HEOC 100 Syllabus Summer 2011

HEOC 100
Instructor Information
Dorene Adams RN, MSN
Course Description
This course is a one semester basic study of human anatomy and physiology
Course Objectives
As a result of successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
Explain the structure and function of cells
Describe the chemical reactions that occur in metabolism
List and describe the location and components of the four major tissue types
• Explain the balance of water, electrolytes and fluid distribution in compartments
human body
of the
Name, compare and diagram the parts and functions of each organ and organ system
If you are unable to purchase the textbook and/or workbook immediately, there is one of each on
reserve in the NVC library for your personal use.
Required: Essentials of Human Anatomy & Physiology – Elaine N. Marieb; Benjamin
Cummings (Pearson), Tenth Edition, 2012
HIGHLY Recommended: Anatomy & Physiology Coloring Workbook: A Complete Study
Guide –Elaine N. Marieb; Benjamin Cummings (Pearson), Tenth Edition, 2012
Course Schedule (please read this part very carefully)
The information for all Module’s will become available at 0800 on the June 13th. The entire
course will open thereby enabling you to work ahead if you are so inclined. All assignments for
each module will be due at 2359 on the dates listed below. There are 2-3 Module’s due every
week on Sunday’s in this abbreviated course. It is your responsibility to keep track of these
dates as no assignments will be accepted after the due date has passed. Note that the Midterm
and Final exam’s are due earlier. Please make note of all these dates and write them down. If
you have a trip or personal event scheduled, work ahead so that you won’t miss assignments as I
Introduction to Anatomy and Physiology Syllabus Summer 2011
HEOC 100 Anatomy & Physiology Online
do not allow any make-up’s. If you get behind in this course, it is unlikely that you will be able
to recover because there is a great deal of content to cover in less than eight weeks.
Due Dates
Module 1
June 19
Chapter 1-The Human Body: An Orientation
Essay Questions Chapter 1
Syllabus Examination
Chapter 2-Basic Chemistry
Essay Questions Chapter 2
Chapter 1
Class BBQ Discussion
Chapter 2
Module 2
June 19
Chapter 3-Cells and Tissues
Essay Questions Chapter 3
Chapter 3
Module 3
June 26
Chapter 4-Skin and Body Membranes
Essay Questions Chapter 4
Chapter 4
Module 4
June 26
Chapter 5-The Skeletal System
Essay Questions Chapter 5
Chapter 5
Module 5
June 26
Chapter 6-The Muscular System
Essay Questions Chapter 6
Chapter 6
Module 6
July 3
Chapter 7-The Nervous System
Essay Questions Chapter 7
Chapter 7
Module 7
July 3
Chapter 8-Special Senses
Essay Questions Chapter 8
Chapter 8
Midterm Examination-Chapter’s 1-8
Midterm Examination
July 6
Module 8
July 10
Chapter 9 -The Endocrine System
Essay Questions Chapter 9
Chapter 9
Module 9
July 10
Chapter 10-Blood
Essay Questions Chapter 10
Chapter 10
Module 10
July 17
Chapter 11 -The Cardiovascular System
Essay Questions Chapter 11
Chapter 11
Module 11
July 17
Chapter 12-The Lymphatic System and Body
Essay Questions Chapter 12
Chapter 12
Introduction to Anatomy and Physiology Syllabus Summer 2011
HEOC 100 Anatomy & Physiology Online
Due Dates
Module 12
July 24
Chapter 13-The Respiratory System
Essay Questions Chapter 13
Chapter 13
Module 13
July 24
Chapter 14-The Digestive System
Essay Questions Chapter 14
Chapter 14
Module 14
July 31
Chapter 15 -The Urinary System
Essay Questions Chapter 15
Chapter 15
Module 15
July 31
Chapter 16 -The Reproductive System
Essay Questions Chapter 16
Chapter 16
Wednesday, Final Examination - Chapter’s 9-16
August 3
Final Examination
Grading Policy
The final letter grade for the course will be determined by the number of points earned in the
following areas. Please note that if you miss a total of 4 assignments at any point, you may be
un-enrolled. If this occurs, you will need to drop the course through the OAR or you will receive
an “F” grade at the end of the semester. The grade book can be found under “Course Tools”
within the course. Click on your grade in the grade book in order to read personal comments I
may have written.
1. Module Essay Assignments:
For each chapter, you will find 5 essay questions based on
the information found in your studies. Please type out the answers to these questions in a saved
document on your computer. Once completed, copy and paste your work directly into the
appropriate column within the Blackboard course. Please do not attach it as a file. Be sure to
number each answer and format it appropriately. Credit will be deducted if I have difficulty
reading your submission. Each question is worth 10 points for a total of 800 points in the
course. If you turn your work in late, you will have credit deducted. I highly encourage all
students to submit work early.
