Use of simulated wind data CFD output Amplitude and direction time functions Flexible environmental and simulation parameters Problems Limited understanding of the process Time and resource consuming Off-line calculations and data transfer Use of calculated wind data Wind generated in Matlab Calculation based on mathematical wind model (mean velocity and direction, velocity, pressure and direction PSDs, cross-correlations) – filtered random variable Process understanding applicable to design optimization Flexible environmental and simulation parameters On-line data generation Problems Significant research effort Probably: simplifying assumptions Atmospheric model Kolmogorov’s isotropic turbulence theory Energy cascade: large eddies ⇒ small eddies Outer scale L0: turbulence not isotropic Inner scale l0: turbulence disappears, energy dissipated through viscosity Inertial subrange Spatial PSD 2π 2π κ L0 l0 Φv z, κ Fκ z κ 5 3 Atmospheric model Taylor’s frozen flow hypothesis Atmospheric “dispersion” U z T λ κ 2πf U z Temporal PSD Φv z, f Ff z f 5 3 Atmospheric model Problem Infinite energy @ κ=0 (outside of outer scale) Solution ΦvK z, κ FvK z Von Karman spectrum Davenport spectrum ΦD z, κ FD z 1 f 1 f 1 f0 2 cmf U10 2 c f 1 m U10 2 5 6 4 3 HOWEVER, inside the enclosure and around the structure the turbulence is NOT isotropic and homogenous Basic questions How are the statistics of the random process of wind changing due to: the mountain top environment; the enclosure; the telescope itself How is the interaction between the wind and telescope structure changing due to: the enclosure; the telescope itself Basic questions How to scale our existing measurements to the GSMT? What kind of additional measurements we need (if any)? Pressure/Force PSD on primary mirror 10 3 Modified PSD of Pressure on Primary Mirror fit 0.6/f 5/3 data PSD of pressure [Pa/Hz] 10 10 10 10 2 1 0 -1 -2 10 -2 10 10 -1 10 Frequency [Hz] 0 10 1