grow not just classes… learn dreams start here… …all things are possible expand the way forward… Review Calendar The Way Forward Date Group Agenda 1 1/10/2013 BOT Preview of some elements 2 1/25/2013 Planning Committee Preview of some elements PRELIMINARY DRAFT OF TWF 3 1/29/2013 Academic Senate 4 1/30/2013 Council of Presidents 5 1/30/2013 President’s Staff 6 1/31/2013 BOT Planning Committee 7 2/1/2013 Feedback on Instructional reorganization. May also be an opportunity for reviewing other elements. Review of preliminary document Feedback on working draft. To include discussion of budget process (increase BC manager authority/accountability). Work session – working document Present preliminary doc/info 9 2/12/2013 FINAL DRAFT OF TWF Foundation Executive Committee Academic Senate 10 2/14/2013 BOT 11 2/15/2013 Planning Committee Review Final draft document 12 2/19/2013 ASNVC/Student Body Open forum for students 13 2/20/2013 Classified Senate/NVC Foundation Review Final Draft (PPT and/or Doc) 14 2/25/2013 Council of Presidents Review Final Draft (PPT and/or Doc) 15 2/28/2013 BOT Work session – Final draft document 8 2/05/2013 Present Draft (PPT and/or Doc) Present Draft (PPT and/or Doc) Update on comments rec’d, progress, other FINAL TWF 16 3/1/2013 Campus community 17 3/14/2013 BOT Finalize & Circulate Final document Endorse & Support The Way Forward Planning Priorities The Way Forward In December of 2012, the Planning Committee approved the 2013/2014 Planning Priorities for recommendation to the Board of Trustees & the Board adopted them as presented. The Planning Priorities list included Goals 2.4, 6.1, and 7.1 under the heading “Fiscal Planning: Develop a long-term, comprehensive fiscal plan” Background of The Way Forward Developed by the Planning Committee & Board Approved 2011-2014 Strategic Plan Goal 7 – Fiscal Stability Added to the SP by the Planning Committee and BOT Approved Proposed strategic initiatives per Goal 7 The Way Forward Budget & Unit Plans 2013/2014 and beyond Planning Priorities The Way Forward Goal 7. Fiscal Stability Napa Valley College will maintain fiscal stability and maintain a 5% reserve. In order to achieve this goal the college will assess and evaluate programs, courses, services using staffing matrices, policies, procedures, best practices, legal and contractual guidelines to maintain expenditures within the approved budget and maintain a minimum of a 5% reserve. Number 7.1 Strategy Develop a comprehensive plan to create long-term fiscal viability, stability and vitality. Activities/Measures (To Report Progress) 7.1.1 Reorganize and realign the institutional structure to increase efficiency and reduce costs. 7.1.2 Identify programs and services for discontinuance, suspension, or reduction to reduce costs. 7.1.3 Pursue enhanced (“braided”) revenue opportunities. (see also: Strategies 2.1, 2.3, 6.1, 6.2, 6.3. 7.1.4 Consider personnel related budget reduction actions. Planning Priorities The Way Forward Goal 2. Partnerships for Economic and Workforce Development Napa Valley College will collaborate with community partners to identify current and emerging labor market needs. In order to achieve this goal, the college will create innovative practices for workforce education, respond to local needs for economic development and workforce preparation, develop targeted workforce skills training; and, encourage industry specific professional development opportunities for workers. Goal 6. Resource Development Napa Valley College will augment financial resources. In order to achieve this goal the college will increase philanthropy from the community, develop contract education, expand fee-based education, and seek financial assistance from diverse sources. Number Strategy Activities/Measures (To Report Progress) 2.4 Prepare students for licensure, certification, continuing education, and advanced education 2.4.1 Develop fee-based classes and workshops as needed for training, community education, and to improve success on licensure exams. 6.1 Secure additional funding from private sources through the Napa Valley College Foundation 6.1.1 Implement the Napa Valley College Foundation Strategic Plan 6.1.2 Annual reports by the Foundation will measure success to goal completion including funding sources, funds raised, and projects funded. Document Overview Section I – Introduction & Purpose Section I—Overview Introduction Purpose & Premise of the TWF Multi-Year Plan Guiding Principles (Includes overview of reorg/realign) Process & College Governance Viability Phase Stability Phase Vitality Phase The Way Forward is a multi-year comprehensive financial plan that will provide a roadmap for NVC to establish & maintain a balanced budget through increased efficiencies and braided funding sources. Section I of The Way Forward document will present an introduction, overview, processes and definitions. Viability, Stability, Vitality The Way Forward The ultimate goal of Viability is to achieve financial equilibrium through a balanced budget. The ultimate goal of Stability is to maintain financial equilibrium with a balanced budget. Viability (2012-2014) Stability (2014-2016) Vitality (2016-2018) The ultimate goal of Vitality is to fund growth with a balanced budget. Document Overview Section II – Historical Context Section II—Historical Context of College Five Year History of College Finances FON/50% Law General Fund Reserves & Uses (Offset Budget Deficits) Other Post-Employment Benefits and Actuarial Studies Retiree Liability Funding Plan MEASURE N – Facilities Bond (Series A, B, & C) Capital Outlay and Unfunded Scheduled Maintenance FTES and Current Funding Mechanisms – Apportionment, Grants, etc. Section II of The Way Forward will describe NVC’s current financial realities and begin to identify challenges and opportunities. Document Overview Section III – Financial & Non-Financial Indicators Section III—Financial & Non-Financial Indicators •Financial Ratios oPrimary Reserve Ratio oNet Income