2. Module Examinations: A total of 17 examinations will be given, one for each chapter and
one for the syllabus. Chapter Examinations have 25 multiple-choice questions and are worth 75
points each for a total of 1200 points in the course. You will have one hour to complete each
exam. Time starts the second you open the exam. If you log off for any reason, the timer will
continue. If you take more than that time, you will have 1 point deducted for each minute you go
over at the end of the semester. The syllabus exam is the only exam that is not timed and is
scored as extra credit :o)
Introduction to Anatomy and Physiology Syllabus Summer 2011
HEOC 100 Anatomy & Physiology Online
3. Midterm Examination: The midterm exam consists of 100 questions, includes Chapters 1
through 8 and is worth 500 points. You will have three hours to complete this multiple-choice
exam. Time starts the second you open the exam. If you log off for any reason, the timer will
continue. If you take more than that time, you will have 1 point deducted for each minute you go
over at the end of the semester. NOTE: The midterm exam is due early on Wednesday, July
6th at 2359.
4. Final Examination: The final exam consists of 100 questions, includes Chapters 9-16 and is
worth 500 points. You will have three hours to complete this multiple-choice exam. Time starts
the second you open the exam. If you log off for any reason, the timer will continue. If you take
more than that time, you will have 1 point deducted for each minute you go over at the end of the
semester. NOTE: The final exam is due early on Wednesday, August 3rd at 2359.
There are many excellent resources available to you for this course. It is HIGHLY
RECOMMENDED that you use several of these resources. The coloring workbook is indeed
amazing and will surely increase your final grade if you use it wisely. In the Blackboard course
you will find Powerpoint slides for each chapter, animations, games, puzzles and interactive
videos that reinforce the text content. I also suggest anatomy flash cards, they are even available
in digital formats for your smart devices. The more different ways you are exposed to the
material, the better you will remember it.
There is a “Help” threaded discussion integrated into each Module of the course. These are
provided so that you have a place to come with questions or concerns. Please use them to not
only ask questions, but also to help each other out. The best way to learn is to teach :o) There is
also a “Class BBQ” and “So long...farewell” discussion placed in the first and final Module. Use
them for personal discussions.
The discussions are all ungraded and optional.
The grade book opens after the end date once all items have been graded. Your grades on all
work can be reviewed then. Click on your grade to read any comments I have made. Please note
that Module Essay questions are graded during the following week that they are due.
If you have any concerns or issues with the grade that you received on any assignment, you must
contact me within one week of the original grade posting. If you do not contact me within that
period, then your grade will remain as it was originally posted.
Course Policies and Procedures
Plagiarism is not tolerated on any level. Unless you personally wrote the information, using the
"cut and paste" feature on your computer constitutes plagiarism. All responses must be written
using your own interpretation of the material read. For the first offense, you will receive a failing
grade for the assignment. The second offense results in a failing grade for the course and referral
to the Dean. Please don't plagiarize....
Introduction to Anatomy and Physiology Syllabus Summer 2011
HEOC 100 Anatomy & Physiology Online
Whenever there is an announcement you need to read it. Any changes to assignments, tests, or
schedules will be posted there. Read them every time you log into the course.
I will expect that you have read the announcements and I will conduct the class accordingly.
When you email me, please put your full name, course title and section number in the subject
line. If you do not give me this information, I will not know who you are and will not be able to
help you. If you fail to provide this information, your email will be deleted. I have too many
students to look for you.
Technical Difficulties
If you are experiencing any problems accessing the course, you will need to contact the Helpdesk
The Helpdesk is available during normal school hours. They are much more knowledgeable
about technical problems than I am, therefore they will be able to help you quicker. You may
wish to contact me to keep me informed of the situation, however.
You need to remember that computers and servers sometimes go down. The Blackboard server
is very reliable, however you may have a problem with your Internet Service Provider (AOL,
SBC, etc.) or with your Browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari, etc.). Please do not wait
until the last minute to attempt to turn in your assignments, as you can be sure that is when
something will not be working. I highly recommend that you submit your work at least 24
hours early. That way, if there is a problem, I will have time to help you. If you do not give
me at least 24 hours, you are on your own. I do not accept technical difficulties as reasons for
late or incomplete assignments. If you are having a problem with your own equipment, you
may use any computer that has Internet access, such is in the college library or at local public
libraries. Please, just turn your work in early.
Good luck and I hope you enjoy the course :o)
Introduction to Anatomy and Physiology Syllabus Summer 2011
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