PART II AFFIRMATIVE ACTION PLAN SEPTEMBER 1, 2007 - AUGUST 31, 2008 Page 1 of 48 TABLE OF CONTENTS I. EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY (EEO) ............................ 3 A. Equal Employment Opportunity Policy ......................................................... 3 B. Sexual Harassment Policy ........................................................................... 4 II. DELEGATION OF AUTHORITY OF AFFIRMATIVE ACTION - EEO OFFICER ........................................................................................ 6 III. ORGANIZATIONAL CHART .......................................................... 7 IV. FY07 AFFIRMATIVE ACTION PLAN (AAP) PROGRAM ACCOMPLISHMENTS .............................................................. 8-26 A. Introduction B. Noteworthy Activities & Initiatives C. FY07 Workforce Analysis by EEO Job Categories V. FY08 AFFIRMATIVE ACTION PLAN - INITIATIVES & OBJECTIVES ............................................................................... 27 A. FY08 Job Group Goals .............................................................................. 27 B. FY08 AAP Recruitment Programs .............................................................. 27 APPENDIX A - FISCAL YEAR 2008 WORKFORCE ANALYSIS BY OCCUPATIONAL CATEGORY .................................................................. 30 APPENDIX B - PROMOTION, SEPARATION & HIRING ANALYSIS ........ 31 APPENDIX C - TERMINATION ANALYSIS ............................................... 39 APPENDIX D - FY07 DISCRIMINATION COMPLAINTS ANALYSIS ........ 41 APPENDIX E - SALARY BY OCCUPATIONAL CATEGORY (EEO-4) ...... 43 APPENDIX F - FY07 RECRUITMENT & HIRING ANALYSIS .................... 47 APPENDIX G - SPECIAL REPORTS (Historical Workforce Utilization) ..... 48 Page 2 of 48 I. EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY (EEO) A. Equal Employment Opportunity Policy TxDOT is an equal employment opportunity employer and is committed to providing fair and equal treatment of all employees without regard to race, color, age, religion, sex, national origin or disability. This commitment also applies to applicants for employment, vendors, contractors and their employees, customers and the general public. TxDOT is committed to complying with all equal employment opportunity (EEO) requirements, laws and regulations. TxDOT is committed to hiring qualified applicants who reflect the diversity of the state’s available workforce, as well as retaining and promoting eligible and deserving employees. TxDOT fosters a work environment free of discrimination and harassment. The Office of Civil Rights Director is responsible for the development and implementation of TxDOT’s Affirmative Action Plan (AAP), as well as the monitoring and reporting of EEO activities. All district engineers, division and office directors, EEO officers and coordinators, managers and supervisors are responsible for the compliance and enforcement of EEO and AAP programs and activities. ________________________________ Amadeo Saenz, Jr., P.E. Executive Director Page 3 of 48 _________________________ Date B. Sexual Harassment Policy The department does not allow, condone or tolerate sexual harassment by anyone in the workplace. Sexual harassment - unwelcome sexual or gender-based conduct that has the purpose or effect of creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive work environment; unreasonably interferes with work performance; or is made a term or condition of employment; or used as the basis for an employment decision. Unwelcome conduct - conduct that an employee does not solicit or initiate and that the employee regards as undesirable and offensive. 1. Reporting Sexual Harassment Employees who witness any incident that appears to be a violation of the department policy on sexual harassment will report the incident to their immediate supervisor, HRO, DE/DD/OD, or the Office of Civil Rights. Employees who feel they are being subjected to sexual harassment by their peers or co-workers will report the incident to their immediate supervisor, HRO, DE/DD/OD, or the Office of Civil Rights. Employees who feel they are being subjected to sexual harassment by their immediate supervisor or any other supervisor or manager should report such concerns directly to a higher level of management, as appropriate, or file a complaint with the Office of Civil Rights. (See Chapter 9, “Problem Resolution.”) Supervisors or HROs will report behavior or allegations that may be regarded as sexual harassment to their DE/DD/OD. DE/DD/ODs or designees will ensure all sexual harassment complaints are promptly reported to the Office of Civil Rights and prior