Annual Fred Wert Grant for Collaborative Sustainability Research APPLICATIONS DUE Monday April 20, 2015, 11:59pm Project Title: Applicant's Name: Graduation Date: Faculty/Professional Sponsor: Funding Amount Requested: If available funds are not sufficient, would you accept partial funding? Y / N A completed application consists of this form, your research proposal, a current unofficial transcript, and a recommendation from your faculty/professional sponsor. The sponsor recommendation must be submitted separately by the sponsor via email, using the form below. More information can be found at about/sustainability/Fred_Wert_grant. Applications must be submitted prior to the deadline via email to Joe Abraham at Incomplete applications may not be considered. RESEARCH PROPOSAL Your proposal should be single spaced with reasonable margins, up to a maximum of four pages, and include the following sections. Students may work with their sponsor on the research proposal. 1. Project Description: Explain the purpose of your project. Be specific and direct. Include your anticipated arguments/hypotheses, references to literature relevant to your discipline, and the significance of your research. Be sure to adequately describe the relation of your project to at least one of the “Four E’s” of sustainability—environment, equity, economy, and education. 2. Methods: Describe, as specifically as possible, your research methods (how you will accomplish your project's goals). For example, if your project includes a survey, indicate how you will select a sample population and the ways in which you will analyze your data. If you are conducting a study of literature, provide an annotated bibliography of your principal sources and specify your critical/theoretical approach. For science projects, indicate what lab techniques you will employ and the methods of analysis. 3. Schedule: Provide a specific timetable for implementing the various steps of your research project. 4. Budget: As specifically as possible, provide a budget outline that covers personal expenses, supplies, travel expenses, per diem, or expenses related to attending conventions, festivals, etc. 5. Student Background: Identify your academic courses, extracurricular activities, or other experiences that will enable you to accomplish this project. Be thorough. The information you provide should convince the committee of your interest in and ability to carry out the proposed project. If there are inconsistencies or gaps in your academic record, or additional causes for concern, you should also address those here. 6. Importance to Student: Explain why this project is important to you, and the role it plays in your development--personal, academic, and/or professional. 7. Broader Impacts: Briefly explain any additional consequences or benefits of your project, such as community engagement, collaboration with outside scholars or professionals, etc. Annual Fred Wert Grant for Collaborative Sustainability Research Faculty/Professional Sponsor Form DUE Monday April 20, 2015, 11:59pm Project Title: Applicant's Name: Graduation Date: Faculty/Professional Sponsor: Students applying for funding must submit a research proposal and current unofficial transcript, and work with a faculty/professional sponsor to submit a recommendation using this form. Student may work with their sponsor on the research proposal, but the recommendation is to be independently developed by the sponsor. Thank you for providing thoughtful responses to the following questions and submitting as a word document or .pdf file. More information can be found at about/sustainability/Fred_Wert_grant. A sponsor recommendation form must be submitted by the sponsor, via email, and prior to the deadline to Joe Abraham ( Incomplete or late application materials may not be considered. If you need to provide additional information, please attach to the email with the sponsor recommendation form. SPONSOR RECOMMENDATION QUESTIONS 1. How long, and in what capacity, have you known the applicant? 2. How would you describe the applicant’s academic, intellectual, musical, or artistic abilities? Do you recommend that we fund this project? 3. In your opinion, is the applicant’s proposal feasible? Can it be accomplished as indicated, and is the applicant capable of accomplishing the project with appropriate supervision? 4. How is this project significant to the applicant’s educational development? Does the project represent a contribution to the applicant’s field of interest? 5. The Grant Committee will evaluate the proposal, in part, on whether the sponsor’s background is appropriate to the project. What aspects of your academic background or experience will assist the student in his or her proposed research? 6. Describe your role as sponsor, should the project be funded. Be as specific as possible. 7. Is there additional information or comments that would help the Grant Committee to make its decision?