2012-10-04 Senate Minutes

Associated Students of Willamette University
4 October 2012 – 7pm – Alumni Lounge
Senate Minutes
Call to Order
1.01 The meeting was called to order at 7:02 pm.
Roll Call
2.01 Tardy: Bourque
Approval of the Agenda
3.01 Newcomb Moves to approve, there is a second, approved.
4.0 Honor Council Discussion (featuring guest Dean Don Negri)
4.01 Guzman was asked to go to a meeting about the Honor Code/ Council. Sees a
need for a permanent honor Council. They would be trained to handle cases of
plagiarism. They would deal with these charges in a timely matter. These cases would run
a lot smoother. Associate Dean Negri: two years ago the students voted on the Willamette
Ethic, and this suggested and honor code or a code of conduct for all students. Bob
Hawkinson was the Dean of Campus Life, he had talked about developing this code
many years ago and Tej Reddy took this idea and ran with it. It used to be that if you
were accused of cheating you would see Dean Negri and if you denied the accusation you
would go to the status committee... this procedure has been changed. These appeals now
go to an honor council... which doesn’t exist. Things moved faster on the faculty side
then they did on the student side. The honor council was intended to maintain the
academic integrity of campus. The goal was to get students engaged in being honorable
about their conduct. Students typically don’t appeal, but we did have one happen this
semester. The faculty is asking for ASWUs buy in. We want ASWU to publicize and
spread the word. This must come from the students. Not many students know that this
exists. THere was a website put together for freshmen to sign, this was maybe a mistake
because this should have come from students not from faculty. We are asking students to
lead this. I want to be there not to vote but just to be a resource. We need to develop
procedures and bylaws. Newcomb: If we decide to approve this honor council, this would
only be for students who appealed their accusations? Why not make it for every case?
Negri: right now I meet for every student. the idea would be that the student wouldn’t just
meet with him, but that a member of the studnet honor council would be there too. Many
times students are embarrassed and sorry, and we don’t want to embarass them further.
we want to make this an educational opportunity for students. Yes this would be a good
idea, we need to include students, but the faculty has the ultimate authority. maybe over
time if this honor council shows success they may have more authority. PAte: what is the
follow up process like? Negri: It is not always 100 percent. but we have to go on what
most likely happened. the council then makes a recommendation to the faculty member
that has done the accusing. Pate: after final decisions have been made is there
connections with the students. Negri: we close the loop. This student should give
feedback on the process. Smythe: What do you envision senates role being? are we
writing a constitution? are we nominating council members? Negri: Yes, I would want
you all to appoint the council members, Would also want you to draft the Bylaws, and
edit them if necessary. Briggs: How many students and faculty do you want on this
council? Negri: drafted a complete set of bylaws while working with Tej and Matt
Bateman. These can be given to the committee and edited. ASWU should then approve
the final bylaws. Preference is one or two faculty, and mostly students. just more than
faculty no specific number. Pate: Are there any programs that will be in place that define
plagiarism and cheating? Negri: created a website for the freshmen, this puts the
willamette ethic says check the box if you endorse the ethic and then a series of exercises
to help them learn what plagiarism is, it will reveal the right answers if they are wrong so
that students can be educated. Two cases of freshmen plagiarism came in today that
signed the ethic. Pate: what about having like an opening days seminar? Negri: great idea,
students need to make this happen. Verilion: what if all of this was more interactive,
students talking to each other. Calixtro: This discussion is important, we should focus on
urgency though, and how we will pass it, we need to think about this process will work,
we can wait two weeks to review the bylaws. Kaiser: when senate does things urgently
we make mistakes, we need to take it slow and do things right. Negri: He has to follow
procedure and if there is no council I have to put a couple students on a faculty council
but I want this to be you all. Newcomb: This is very valuable, I agree that this needs to
happen quickly. Underdahl: since this is a resolution if we pass this it couldn’t do much. I
want to put forward that we create a temporary committee and present it to senate in the
next week and then approve it. Saul: WOuld the temporary committee work off of the
bylaws that he has created. Underdahl: suggests that this committee comes up with
nominees from the student body. and creates a basic framework for the bylaws. Pate: we
should start working on urgent cases as well as work on creating a more permanent
committee. Vermilion: why not just approve the resolution? Kaiser: As Negri said, he
wants it in our hands, if we pass the resolution it wont solve the problems head on.