to any investigation. NOTE: Employees who report sexual harassment are protected against retaliation by state and federal laws. Page 4 of 48 2. Posting of Notices and Training All employees will be made aware of issues concerning sexual harassment in the workplace through New Employee Orientation (NEO) Training. All districts, divisions and offices are required to post notices on employee bulletin boards. In addition, state law requires discrimination and sexual harassment supplemental training every two years (after the date of hire) for current employees. Page 5 of 48 II. DELEGATION OF AUTHORITY OF AFFIRMATIVE ACTION - EEO OFFICER The Executive Director is responsible for efficiently and effectively leading all aspects of the department. This includes EEO and implementation of the department's policies, programs and operating strategies consistent with federal and state laws, as well as regulations and directives issued by the commission. The OCR Director: Serves as the department’s designated EEO Officer; Manages the department's grievance, compliance and investigation processes, resulting from internal and external complaints; Interprets EEO/Civil Rights case law and internal policy; Disseminates information to management staff; and Manages internal EEO-related matters. The Investigation Section Director: manages and oversees the agency’s grievance and investigation processes; establishes procedures; and monitors the progress of investigations. The Diversity Program Coordinator develops and disseminates the agency's annual Affirmative Action Plan (AAP), EEO Quarterly Activity Reports and all other state and federally-mandated EEO reports. The Human Resources Division (HRD) Director oversees all human resources activities for the department, including classification, employee relations and recruitment. The Employment Opportunities Section (EOS) Director manages the Conditional Grant Program, the Transportation and Civil Engineering Recruitment Programs and the central employment office. The Training, Quality and Development (TQD) Section Director oversees all training activity for the department, including developing and delivering policy and staff development courses. Each District designates an internal and external EEO Coordinator. Each Division/Office designates an internal Title VII EEO Coordinator, and those divisions subject to Title VI requirements also appoint external EEO Coordinators. These coordinators are responsible for integrating all aspects of the AAP and EEO activities within their particular organizations. Page 6 of 48 III. ORGANIZATIONAL CHART Page 7 of 48 IV. FY07 AFFIRMATIVE ACTION PLAN (AAP) PROGRAM ACCOMPLISHMENTS A. Introduction TxDOT's AAP is implemented and monitored on a fiscal-year basis with three main objectives: 1. Ensure that TxDOT has an aggressive Affirmative Action (AA) program which incorporates the most advanced concepts and monitoring methodologies available; 2. Ensure that the AA program complies fully with all applicable federal/state statutes and judicial decisions; and 3. Ensure that the AA program actively involves each district, division and office in the development, implementation and compliance monitoring of goals, objectives, guidelines and other applicable procedures. The AAP is prepared by OCR and approved by the Executive Director. The plan specifies goals, objectives and guidelines pertaining to: Achieving workforce parity with available labor force within the state; Achieving and maintaining equity in employment and training opportunities for employees; Selecting employees for promotion; Participating in departmental educational assistance programs; Resolving employee problems and grievances; and Making reasonable employment accommodations in the event of injury or disability. Monitoring of the AA program includes: Quarterly reports to OCR for tracking and analysis; Action plans developed to correct deficiencies; Monitoring procedures capable of objectively evaluating all equal employment opportunity programs and policies affecting employees; and Quarterly assessments of the AA program with reports to Administration and DEs/DDs/ODs. Filling vacancies in the Professional and Technician job categories presented a challenge due to the demand for similar jobs in the private industry. A decline in the available workforce in some of the larger urban areas also contributed to the difficulty in filling vacancies in these categories. Page 8 of 48 B. Noteworthy Activities & Initiatives OCR conducted 32 Advisory Information Module Series (AIMS) presentations that provided EEO and employee relations information to include Cultural Diversity and Creating a