English 123 group oral presentation.doc

English 123 – Rosichan
Group Oral Presentation on Literary Criticism
25 points
20-minute presentation including follow-up questions & discussion
Groups will briefly present the key terms, concepts, & instructions for
recognizing and writing the type of literary criticism being examined based on the
chapter readings, handouts, etc. Groups should assume everyone has read the
chapter in the book and the material on my webpage but should plan on clarifying
and elaborating on the readings, ensuring the full understanding of the class.
Most importantly, groups will show how such arguments can be applied to
literature, using examples of stories and poems we’ve already read, including the
musical Into the Woods.
Feel free to use the media available in the room or bring in poster board, etc.
Don’t let them dominate, however. Reading from notes or from PowerPoint does
not demonstrate understanding of the material or even equal participation in the
preparation. Instead, use notes and/or PowerPoint to help guide both you and the
audience through your presentation.
Plan on providing handouts, including:
A “cheat” sheet about the key terms, concepts, and techniques that are
used in this type of literary criticism (Be sure to acknowledge the sources
you used in a correct MLA-style Works Cited page. URL’s only are never
enough and in fact these days, URL’s are rarely even included.)
Instruction on how to apply this literary criticism to literature: particularly
the types of questions it raises and/or concerns it focuses on.
Demonstration of the application of the theory to one or more of the works
we’ve read so far, such as questions that the literary theory would raise,
claims it would make, and evidence it would draw upon for support, and
especially how it would interpret that evidence, etc.
Grading will be based on the demonstration of the following:
Preparedness & Participation
Comprehension of material
Clarity, relevance, and interest of the presentation
Grading Rubric
 Material presented is relevant, informative, and engaging.
 Good understanding of the material is demonstrated.
 The presentation is well organized and clearly, thoroughly, and effectively
 Appropriate media are used effectively, including clear, informative handouts and
engaging interactive activities.
 The student participates fully and equally in the presentation.
B – MEETS EXPECTATIONS (20-22 points)
 Material presented is informative but may lack detail or relevance.
 Some understanding of the material is demonstrated but with possible gaps.
 The presentation is somewhat organized and mostly clear but may be inconsistent.
 Appropriate media are used, including handouts and class activities.
 The student participates in the presentation but possibly to a lesser degree than others in
the group.
 Material presented lacks relevance or specificity.
 The presentation demonstrates minimal understanding of the material.
 The presentation lacks organization.
 The presentation may rely too heavily on media, mostly just reading from notes or
PowerPoint. Handouts may be minimal or late (not copied in time for the presentation)
 The student participates minimally in the presentation.
 There is very little or no participation in the presentation.
 Presenters came unprepared.
 Presenters provided no handouts.