2015 STAPP AWARDS STUDENT TRAVEL AWARDS FOR PROFESSIONAL PRESENTATION All Sam Houston State University undergraduate students who are admitted to degree programs may apply for a STAPP Award to help defray the costs of travel to conferences, meetings, exhibits, or performances where the results of their faculty-mentored research, scholarship, or creative activity will be presented. Students must be enrolled at SHSU at the time of travel. Funding: Students can request up to $400 for state/regional travel and up to $800 for national/international travel. Per SHSU policy, all travel will be reimbursed upon completion of appropriate travel forms and submission of receipts. It is the awardee’s responsibility to work with his/her faculty mentor and departmental administrative assistant to complete appropriate forms and submit receipts for allowable expenses. Allowable costs include registration fees, transportation, accommodations, and/or meals. Selection: Applications will be evaluated, prioritized and selected by the EURECA advisory board, an interdisciplinary committee composed of faculty from each college. Application Process: Please pay careful attention to these guidelines as incomplete applications and applications that do not follow the guidelines will be rejected. Completed applications are due by 5 p.m. on Friday, October 16, 2015; however applications will be accepted after this deadline and then awarded as funding permits. A complete application will consist of: 1. Application with mentor and chair approval signatures and dates 2. Budget and budget justification form 3. A letter of support from the student’s faculty mentor 4. These documents must be merged into a single PDF file and sent by email to Dr. Tamara Cook (tcook@shsu.edu) with STAPP Application in the subject line. Since we attempt to fund as many applications as possible, please plan to share rooms and costs with other students attending the same conference if possible and let us know how you intend to do so as part of your Budget Justification. 2015 STAPP AWARDS APPLICATION Student Name: SHSU ID: Major Program & Department: Amount requested: List Additional Funding Sources (if any): Conference/Competition Name: Travel Dates: Type of Presentation (e.g. oral, poster, exhibition, etc…): Presentation Title: Presentation Abstract: Note: If you have previously presented this, or a closely related project, justify your need to present it again at this venue. Student Signature & Date Faculty Mentor Signature & Date Department Chair Signature & Date 2015 STAPP AWARDS Budget and Budget Justification Form Student Name: SHSU ID: Faculty Mentor Name: Budget: Registration fee: Transportation: Accommodations: Meals: Other: Total Budget Request: Budget Justification (i.e. detailed itemization and explanation of proposed costs):