Positive Work Environment. A total of 733 employees attended the 32 presentations in 9 districts, as well as 1 division. OCR participated in 17 New Employee Orientation (NEO) Training classes. Courses presented: Sexual Harassment and Grievances policies and procedures. An HRD TQD development team was formed in April 2006 to develop a fundamental supervisor course for all department supervisors and lead workers with less than two years experience, as well as those who require refresher training. The course (Practical Supervision) includes case studies and class exercises in the areas of Affirmative Action, Employment Law, Disciplinary Actions and Best Practices of Supervisors. It was piloted in August and September 2007 and is currently scheduled to be taught in each district and division a minimum of three times in FY08. C. FY07 Workforce Analysis by EEO Job Categories 1. The benchmark for the total number of regular, full-time department employees was 14,575. The benchmark was taken on September 13, 2006: TxDOT Beginning Workforce Comparison: Minorities represented 33.77% or 4,922 employees; Females represented 23.84% of the workforce or 3,474 employees; Hispanics represented 23.25% or 3,389 employees; Blacks represented 8.13% or 1,185 employees; Asian/Pacific Islanders represented 1.98% or 288 employees; and American Indians/Alaskan Natives represented 0.41% of the workforce or 60 employees. Page 9 of 48 Page 10 of 48 3. Page 11 of 48 Page 12 of 48 Page 13 of 48 Page 14 of 48 3. Salary Job Category Comparison The FY06/FY07 EEO-4 salary classification comparison located in Appendix E indicates an increase in women and minorities from the lower classification levels into the two higher salary classification levels. The Professional, Technician and Skill Craft categories had the most minority and female increases in FY07. More minorities and females moved to the top two salary classification levels within the Administrative Support category than in FY06. More females moved to the top two salary classification levels within the Service/Maintenance category than in FY06. 4. Publicizing the AAP Internal Dissemination The AAP was posted on the department’s intranet web page and is accessible to TxDOT employees. Portions of the plan are also made available through various internal meetings and forums: Workforce Availability Analysis Report. This AAP report was used by district EEO Coordinators and recruiters to identify job categories that are underutilized locally. NEO Training. Conducted by HRD-TQD every three weeks for districts, divisions and offices, new employees are informed of department policies and procedures. A total of 1233 employees were trained in FY07. Training Coordinator Workshop. In June 2007 HRD-TQD conducted a workshop with representatives from every district and the majority of divisions and offices. Among the topics covered were the mandatory training requirements and compliance related to AAP programs. District Visits. The department's EEO Policy was reviewed with District Engineers, Directors of Administration and EEO Coordinators in the Austin, San Antonio, Beaumont and Ft Worth districts. The review included policy, reporting and analyzing EEO data. It also identified the goals and objectives of hiring managers and supervisors. Page 15 of 48 EEO Compliance Training. Held in August 2007, this workshop covered Title VII-related issues, court cases, grievance procedures and other changes in federal civil rights laws. Total attendance was 36 and included district/division/office managers and supervisors. Department Bulletin Boards. The EEO and Sexual Harassment policies are displayed on bulletin boards throughout the department and are also available on TxDOT's website. External Dissemination The AAP was posted on the department’s internet web page and is accessible to contractors, minority groups and organizations, the transportation industry and the public. 5. FY07 Accomplishments Organization and Resources Goals and objectives for FY07 were achieved by utilizing the following resources: Office of Civil Rights (OCR): The Special Projects Coordinator oversees the OCR daily administration and financial duties, including research, managing special projects and compiling reports. The Investigators conduct internal discrimination (Title VII), nondiscrimination and external discrimination (Title VI) investigations; disseminate EEO information via district visits; and provide other business-related assistance. The Information Specialist develops, disseminates, coordinates and presents EEO information, including the Advisory Information Module Series (AIMS) and participates in the agency's NEO