Nonprofit Organization Application

Nonprofit Organization Application
Thank you for interest in the Nonprofit Board Program, for more information about the program please
visit our website. Please submit your completed application to Cathy Lechowicz
Part I: Organization Information
Organization name and
year established
Main Mailing Address
Website URL
Mission Statement
Key Programs and/or
Yearly budget (Use only
numbers: 500,000 instead
of $500K)
Number of staff (Identify #
of volunteers, if applicable)
Classification (Which of
these categories *best* fits
the work of the
Please choose one:
_____ Arts & Culture
_____ Children & Youth
_____ Economic Development
_____ Education
_____ Environment
_____ International Development
_____ Healthcare
_____ Technology
_____ Social Justice
_____ Other:
_____ Human Services
What do you hope to gain
from having a student from
the nonprofit board
Special Circumstances (Any
circumstances we should
be aware of, such as
leadership transition,
merger, rapid expansion,
Part II: Board of Directors Information
Number of board members
Does the board have a
committee structure?
_____ Yes
_____ No
Board Meeting Dates (List
dates and times between
10/1/16 – 5/5/17. We
expect that there will be at
least 3 board meetings and
2 committee meetings
during this time.)
Board meeting location
(Provide the address where
meetings take place.)
Is your location accessible
by public transportation?
If exact details are not available, please approximate and explain why:
Type of board (Which of
these best describes your
_____ Young/Startup board (aka “Working board”)
_____ Transitioning board (moving from working to governing board)
_____ Established community board (aka “Governing board”)
_____ Large institutional board (aka “Fundraising board”)
_____ Rebuilding/Turnaround board (focused on “saving” the
Your executive director cannot be the board mentor.
Board mentor
Full name
Board chairperson
Full name
Executive director
Full name
OPTIONAL: Additional
_____ Yes
_____ No
_____ Mixed (if the location varies)
Someone else that should be included in the program and should
receive communications from us:
Full name
Email preferences
(The mentor will
automatically receive
program emails. Who else
should receive them?)
_____ Board chairperson
_____ Executive Director
_____ Additional Key person identified above
Part III: Project Information
Students will complete one board-level project during the academic year. Successful projects are
strategic in nature and are part of the board committee where the fellow sits. Projects should require
no more than 8 hours/month to complete.
Appropriate and realistic projects for Board Fellows:
 Feasibility study: Develop a market feasibility study about how to generate revenue through
space rental
 Marketing: Create a strategic marketing plan to expand the organization’s message delivery to a
new audience and/or increase the message’s efficiency
 Institutional memory: work to create systems to better capture data or important organizational
 Metrics: Develop metrics to assess a program
 Communication plan
Inappropriate projects (usually rely on extensive expertise or large time commitments):
Leading a search for a new executive director
Running the organization’s annual fundraiser
Actively managing the organization’s online social media campaigns
Identifying/leading a project to merge with another nonprofit
Please describe at least one possible project for the student. Feel free to include additional project ideas
if you have multiple ideas. The details will be finalized once the fellow(s) have been matched.
Project #1
Board committee
Project description
(2-3 sentences describing
the potential project.)
Desired outcome
(What should the Fellows
deliver by the end of their
Skills/Experience Required
_____ Strategic planning
_____ Marketing/communications
_____ Program evaluation
_____ Program Expansion
_____ Other:
Time commitment (in
Please note that Fellows commit up to 8 hours/month, including board
and committee meetings.
Part IV: Submit!
Save file with the name of your organization in the file name: i.e. “AmericanRedcross_Board_app.docx”
To submit your application, email to Cathy Lechowicz (
A follow up email from us will confirm your submission.
If you have any questions, please contact Cathy.