SJB Application

Students serving on the Lynchburg College Student Judicial Board (SJB) provide vital leadership to the College
community by upholding standards of academic and behavioral excellence and by enforcing College policies in an
educational and equitable manner. Service on the Board is a challenging and satisfying way to enhance your
academic experiences. Through participation in training activities, case resolution, and programs for the campus
community, Board members develop valuable skills that are directly transferable to other leadership positions and
to professional work settings. Skills enhanced through Board service include communication, analysis, decision
making, teamwork, effective listening, policy interpretation, and problem solving.
Responsibilities of a Student Judicial Board Member
 To promote integrity, positive citizenship, responsible behavior, and respect for others
 To uphold the Honor and Student Conduct Codes and Regulations (
 To serve as a disciplinary process advisor, helping students to understand College policies and disciplinary
 To serve as a panel member, hearing and weighing the facts of a case. Panel members work together to
determine degree of responsibility and appropriate sanctions.
Membership Qualifications
 QPA of 2.5 or higher (cumulative and for each semester of membership)
 Good academic and disciplinary standing (i.e., not on any type of probation)
 Commitment to the Honor and Student Conduct Codes and related procedures
 Completion of all training requirements
 Active participation in weekly SJB meetings (held Wednesdays, 5:30-6:30 p.m.) and on cases
 No affiliation with an unrecognized student group
Please see “Responsibilities of Student Judicial Board Members” for additional information.
Selection Process
Applicants must complete a written application and an individual interview with the current judicial board
Selection Dates for Membership in 2016
Oct. 26, 2015
Applications due
Oct. 27-Nov. 9, 2015
Candidate interviews
Nov. 11, 2015
Notification of selection decisions
Nov. 18, 2015
Introduction to SJB for newly
selected members
Wed., Jan. 6, 2016
Return to Lynchburg
Jan. 7-9, 2016
New Member Training
Mon., Jan. 11, 2016
Dean of Students Office, 114 Hundley Hall
SJB Office, 102 Hundley Hall
Sent via e-mail
5:30-6:30 p.m., Genworth Room, Drysdale Student
Center (time and location are tentative)
New members who live on campus
Times and location TBA
New members must attend all portions of training
Classes begin for Spring semester
Feel free to contact us if you have any questions:
Student Judicial Board Office
102 Hundley Hall, 434/544-8627
Chairpersons: Hollie Michael & Rayfurd Thompson
Dean of Students Office
Carole Furter, 114 Hundley Hall, 434/544-8226
Associate Dean of Students
All Members
Uphold the Honor and Student Conduct Codes and Regulations.
Attend all judicial board meetings and training sessions.
Respect and maintain the confidentiality of case information.
Be objective when deciding cases. Do not participate in cases in which you are not objective.
Be very familiar with the Honor and Student Conduct Codes and Regulations as well as the educational
purpose of the student disciplinary process.
Abide by policies yourself.
Be an advocate for the student disciplinary process, helping to educate students, faculty, and staff about its
philosophy and functioning.
Participate in programs sponsored by the Student Judicial Board (e.g., SJB Bingo Night, Anderson
Leadership Conference, presentations by guest speakers).
Contribute to planning and implementation of selection processes, SJB social events, and campus outreach
Maintain a QPA of 2.5 or higher (cumulative and for each semester of membership).
Be in good academic and disciplinary standing (i.e., not on any type of probation).
Have no affiliation with an unrecognized student group.
Hearing Panel Members
Listen carefully and objectively to all facts and statements presented during the hearing.
Ask questions of the hearing participants to acquire clarity of fact needed to make decisions.
Deliberate with other panel members and decide whether or not the charged student is responsible for the
alleged misconduct.
If a student is found responsible for infractions, issue appropriate sanctions.
Disciplinary Process Advisors
Note: When a Student Judicial Board member serves as a disciplinary process advisor (DPA), he/she is a
peer helper who assists students in understanding the disciplinary process and in being full participants in
the process. When serving as a DPA, a Student Judicial Board member is a representative of the Student
Judicial Board and of the disciplinary process as a whole, not a “defense attorney.”
If requested by the advisee, provide support, guidance, and advice to a student as he/she participates in the
student disciplinary process. This assistance may include explaining the process, reviewing the student’s
rights, and helping the charged student prepare to participate in his/her hearing.
If requested by the advisee, accompany the student to investigation, hearing, and appeal proceedings in
which the student participates; however, the advisor may not participate in the proceedings. During any
proceeding, a DPA’s communication is limited to conferring quietly with the advisee through written note
or whisper; the DPA may not address any other participant or the hearing panel.
If requested by the advisee, assist the student in considering his/her option to appeal the hearing outcome,
and consult with the student as he/she writes the appeal request. If the person resolving the appeal request
schedules a meeting with the student, the disciplinary process advisor may accompany the charged student
to that proceeding.