Operations Ratio oViability Ratio •Implications of the Financial Ratios for NVC •Chancellor’s Office Fiscal Health Checklist •Non-Financial Indicators oAudit Opinions oCommunity College Leadership •Implications of Non-Financial Ratios for NVC Using financial ratios and other metrics, The Way Forward will identify areas of risk related to operating procedures, particularly those related to finance. Overview Section IV – Ensuring Viability Section IV— ‘Ensuring Viability’ 2012/13-2013/14 Objectives & Timelines Cost Reduction Strategies Personnel Reductions – deferred replacements, elimination of part-time hourly employees Reorganizations/realignments In-house Educational Master Plan; + more Funding Strategies Development of Braided Funding: Consolidated Fee-Based Services, Programs & Grants, Related Revenues The ultimate goal of Viability is to restore financial equilibrium through a balanced budget. Document Overview Section V – Stability Section V – Stability 2014/15-2015/16 Introduction Stability restoration building blocks (To include: GO bond/Meas L) Strategic Initiative 1: Maximize and stabilize FTE/Cap/Growth… Strategic Initiative 2: Secure Financial Strength Strategic Initiative 3: Leverage NVC’s Resources through Partnerships & Collaboration—NVC will adopt a structure to attract partnerships The ultimate goal of Stability is to maintain financial equilibrium with a balanced budget Document Overview Section VI – Vitality Section VI – Vitality 2016/17-2017/18 Introduction Strategic Initiative 1: Diversify, Restructure, and Strengthen Academic Programs based on the Educational Master Plan Strategic Initiative 2: Build Institutional Advancement Capacity Strategic Initiative 3: The ultimate goal of Vitality is to fund growth with a balanced budget. Document Overview Section VII – Summary & References Section VII – Summary References Appendices Organizational Charts Supplemental materials Budgeting & Planning Model/Processes President’s Area Reorganization Four Area Planning Model Implemented 2012-13 College Planning Areas Implemented Fall 2012 Napa Valley College Board of Trustees Supt./President Instructional Area Student Services Area Administrative Services Area President's Area Previous President’s Area Structure Board of Trustees President/Superintendent Human Resources Research Planning & Development NVC Foundation & Grants Community Relations Campus Planning & Construction Current President’s Area President/Superintendent Human Resources Benefits & Leave Administration Research, Planning & Institutional Effectiveness (RPIE) Research Office of Institutional Advancement Strategic Communications Planning Recruit/Hire/Train Employee Transactions Grants Institutional Effectiveness ALO Employee/Employer Relations NVC Foundation President’s Office EMP Project Management Projects, RFP’s & Bidding SEM Planning Coordination Development Bond & Construction OIA Area—Communications • The strategic communications office serves to inform students about programs, services and events that are resources to achieving their educational goals and thus contributing to their learning and success; inform employees about issues and events that help them be effective in their roles to support student learning; and keep the community aware of Napa Valley College so that it will support the college and participate in partnership opportunities OIA Area—Grants • The grants department supports grant-project development and implementation at the college. The office assists faculty and staff in identifying and pursuing (seeking) grant funding for programs that further institutional, divisional, departmental and programmatic goals. OIA Area—Development • The development department supports the cultivation of institutional resources for the college. The office works with the Napa Valley College Foundation and through the college auxiliary services foundation, external partnerships, private foundations, the college alumni association and other sources to identify and secure resources in support of the institution’s mission. Modifications to President’s Area Functions Board of Trustees Function ending as bond projects wind down President/Superintendent Human Resources Research Planning & Development Function modified and name changed to Research, Planning & Institutional Effectiveness NVC Foundation & Grants Function expanded and name changed to Office of Institutional Advancement Community Relations Campus Planning & Construction Functions moved to Office of Institutional Advancement & Facilities Services Administrative Services Area Reorganization Previous Administrative Services Area Vice President Business & Finance Risk Management Accounting/Business Services Food Services Director, Bookstore Dean, Institutional Technology Director, Facilities Services Supervisor, Payroll Modifications to the Administrative Services Area Vice President Business & Finance Risk Management Accounting/Business Services Title Change to VP Administrative Services Moved to Director Level to address Fiscal Services Food Services Director, Bookstore Dean, Institutional Technology Director, Facilities Services Supervisor, Payroll Current Administrative Services Area Vice President Administrative Services Risk Management Director, Bookstore Dean, Institutional Technology Food Services Director, Facilities Services Supervisor, Payroll Director, Fiscal Services Next Steps The Way Forward February 2013 Continued Constituent Group Review – through employee senates and the Planning Committee Board of Trustees Workshop – follow up workshop on 2/28/13 Campus Circulation – the final draft document will be posted and shared with the campus community March 2013 Board of Trustees Final Review – the final document will be presented to the Board for consideration and endorsement. Separate action items related to departmental reorganizations, employee position reclassifications, and out-of-class pay assignments will be included in the final review. Thank You