Associated Students of Willamette University Thursday February 19, 2009, Smullin 129 Senate Agenda 1.0 Call to Order 1.1 2.0 7:02 pm Roll Call 2.1 3.0 Sen. Moore: absent. Sen. Morrison: tardy. Sen. Echeverri: Proxy. Approval of the Minutes 3.1 4.0 Approved. Approval of the Agenda 4.1 Move club (COSO) approval before WEB report. Approved 4.2 Move Collegiate Report up to 7.1.1. Approved 4.3 Agenda Approved. 5.0 COSO clubs for approval: Willamette Dance Company and Willamette Scuba Divers 5.1.1 Willamette Dance Company in charge of putting on a dance every semester. Would like to be an approved club, funding for props and costumes. Also need a Marley floor for safety and traction. To get the floor they need a deposit and would like to get that through ASWU. The money will be refunded when the floor is returned. 5.1.2 Reddy: if the floor does break, who would repay it? 5.1.3 ASWU, but I cant imagine this floor being damaged. 5.1.4 How many people? 6 choreographers, 13 dancers, 1 advisor 5.1.5 Move to approve: Reichert, Second: Tomlinson 5.1.6 Dance Company Club Approved. 5.1.7 Scuba Divers: Rasmussen: move to approve, Adams: Second. Approved. 5.1.8 Adams: COSO already reports on clubs and they are trustworthy. 5.1.9 Reddy: can we get those reports? 5.1.10 VP Helvie: there should be two senators on COSO, so those senators should give reports before the club representatives talk. 6.0 WEB Report 6.1 Saxton: Black Tie this Friday. Lecture on Jazz is going on right now. Angela Davis on Saturday. Willamette’s Got Talent is coming up on March 11th. Putting on the Ritz is coming up, we have tickets. Movies, etc. 6.2 Rasmussen: I want to submit a poster, can I have an extention? 6.3 Saxton: Contact Megan Lloyd who does publicity. Also, we are hoping on getting Ben Kweller for Wullapalooza. 6.4 Morrison: there is a web event called last day of classes extravaganza, what is that? 6.5 Saxton: new WEB tradition, bouncy houses, cotton candy machines, band, fun. 7.0 Officer Reports 7.1 Pres. Smith: Lisa cannot be here, but she is personally following up with Bowers about IFC/PHC/MLK week. Honor Code: will be meeting. Working on project with Gordy and club pres to talk about how we categorize clubs. If you are interested let me know. Board of Trustees retreat this weekend, update next week. 7.2 VP Helvie: Set election dates for exec elections. Info meeting first week of March 2nd and 3rd prob at 5. The elections will be 16th and 17th. Will be sending out an email to campus. Want to have posters made and put on campus. If you have ideas, designs let me know. 7.3 VP Waite: Met with finance board and got two clubs. Working with Bryan Schmidt on storage stuff, more centralized location. If anyone is interested let me know. Also working on WEB endowment stuff 7.4 VP Rice: looking for someone to take over the shuttle. Select someone by next meeting. Looking at next meeting being more unorthodox, restructuring committees. Focusing on our committees. 8.0 Old Business 8.1 ASWU Representative for WEB Hiring Selection 8.1.1 Adams: nominate Sen. Merkel, accepts 8.1.2 Adams: move to vote on Merkel, Second, Approved, one abstention. 8.2 Noah Zaves: the Collegian is now hiring for all positions for next year. If anyone is interested, apply and spread the word. 8.3 Collegian Advisory Board Resolution-Senator Reichert 8.3.1 Motion to limit time for discussion to 15 mins. Approved. Senator Helvie: timer. 8.3.2 The preliminary vote was tabled last week, may happen tonight. 8.3.3 Zaves: there was a misunderstanding and that is why this resolution was published in the Collegian. 8.3.4 Taylor: I don’t think there should be 4 faculty. 8.3.5 Zaves: the majority of CAB will be students, so 4 staff will still be much smaller percentage of the board. Having 4 allows for diversity of perspective. 8.3.6 Taylor: why are they voting members then? 8.3.7 Zaves: we don’t mind them being voting members and they can officially voice their opinion. 8.3.8 Merkel: Move to change it to 2 instead of 4. Bachran: Second. Approved, one nay. 8.3.9 VP Helvie: who selects faculty? Do we need to address that? 8.3.10 Zaves: may I propose that the staff be chosen by Professor Moon and approved by Senate? 8.3.11 VP Waite: I don’t understand why the advisor would chose the staff on the board. It may be a conflict of interests. 