Training. Human Resources Division (HRD): HRD Employment Opportunities Section Recruiters (EOS) provide assistance with all program activities, including the Conditional Grant and Transportation & Civil Engineering Programs; assist assigned districts with recruitment activities; coordinate and attend selected recruiting events. Page 16 of 48 HRD Training, Quality & Development (TQD) Section provides training programs for technical skills; management and supervisor development; educational and college degree assistance; and regulatory workshops and awareness. Quality Management provides teambuilding seminars, meeting facilitations and assists all DDO functions with national transportation awards submissions. The American with Disabilities Act (ADA) Coordinator develops and administers the department’s ADA Program; interprets and revises policies and procedures; and advises department personnel on ADA. Districts, Divisions & Offices Recruitment Team Members provide statewide recruiting assistance to HRD EOS recruiters. Members include engineering and information system personnel from each district/division/office. Page 17 of 48 FY07 GOALS/OBJECTIVES Distribute discrimination and harassment policies to all employees. Monitor and evaluate AAP programs. Distribute job postings to female and minority organizations to diversify applicant pool. Inform all hiring supervisors of goals to improve underutilization of women and minorities. Report all EEO activities to OCR. Conduct outreach and recruitment efforts to female and minority organizations. Conduct four district visits to discuss department AAP goals. Update availability analysis to identify all underutilized groups of women and minorities of the four districts selected for visits. Increase outreach and recruitment efforts in districts with identified underutilization in ethnic and gender groups. RESPONSIBLE OFFICIAL(S) TARGET DATE OCR & Finance Aug07 OCR Quarterly EEO Quarterly reports completed by all districts. Quarterly See page 22, item 4(i). District HROs & EEO Coordinators District DEs & Hiring Supervisors District HROs & EEO Coordinators District HROs & EEO Coordinators Aug07 FINAL STATUS Accomplished; Distributed August 31st. Accomplished; Distributed via email to all districts by August 31st. Quarterly Received all 4th Quarter EEO reports from districts. Quarterly See pages 21, item 4(h). OCR/District DEs Aug07 Visited four districts: BMT, FTW, SAT and AUS. OCR/District HROs & EEO Coordinators Nov06 Completed; All analyses (4) updated with new data and forwarded to each respective district. OCR/District HROs & EEO Coordinators Quarterly See page 21, item 4(h); page 22, item 4(i); & Appendix A. HROs/EEO Coordinators & Hiring Supervisors Quarterly Ongoing OCR Annual OCR & HRD Quarterly Participated in 5 NEO Training classes. Monitor and evaluate AIMS presentations. OCR Quarterly Conducted 7 presentations. Update remaining district availability analyses. OCR Dec06 Monitor and follow-up on previous district visits. Dallas District & OCR Quarterly Monitor and follow-up on previous district visits. Houston District & OCR Quarterly Monitor and evaluate mandatory state supplemental EEO/Sexual Harassment Training. Provide EEO Compliance training for managers and supervisors. Monitor and evaluate NEO EEO/Sexual Harassment Training. Page 18 of 48 Accomplished August 30th; 36 attendees. Completed; Remaining 21 FY07 District Availability Analyses received. District had overall increases in (1) Females: Office Clerical and (2) Minorities: Professional, Technical, Office/Clerical & Skilled Craft. District had overall increases in (1) Minorities: Professional, Tech, Office/Clerical, Service Maint. and (2) Females: Office/Clerical & Service Maint. 6. FY07 Workforce Analysis As of August 31, 2007, TxDOT had a total of 14,476 full-time employees: Minorities represented 33.88% or 4,905 employees; Females represented 24.10% or 3,489 employees; Hispanics represented 23.42% or 3,390 employees; Blacks represented 8.09% or 1,168 employees; Asian/Pacific Islanders represented 1.96% or 283 employees; and American Indians/Alaskan Natives represented 0.44% of the workforce or 64 employees. There was a mixed number of categories that increased employment in both percentages and numbers since the beginning of the fiscal year. The female category increased in percentages and numbers. Overall, the minority categories increased in percentages, but decreased in numbers. There were increases in the Hispanic and American Indians/Alaskan Natives categories in both percentages and numbers. There were a total of 46,486 applications, resulting in 1,467 new hires, which included 564 minorities and 356 females. 