Student Judicial Board
Application for Membership beginning January 2016
NAME: (Last)
(minimum of 2.5 required; students in their first semester at LC do not have a QPA)
Please type your responses to all questions below.
What interests you about serving as a Student Judicial Board member?
What personal qualities or experiences do you possess that make you well suited to serve as a Student
Judicial Board member?
List your co-curricular involvements, including activities in which you plan to be involved during the
Spring 2016 semester. Feel free to attach a résumé to list past involvements.
Evaluate the following incident, responding to questions A-E listed below.
Justin, a 20-year-old junior, was walking on College Street at 11:30 p.m. on a Friday
night. Justin was carrying an open can of Natural Light beer. Lynchburg College
Campus Safety and Security officers drove past and noticed the can in Justin’s hand.
When Justin saw the Security vehicle slow down and come to a stop, he immediately
threw the can into the bushes next to him and continued walking. A campus safety
officer got out of the vehicle and approached Justin, asking him whether he had been
drinking alcohol. Justin replied, “Yes.” The officer then asked for Justin’s name, to
which Justin replied, “Dylan Reynolds.” It was later discovered that Dylan Reynolds is
the name of Justin’s roommate and that Dylan was out of town in Maryland at the time
of the incident.
What is your assessment of Justin’s behavior? Please explain thoroughly.
Refer to the Honor and Student Conduct Codes in The Hornet student handbook
( and list all policies which you believe Justin may have violated.
How did Justin’s behavior impact others?
Disciplinary sanctions are intended to:
 educate students about the effects of their behavior on other individuals and on the campus
community as a whole;
 help students identify more appropriate behavioral options;
 provide opportunities for students to make positive contributions or reparations to the
campus community; and
 deter similar behaviors in the future.
With these goals in mind, what sanctions should be issued to Justin, in your opinion?
Explain how the sanctions you recommend in Part D accomplish the sanctioning goals listed in
Part D.
Evaluate the following incident, responding to questions A-E listed below.
Sierra has a five-page paper on Electra due tomorrow. She read the play two weeks ago and realizes now
that she has forgotten a lot of the details. She meant to write the paper long before now but things came up:
a last-minute opportunity to go to a concert, other papers, two tests, intramural games to play in, and now
she has a cold and just wants to go to bed. Searching for ideas for her paper, Sierra reads SparkNotes and
papers posted online. Seeing that Sierra is frustrated and not feeling well, Melissa (Sierra’s roommate)
offers to let Sierra read the paper Melissa wrote for the same class last semester. Later, when Melissa
leaves the room so that Sierra can go to sleep, Sierra gets out of bed, takes Melissa’s paper from Melissa’s
desk drawer, types the paper into Sierra’s computer, changes a few words and sentences, and e-mails it to
her teacher by the deadline.
What is your assessment of Sierra’s behavior? Please explain thoroughly.
Refer to the Honor and Student Conduct Codes in The Hornet student handbook and list all policies
which you believe Sierra may have violated.
How did Sierra’s behavior impact others?
Disciplinary sanctions are intended to:
 educate students about the effects of their behavior on other individuals and on the campus
community as a whole;
 help students identify more appropriate behavioral options;
 provide opportunities for students to make positive contributions or reparations to the
campus community; and
 deter similar behaviors in the future.
With these goals in mind, what sanctions should be issued to Sierra, in your opinion?
Explain how the sanctions you recommend in Part D accomplish the sanctioning goals listed in
Part D.
A-level violations of the Honor and Student Conduct Code that SJB members might address include:
• Academic integrity infractions (Cheating, Fabrication, Facilitating academic dishonesty,
• Personal integrity infractions (Lying, Stealing, Possession or use of false identification, Eluding or
• Tampering with or misuse of fire safety equipment
• Property damage
• Violation of probation
• Failure to complete sanctions
Pick three of the possible violations listed above. For each of the three violations you select,
explain how a student’s engagement in that type of misconduct could affect other students and the
campus community as a whole.
As stated in the Honor and Student Conduct Codes and Regulations, “Suspension is the standard
sanction for an A-level violation of either the Honor Code or the Student Conduct Code.” For each
of the three violations you selected in #6A above, explain why you think the standard sanction for
committing such misconduct requires a student to withdraw from the College.
SJB applications must be submitted by 5:00 p.m. on Monday, October 26, 2015, to the Office of the Dean of
Students (114 Hundley Hall or When submitting an application, candidates must sign up
for an interview with the current SJB chairpersons; the interview sign-up sheet is available in the Office of the Dean
of Students. Submission of an application indicates permission for the Associate Dean of Students or her designee
to verify that your QPA and disciplinary history meet position requirements.