Newcomb: We should pass the resolution and form the committee. Smythe: Leadership
committee should be in charge of compiling bylaws and presenting a proposal next week.
and if we approve this resolution he will continue to go off of his procedure. Guzman: we
pass this. a committee would get started and they would create the bylaws, and we send it
to the stubo. This isn’t just a willamette thing. HOward: we are representatives of them
aren’t we? what happens if a student doesn’t sign the ethic? Pate: the leadership
committee is a good idea, and so is sending it out to the student body. we have a different
perspective. Gilbert: was a part of the Jboard for over a year. it is very similar in a lot of
aspects. If you get writen up it goes to the Jboard. which is made up of students and
faculty. Students ultimately had power, should this only be senators or could it be
anyone. Calixtro: read the bylaw draft, and they are very flawed. suggests one from each
class and have them have different areas of study on the board. resolution should be
approved and leadership should draft bylaws and then appoint students. Underdahl: we
should pass the resolution and forward this issue to the leadership committee and suggest
that they bring us appointments and bylaws by next thirsday so that the people on the
committee can help draft those bylaws. Pate: would it be possible to have the faculty on
the board change for each case instead of having the same two every faculty member
every time. someone from the same department. Smythe: Proposes an amendment to the
resolution saying that the leadership committee will serve on the honor council until this
council is approved. Newcomb moves to vote to amend the resolution. second approved.
Newocmb moves to approve the resolution. second approved. Newcomb moves to close
the speakers list. second approved. Approved the amended resolution.
Officer Reports
5.01 P Calixtro: Met with Mike Moon working on state of the student survey.
recruiting people for breaking bubble event.
5.02 VP Freemen: developing inventory procedure, next round is coming soon,
would like to make some changes on the process, has asked many people for feedback. a
few clubs have asked us to re asses the amounts we have allocated I will be presenting
this next week. proposing this to finance board this week.
5.03 VP Gilbert: working on building bridges. figuring out where we want to go. also
interviewing, and we now have the building bridges director who is hopefully be
approved during new business.
5.04 VP Chand: working on shuttle program and sharecat. also working with WITS.
Newcomb: how far after finals end will there be shuttles? right now only working on
thanksgiving shuttles. Kaiser: can you let freshmen know what it is?
Committee Reports
6.01 Balk: Leadership committee talked about the new aswu logo. we talked about a
way to get a new logo, asking students to upload it on the aswu page, looking for criteria
people might want and maybe incentivize it with Bistro treats. Newcomb: we would have
people send it to us and then post it.
Harding: met with Bateman about building bridges.
7.0. New Business
7.1 CRP Discussion-Tabled til next week
7.2 ASWU Updates in the Collegian
Newcomb: have a consistent article in the collegian every week. What would you
want it to look like, how formal would it be. they would be turned in friday after each
meeting. how would you want this approval to work. Smythe: this would be in a box on
the back page similar to the WEB box. a good format is bullet points. Pate: good to have
bullet points, could it say also why we passed things, pros and cons, how what we have
done will effects students. Just more info as to why things ASWU has done are
important. Newcomb: would I am imagining it is bullet point, why, and how this effects
students. can we have the option to publicize senators also, if senate isn’t super busy.
Pate: maybe there is an opportunity for students to post questions? Briggs: moves to
approve, second, approved.
7.3 Building Bridges Discussion
VP Gilbert: Selected Matthew Bateman as Building bridges director. he has past and
continued experience with ASP students. he has proven leadership in the past. He is
willing to go above and beyond. Student at Large: worked with matthew for building
bridges and he wants to work with building bridges for reconstruction and make it more
rational. the purpose was so vague, and the actual things it has done were very vague and
unclear. Briggs moves to approve, second. approved.8.0.
For the Good of the Order
8.01 Newcomb: will post the newspaper on the facebook
9.01 The meeting was adjourned at 8:02Pm