7. Complaints of Discrimination OCR investigated 4 discrimination grievances based on race in FY07. TWC conducted required EEO Compliance Training on August 30, 2007. There were 36 TxDOT managers and supervisors in attendance. Page 19 of 48 8. FY07 AAP Recruitment & Hiring Programs The Employment Opportunities Section (EOS) expanded recruitment to colleges, universities and other state organizations that have high Black and other minority-focused enrollment: Tennessee State University; Alabama A&M University; and the National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE) Conference. a. College Cooperative Education Program - Planned and progressive learning process that integrates academic studies with supervised work experience. Recruited and hired two participants: 1 Hispanic male and 1 Asian/Pacific Islander female. b. Conditional Grant Program - Department financial opportunity for students; assists in providing higher education for eligible candidates and enhances department recruitment opportunities. A total of 28 recipients: 12 Hispanic males; 5 Hispanic females; 6 White males; 1 Asian/Pacific Islander female; 2 Black females; 2 Black males. (78.6% minority: 71.4% males; 28.6% females). c. College Internship Program - Introduces transportation-related career opportunities to college and graduate-level students. Participants: 2 Hispanic males. d. E.J. Conrad Leadership Program - Provides department summer internships and career opportunities for students who attend a fouryear college/university and reside in the Dallas/Ft Worth Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA). Hired 1 Black male student. e. High School Co-op Program - Provides students job experience by working in a TxDOT professional environment. Recruited 4 participants: 1 White female; 3 White males. f. Temporary Hiring Program (Directive 2-94) - Develops effective OJT training and cross-training for underutilized EEO groups and positions. A total of 279 employees: 141 White males; 36 White females; 48 Hispanic males; 31 Hispanic females; 13 Black males; 8 Black females; 1 American Indian male; 1 American Indian female (36.6% minorities: 72.7% males; 27.3% females). g. Texas Pre-Freshman Engineering (TexPREP) Program - Provides program support to institutions. Recruited and hired 21 college students: 91% minority; 52% female; 8% non-minority. Page 20 of 48 h. Recruitment and Career Fairs: o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o University of Houston NSBE Technology Fair, Fall 2006 Lamar University Career Fair, Fall 2006 TX A&M Engineering Fair, Fall 2006 University of Arkansas Career Fair, Fall 2006 New Mexico State University Career Fair, Fall 2006 University of TX/San Antonio Career Fair, Fall 2006 Huston Tillotson University Career Fair, Fall 2006 Southern University Career Fair, Fall 2006 Prairie View A&M Career Fair, Fall 2006 University of Texas/Austin Engineering Fair, Fall 2006 University of Texas/Austin Natural Science Fair, Fall 2006 Tennessee State University Technical Fair, Fall 2006 Louisiana Tech Career Fair Fall, 2006 Texas State University Job Fair, Fall 2006 Texas Tech University Engineering Fair, Fall 2006 Alabama A&M Career Fair, Fall 2006 TX A&M/Kingsville Career Fair, Fall 2006 Amarillo Job Fair, Fall 2006 Jarvis Christian College Career Day, Fall 2006 West Texas A&M Career Fair, Fall 2006 TX A&M Engineering Fair, Spring 2007 New Mexico State University Career Fair, Spring 2007 University of Texas/Austin Engineering Career Fair, Spring 2007 University of Texas/Austin Natural Science Career Fair, Spring 2007 Louisiana State University Career Expo, Spring 2007 Southern University Career Fair, Spring 2007 Texas Tech University Engineering Fair, Spring 2007 Southern Methodist University Career Fair, Spring 2007 University of Houston NSBE Career Fair, Spring 2007 North Alabama Connection Professional Day Fair, Spring 2007 University of TX /Arlington Engineering Fair, Spring 2007 Galveston Chamber of Commerce/Ron Paul Career Fair, Winter 2007 Texas State University Job Expo, Spring 2007 Lamar University Invitational Job Fair, Spring 2007 Eastfield College Fair, Spring 2007 Jarvis Christian College Fair, Spring 2007 St Edwards University Fair, Spring 2007 Houston Area Texas Job Fair, Spring 2007 University of TX/San Antonio Career Fair, Spring 2007 Huston-Tillotson University Job Fair, Spring 2007 University of Arizona Career Days, Spring 2007 Georgia Association of Colleges & Employers Fair, Spring 2007 Amarillo Career Fair, Spring 2007 Prairie View A&M Career Fair Spring 2007 Page 21 of 48 i. District Outreach - Community outreach to institutions and organizations that