8.3.12 Rasmussen: I prefer VP of Admin chose the staff 8.3.13 Zaves: Collegian is fine with that, our concern is finding people willing to participate. 8.3.14 Taylor: is this going to be confirmed by senate if VP admin selects staff? 8.3.15 Merkel: would it be okay for VP Admin to do this? 8.3.16 VP Helvie: yes. I don’t see it being a problem, they could work with Lisa. I think it needs to be written differently, but I can’t suggest a way to write it into the resolution. It may need a different section. 8.3.17 Taylor: Motion to add new section: faculty and staff will be chosen by VP Admin and approved by Senate. 8.3.18 Sen. Bachran: Move to vote. Second. 8.3.19 VP Smith: we have to print the exact version that is written in the Collegian. 8.3.20 Merkel: I’m sure the collegian can take away one of its articles in order to put this in. Or table it until there is adequate space. 8.3.21 Zaves: Would it be okay to email this, or publish it on the ASWU website. 8.3.22 Merkel: Move to publish, or table discussion until further notice. 8.3.23 Zaves: we would appreciate the flexibility to print this if we do have space so I request you do the preliminary vote tonight. VP Rice: its doesn’t have to be a consecutive vote. The timeline is 8.3.24 not set by weeks. 8 8.3.25 Merkel: change motion to vote on resolution. Second. 8.3.26 8 move to approve. 6 opposed. 4 abstentions. 8.3.27 The resolution passes. It will be published then vote again. New Business 8.1 Budget Requests-VP Waite 8.1.5 Waite: BSU asked for 450 for the rights to play a movie. WEB paid for it, this is to pay them back. Classics needed 145 for travel to conferences and a play. 8.1.6 9 Rasmussen: move to approve, Adams: second. Approved. Senator Reports 9.1 Caitlin Rathe 9.1.5 Spirt Cat stuff. Talked with Noah about getting an ASWU blurb in Collegian. Also, we should get more students involved in activities on campus. 9.2 Tej Reddy 9.2.5 Doing stuff with Building Bridges. Connecting BB with TIUA and WU. 9.3 David Taylor 9.3.5 Working on thesis, but will be meeting with Registrar. 9.3.6 Clough: talked to someone and they pay 100 for their transcripts. 9.3.7 Taylor: also want to look into getting the clock fixed. 9.4 Annie Tomlinson 9.4.5 Honor Code stuff. Pet project would be increasing awareness of ASWU on campus. 9.5 Stephen Moore 9.5.5 Absent 9.6 Steven Morrison 9.6.5 Working on Accreditation Committee and trying to come up with a university wide theme. If you have thoughts, let me know. 10 Committee Reports 10.1 Building Bridges 10.1.5 Reichert: There was an article on Tej in the Collegian. 10.1.6 Reddy: had our first meeting. The new format will be more of an organization which will include TIUA/WU students together. Host a lot of events, and involve TIUA students in more planning. Meetings are Wed. at 8. Hosting events in all dorm, looking at dates right now. 10.2 Food 10.2.5 Barr: we didn’t meet this week. Will meet next week with Sustainability to talk about waste reduction. 10.2.6 Bachran: we were doing the waste management over the week and it ended up going up a lot. It increased when TIUA students arrived. 10.3 PubCat 10.3.5 Jones: If you want to help PubCat let us know. Will be meeting this weekend. 10.3.6 Rasmussen: does Adams not have a committee? 10.3.7 VP Rice: next week we will be restructuring the committees. 10.4 SpiritCat 10.4.5 Rasmussen: Matt Alex came to our meeting and was discouraging, but we will keep trying. 10.4.6 Reddy: what events does spiritcat have? 10.4.7 Rathe: we are not a programming committee. 10.5 Sustainability 10.5.5 Reddy: will be having a joint meeting with Food Committee next week. 11 For the Good of the Order 11.1 Pres. Smith: We have been talking as execs about frustrations with ASWU. I really want to push ASWU to take initiative this year. Hopefully we have people run next year because they really want these positions. I think it will help to narrow our focus and have more support. Get the word out about ASWU. Also, I applaud you for your work all year. 11.2 Reddy: could we move committee reports up with Officer Reports? 11.3 VP Rice: yes 11.4 Taylor: add Senator Jackson to list serve. 11.5 Jones. Move to adjourn, Merkel: second. Approved. 12 Adjournment