MRI Application for Accreditation of Prior_Learning (opens in a new window)

Application for Accreditation of Prior Certified and/or
Experiential Learning – Portfolio of Evidence
Applicant Name
Proposed Programme of Study
MSc Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Correspondence Address
Contact Phone No.
E-mail Address
Academic Referee
E-mail Address
Clinical Referee
E-mail Address
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Relevant Prior Certified Learning for Accreditation
Qualification Awarded
Relevant Modules
NQAI Level (For Office Use Only)
See National Qualifications
Authority of Ireland Framework of
Supporting documentation required:
Results transcripts;
Course syllabus / curriculum document to include: Course description; learning outcomes, number of contact hours,
form of assessment;
Portfolio of Evidence (see pages 3-7);
Declaration of Clinical Hours.
These must be official documents which have been signed or stamped where appropriate
Applicant’s Signature
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Application for Accreditation of Prior Certified and/or
Experiential Learning – Portfolio of Evidence
Re Entry to Taught MSc Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Programme
Applicant Name:
This portfolio should be completed by all applicants seeking to have their prior certified and/or experiential learning
accredited towards the award of MSc in MRI. It provides a mechanism whereby applicants can justify and provide
supporting evidence for their motivation for undertaking this course of study in the context of their educational and
professional development to date and their future career plan. Applicants should include as much detail as possible
regarding their current MR scanning experience in terms of range of MR examinations routinely undertaken, roles &
responsibilities as an MR radiographer that will support their application. In addition, information should be provided on
the scope of your postgraduate studies in MRI to date and how they have informed your clinical practice. The following
headings may be used as a guide; however applicants may include other relevant topics together with supporting evidence
where appropriate.
Section 1: Scope of Clinical Experience in MRI to date
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Continue on additional page(s) if necessary
Section 2: Details of Ongoing Continuous Professional Development with Supporting Evidence
Continue on additional page(s) if necessary
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Section 3: Contribution to Education & Training, Research and Decision-making at your Clinical Site
Section 4: Additional Information:
Continue on additional page(s) if necessary
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