encourage minority and women applicants: Ft Worth (FTW) - Weatherford College Job Fair, Tarrant County Colleges; Dept of Human Sevices; Workforce Commission; Goodwill; National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP); Tarrant County Employee Network; CCI Training Center; Tarrant County College, Veterans Outreach; Texas A&M Career Placement; TCU Career Placement; FTW Hispanic Chamber of Commerce; Women's Center of Tarrant County; Minority Opportunity News; UT Arlington; Weatherford College; UT Tyler & Tarleton State University. Dallas (DAL) - Atlanta GA University Consortium; UT Arlington; UT El Paso; Prairie View A&M; City of Dallas; Hispanic Chamber of Commerce; Hispanic & Asian high schools; Asian Chamber of Commerce. Beaumont (BMT) - Lamar University Career Fair; Region V High School Career Fair. Bryan (BRY) - Job announments listed with TWC; minority community outreach organizations such as the League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC); NAACP. Laredo (LRD) - UT Pan American; Sam Houston State University; Southwest Texas Junior College; Sul Ross State University; TX A&M Kingsville. Tyler (TYL) - Prairie View A&M University Career Planning & Outreach Service; Goodwill-OIT; ITT Technical Institute; Ernest Deckard/NAACP; Tyler Junior College/TX Deaf & Hearing Assoc. Paris (PAR) - TX A&M Engineering Extension; Viola Chapter #98; NAACP; Goodwill Industries; Les Belles Parisian Club; 4 minority church pastors (Greenville and Bonham). Local newspapers ads; internet; posted flyers at local businesses. San Angelo (SJT) - San Angelo Chamber of Commerce; San Angelo Human Resources Association; Association of MexicanAmerican Students; LULAC; Council #637; San Angelo Stock Show & Rodeo (special event). Corpus Christi (CC) - Mexican American Democrats; NAACP; CC Bay Area Minority Commission; CC Area Council for the Deaf. Page 22 of 48 9. FY07 Employee Training & Development A sampling of courses delivered to department employees are shown below. At the time of this report, a department-wide summary of training completed was not available. Professional Ethics & Fundamentals of Ethics - 1,095 employees (majority managers/supervisors). Maintenance Section Supervisors - 38 supervisors to improve management and supervisory skills. Crew Leader Course (NEW) - 176 crew leaders for all districts. Maintenance Office Managers Course - 243 office managers. The Learning Content Management System (i-Way): 1. High usage rate throughout the department with over 400 on-line course titles available. Courses added: Project Management, Conflict Resolution, Business Ethics, Management and Leadership Skills. 2. Interviewing & Hiring Training: Required for all managers and supervisors. This class included policy information on EEO, AA and diversity. There were 186 managers and supervisors who attended for FY07 and 242 managers and supervisors accessed and completed the on-line I&H refresher, pre-assessment course. In August 2007 TQD began a mentoring and coaching program for its Engineering Assistants (EA’s) through a new Professional Development Advisor (PDA) program. Three PDA’s have been contracted (retired department engineers) to provide on-site mentoring and coaching to promote an accelerated timeline for licensure of professional engineers. HRD TQD provided the department 1,504 instructor-led courses, providing 324,026 contact hours of training for 20,927 employees. HRD TQD provided 353 on-line training courses available to all department employees; completed 21,099 course sessions, representing 36,737 on-line training contact hours. Page 23 of 48 9. FY06 & FY07 Non-Competitive Promotion Analysis (Performance-Based) The department had a decrease in female (14.77%) and an increase in minority (7.76%) non-competitive promotions. JOB CATEGORY Total WM WF BM BF HM HF AA/PI M AA/PI F AI/AN M AI/AN F Women Minority 3 6 2 1 2 1 1 4 1 1 - - 1 1 - - - - - 787 788 269 282 225 273 362 329 180 186 25 38 23 13 112 111 51 64 18 27 11 18 1 1 4 1 467 572 80 89 387 201 264 313 49 58 21 37 6 7 93 123 21 19 7 8 3 2 2 2 1 3 5 - 1 4 - 1 - - - - - - - 95 98 79 91 29 37 6 4 60 57 4 - 4 6 6 3 15 27 - 1 - - 529 516 8 9 173 196 349 316 7 4 37 37 1 132 154 1 4 2 - - 1 - - 2 3 - 2 1 - 2 - - 2 - - - - - Total Previous FY06 1883 438 816 982 297 89 33 343 89 27 14 4 5 Total Current FY07 1998 - 472 7.76 35 29.63 21 50.0 3 <25.0> 4 <20.0> Officials/Administrators Previous FY06 Current FY07 Professionals Previous FY06 Current FY07 Technicians Previous FY06 Current FY07 Protective Service Previous FY06 Current FY07 Office/Clerical Previous FY06 Current FY07 Skilled Craft Previous FY06 Current FY07 Service/Maintenance Previous FY06 Current FY07 % Movement +/- 711 971 <14.77> <1.13> 306 3.03 Page 24 of 48 113 27 394 114 26.97 <22.22> 14.87 28.09 10. Separations Separations accounted for a workforce reduction of approximately 1,625 or 11.23% of the ending workforce. Separations (1,625) outpaced New Hires (1,467). The top three reasons were: 1. Personal Reasons (589 employees or 36.25%). 2. Retirement (346 employees or 21.29%). 3. Inadequate Salary (281 employees or 17.29%). Separations of minorities accounted for 591 or 36.37% of the workforce; women accounted for 357 or 21.97%. The EEO job categories with the highest separations: Skilled Craft (29.48%) Technician (27.32) Professional (25.97%) Service Maintenance (8.25%) There were a total number of 1,625 separations; 244 (15.02%) involuntary separations. Involuntary separations accounted for 40.57% minorities and 18.85% women. 11. Program Evaluations The district, division and office EEO Coordinators provided quarterly reports on the progress of goals and recruitment. The results were reviewed by for program effectiveness and for improving performance. The OCR EEO Diversity Program Coordinator tracked the following, utilizing the new Human Resources Online Information System: Total number of applicants by race, ethnicity & gender; Total number of applicants hired by race, ethnicity & gender; Termination totals (voluntary and involuntary) by race, ethnicity & gender; Promotion and transfer totals by race, ethnicity & gender; General training attendance totals by race, ethnicity & gender; and Total number of employees attending required EEO and Sexual Harassment supplemental training. Page 25 of 48 12. District Visits OCR conducted four district visits to discuss department AAP goals and brief new HR staff on EEO initiatives. OCR visited the District Engineer, Director of Administration, Human Resources Officers and EEO Coordinators of the Austin, San Antonio, Ft Worth and Beaumont districts in April 2007 and August 2007: Reviewed district’s availability analysis and recruitment goals for improving underutilized categories. Reviewed new EEO HR Online reports and emphasized utilization of recruitment program resources. Reviewed district’s recruitment programs. Monitored district’s FY07 EEO recruiting goals. Since our FY06 visit with the Houston District had overall increases in the following categories: Professional - 3 Black males Technician - 1 Black female; 6 Hispanic males; 1 Asian American/Pacific Islander male Office/Clerical - 2 Black males; 3 Black females; 3 Hispanic females; 1 Asian American/Pacific Islander male; 1 Native American male Service Maintenance - 1 Black female; 1 Black male The Houston District also increased recruiting efforts: Texas Prairie View A&M Career Fair, Spring 2007 Texas Southern University Career Fair, Spring 2007 University of Houston & Waltrip High School Career Fair, September 2006 Barbara Jordan High School Career Day, November 2006 The Dallas District had overall increases: Professional - 3 Black males; 1 Asian female Technician - 3 Black males; 1 Black female; 3 Hispanic males Office/Clerical - 2 Black females; 8 White females; 1 Hispanic female Skilled Craft - 1 White female; 4 Black males; 4 Hispanic males; Service Maintenance - 1 White female; 5 Hispanic males. Page 26 of 48 V. FY08 AFFIRMATIVE ACTION PLAN - INITIATIVES & OBJECTIVES A. FY08 Job Group Goals Using the 2000 Civilian Labor Workforce census data and comparing it to the TxDOT Work Force analysis in Appendix A, the department will focus on the following protected categories in FY08: Officials/Administrators - White females; Black & Hispanic females and males; and Asian American/Pacific Islander & American Indian/Alaskan Native females and males. Professional - White, Black & Hispanic females; and Asian American/Pacific Islander & American Indian/Alaskan Native females and males. Technician - White, Black, Hispanic & American Indian/Alaskan Native females; and Asian American/Pacific Islander females and males. Administrative Support - Black, Asian American/Pacific Islander & American Indian/Alaskan Native females and males; and Hispanic males. Skilled Craft - White & Black females; and Hispanic, Asian American/Pacific Islander & American Indian/Alaskan Native females and males. Service/Maintenance - Black & Asian American/Pacific Islander females and males; Hispanic females; and American Indian/Alaskan Native males. B. FY08 AAP Recruitment Programs TxDOT will continue to participate in the following recruitment programs: College Cooperative Education Program Conditional Grant Program College Internship Program E.J. Conrad Leadership Program High School Co-op Program Recruitment and Career Fairs Summer Transportation Institute (STI) Temporary Hiring Program (Directive 2-94) Texas Pre-Freshman Engineering Program (TexPREP) Transportation and Civil Engineering Program (TRAC) Page 27 of 48 FY08 GOALS/OBJECTIVES Distribute discrimination and harassment policies to all employees; place on intranet. Monitor, evaluate, and report AAP programs. Distribute job postings to female and minority organizations to diversify applicant pool. Update all 25 district availability analyses. Inform all hiring supervisors of goals to improve underutilization of women and minorities. Report all EEO activities to OCR. Conduct outreach and recruitment efforts to female and minority organizations. Update availability analysis to identify all underutilized groups of women and minorities of the three districts selected for visits. Conduct three district visits to discuss department AAP goals. Increase outreach and recruitment efforts in (3) districts with identified underutilization in ethnic and gender groups. RESPONSIBLE OFFICIAL(S) TARGET DATE OCR Aug08 OCR District HROs & EEO Coordinators Quarterly OCR Dec07 Quarterly District DEs & Hiring Supervisors District HROs & EEO Coordinators Division/District HROs & EEO Coordinators Quarterly OCR/District HROs & EEO Coordinators Nov07 OCR/District DEs Aug08 OCR/District HROs & EEO Coordinators Quarterly Aug08 Quarterly Monitor and report on mandatory state supplemental EEO/Sexual Harassment Training. HROs/EEO Coordinators & Hiring Supervisors Monitor and report NEO EEO/Sexual Harassment training. OCR & HRD Quarterly OCR Quarterly AUS, SAT, BMT & FTW District & OCR Aug08 OCR/TWC Aug08 OCR Aug08 OCR/HRD May08 Monitor and report AIMS presentations. Monitor and follow-up on previous district visits. Conduct EEO Compliance training for managers and supervisors. Update and post EEO Supplemental Video (DEV205) online. Conduct OCR/HRD Conference to discuss EEO updates, goals and objectives. Page 28 of 48 Quarterly FINAL STATUS APPENDICES Page 29 of 48 APPENDIX A - FISCAL YEAR 2008 WORKFORCE ANALYSIS BY OCCUPATIONAL CATEGORY Page 30 of 48 APPENDIX B - PROMOTION, SEPARATION & HIRING ANALYSIS Page 31 of 48 Page 32 of 48 Page 33 of 48 Page 34 of 48 Page 35 of 48 Page 36 of 48 Page 37 of 48 Page 38 of 48 APPENDIX C - TERMINATION ANALYSIS Page 39 of 48 Page 40 of 48 APPENDIX D - FY07 DISCRIMINATION COMPLAINTS ANALYSIS BASIS(ES) 1 - AA/PI M - AA/PI F - AI/AN M - AI/AN F - 1 - - - - WM WF BM BF HM HF Race Gender Color National Origin Age Disability 2 - - - 1 - - Total 2 - - 1 - ISSUE(S) Total 4 4 Total Harassment - - - - - - - - - - - Sexual Harassment - - - - - 1 - - - - 1 Awards - - - - - - - - - - - Promotions 1 - - 1 - - - - - - 2 Training - - - - - - - - - - - Terminations - - - - - - - - - - - Lay-Offs - - - - - - - - - - - Hiring - - - - - - - - - - - Other 1 - - - - - - - - - 1 Total 2 - - 1 - 1 - - - - 4 Page 41 of 48 FY07 DISCRIMINATION COMPLAINTS ANALYSIS (Cont’d) TOTAL WM WF BM BF HM HF AA/PI M AA/PI F AI/AN M AI/AN F OPEN CASES Counseling within 35 days Counseling 35+ days Counseling within 60 days Counseling 60+ days Pending Mediation 35 days Pending Mediation 60 days Pending Mediation 60+ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - - - - - - - - - - FY07 CLOSED CASES Closed within 35 days Closed within 60 days Closed 60+ days 0 0 0 - - - - - - - - - - APPEALS Open 35 days Open 60 days Open 60+ days Closed 35 days Closed 30+ days Total 2 0 4 2 41 49 16 20 4 4 1 5 7 3 3 1 10 12 2 2 1 1 - - - COMPLAINTS FILED WITH EEOC 25 8 3 4 4 3 3 - - - - Page 42 of 48 APPENDIX E - SALARY BY OCCUPATIONAL CATEGORY (EEO-4) Page 43 of 48 Page 44 of 48 Page 45 of 48 Page 46 of 48 APPENDIX F - FY07 RECRUITMENT & HIRING ANALYSIS Page 47 of 48 APPENDIX G - SPECIAL REPORTS (Historical Workforce Utilization) Fiscal Year Ending Total Work Force 2000 13,771 2001 13,933 2002 14,011 2003 13,852 2004 13,753 2005 Male Female White Black Hispanic Asian/Pacific Islander Native Indians/Alaskans 10,588 76.9% 10,665 76.50% 10,703 76.39% 10.560 76.23% 10,447 75.96% 3,183 23.10% 3,268 23.50% 3,308 23.61% 3,292 23.77% 3,306 24.04% 9,522 69.15% 9,546 68.50% 9,578 68.36% 9,454 68.25% 9,236 67.16% 1,099 7.98% 1,118 8.00% 1,109 7.92% 1,070 7.72% 1,075 7.82% 2,876 20.88% 2,983 21.40% 3,028 21.61% 3,010 21.74% 3,125 22.72% 210 1.52% 222 1.59% 229 1.63% 251 1.81% 258 1.88% 64 0.46% 64 0.46% 67 0.48% 65 0.47% 59 0.43 14,523 11,020 75.88% 3,503 24.12% 9,652 66.46% 1,183 8.15% 3,349 23.06% 281 1.93% 58 0.40% 2006 14,550 11,088 76.19% 3,464 23.81% 9,639 66.25% 1,181 8.12% 3,385 23.26% 285 1.96% 60 0.41% 2007 14,476 10,987 75.90% 3,489 24.10% 9,571 66.12% 1,168 8.07% 3,390 23.42% 283 1.96% 65 0.44% Page 48 of 48