MASSASOIT COMMUNITY COLLEGE Fall 2008 Instructor: Office: Office Hours: Phone: Email: Dolores Shea T 434 (usually found in T330) MW: 12-2, TR: 8:30AM-12:30PM, 2PM-4PM 1-508-588-9100 ext. 1078 COURSE TITLE/NUMBER: Fundamentals of Math: 10939 MATH010 L3 (12:30PM – 1:45PM) Classroom: T 220 GENERAL COURSE DESCRIPTION: The aim of this course is to provide the person with slight mathematical background; an opportunity to acquire an understanding and appreciation of the basic structure of elementary operations on whole numbers, fractions and decimals; percent; measurement; ratio and proportion; signed numbers; simple linear equations; exponential notation and problem solving. *Note: Credits earned in this course cannot be applied toward graduation. A grade of Cor better is required in order to proceed to Introductory Algebra. TEXT: Martin-Gay, Elayn, Basic College Mathematics, Third Edition, Pearson/Prentice Hall, 2006. TEACHING PROCEDURE: Each class will begin with a discussion of the previously assigned homework problems. New material will be presented in the form of lecture, discussion, group work and sample problems. GETTING HELP: If you are having trouble with the coursework, you are encouraged to seek additional help. I am available in the tutoring room T330 (my hours are listed above). Seek help as soon as you find yourself falling behind in class work. SPECIAL ACCOMODATIONS: Students with disabilities who believe that they may need accommodations in the classroom are encouraged to contact the Disability Counselor for Learning Disability Services, Andrea Henry, ext. 1805, as soon as possible, in order to ensure that such accommodations are implemented in a timely fashion. NO MAKE-UPS WILL BE GIVEN on hour exams unless you know in advance that you will be absent and make arrangements with the instructor. The lowest test grade will be dropped, if you miss a test that is the grade that will be dropped. Only one test grade will be dropped. CLASSROOM BEHAVIOR: In order to create an effective learning and teaching environment, appropriate and courteous student classroom behavior is expected at all times. Disruptive or inappropriate behavior will not be tolerated. You are expected to fully comply will all college rules and regulations outlined in the Student Handbook. Grading System: Grades are reported using a 4.0 system. A 4.0 Excellent C1.7 A3.7 D+ 1.3 B+ 3.3 D 1.0 B 3.0 Good D0.7 B2.7 F 0.0 Failure C+ 2.3 I Incomplete (to be given by the C 2.0 Satisfactory discretion of the professor) Course Policies and Requirements: 1. Students are encouraged to attend all classes. In the event that a student must miss a class, it is their responsibility to do all homework assignments. 2. Attendance will count as one test grade. 3. No Make-ups will be given on hour exams unless you know in advance that you will be absent and make arrangements with the instructor. 4. There will be four hand-in assignments which will count as one test grade. 5. 80% of the final grade will come from tests hand-in assignments. 6. 20% will come from the Final Exam. 7. An attendance policy established by the Massasoit Community College states that one hour is acceptable per credit hour per course; therefore, the student should miss no more than 3 classes. If a student who misses six or more classes it will result in an unsatisfactory academic grade. COURSE OUTLINE: I: Chapter 1: Whole Numbers 1.1 Tips for Success in Mathematics 1.2 Introduction of Whole Numbers 1.3 Adding Whole Numbers 1.4 Subtracting Whole Numbers 1.6 Multiplying Whole Numbers 1.7 Dividing Whole Numbers !.8 Introduction to Problem Solving 1.9 Exponents, Square Roots, Order of Operations Chapter 1; Review and Practice Test TEST 1: Thursday: September 18, 2008 Homework p.6 # 1–10 all p.9 #1-45 EOO, 57-75 EOO p.22#17-91 EOO p.33 #13-79 EOO p.55 # 15-87 EOO, (89-107) p.70 # 1-75 EOO p.81 #1-27 odd, 41-51 odd p.92 #1-101 EOO p.102 #1-145 (omit 5 &6) p.109 #1-29 odd III Chapter 3: Adding and Subtracting Fractions 2.3 Simplest form of a Fraction 3.1 Adding and Subtracting like Fractions 2.2 Factors and Prime Factorization 3.2 Least Common Multiple 3.3 Adding and Subtracting Unlike Fractions Integrated Review 3.4 Adding and Subtracting Mixed Numbers TEST 2: Min-test: Thursday: October 2, 2008 II Chapter 2: Fractions 2.1 Introduction to Fractions and Mixed Numbers Integrated Review 2.4 Multiplying Fractions 2.5 Dividing Fractions: Chapter Review 3.5 Order, Exponents, and the Order of Operations 3.6 Fractions and Problem Solving TEST 3: Thursday: October 16, 2008 NO CLASS: Monday: October 13, 2008 p.140 #1-61 EOO, #71-76 all p.183 #1-63 EOO, 70 p.131 #1-83 EOO p.192 #1-65 EOO p.199 #1-79 EOO p.204 #1-45 odd p.211 #1-87 EOO p.120 #1-115 EOO p.144 #1-43 odd p.151 #1-111 EOO p.161 #1-105 EOO p.169 #1-65 odd, 77-91 all p.221 #1-79 EOO, 81-92 all p.228 #1-65 EOO IV. 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 Chapter 4: Decimals Introduction to Decimals p.254 #1-85 odd Order and Rounding p.262 #1-75 EOO Adding and Subtracting Decimals p.271#1-75 odd Multiplying Decimals and the circumference p.282 #1-67 EOO of a circle 8.3 Perimeter and Circumference p.535#1-75 EOO 8.4 Area p.544#1-39 odd Integrated Review p.286 #1-43 odd 4.5 Dividing Decimals and Order of Operations p.294 #1-11 EOO 4.6 Fractions and Decimals p.303 #1-93 EOO Chapter Review p.311 #1-101 odd TEST 4: Thursday: October 30, 2008 LAST DAY TO WITHDRAW FROM A CLASS: November 8, 2008 V. Chapter 10: Signed Numbers 10.1 Signed Numbers 10.2 Adding Signed Numbers 10.3 Subtracting Signed Numbers Integrated Review 10.4 Multiplying and Dividing Signed Numbers 10.5 Order of Operations with Signed Numbers Chapter Review NO CLASS: Tuesday: November 11, 2008 Test 5: Thursday: November 13,2008 (mini-test) p.647 #1-107 EOO p.655 #1-95 EOO p.662 #1-91 EOO p.666 #1-43 odd p.672 #1-105 EOO p.679 #1-63 EOO p.686 #1-101 odd VI. Chapter 11: Introduction to Algebra 11.2 Solving Equations: The Addition Property p.710 #1-49 odd 11.3 Solving Equations: The Multiplication Property p.717 #1-59 odd Test 6: Thursday: November 20, 2007 NO CLASSES: Tuesday: November 25, 2008: Scheduling for Spring 2009 THANKSGIVING RECESS: November 27-29, 2008 VII Chapter 5: Ratios 5.1 Introduction to Ratios 5.2 Rates Integrated Review 5.3 Proportions 5.4 Proportions and Problem Solving Chapter Review Test 7: Thursday: December 9, 2008 VIII Chapter 6: Percents 6.1 Introduction to Percents 6.2 Percents and Fractions 6.3 Solving Percent Problems Using Equations 6.4 Solving Percent Problems Using Proportions Integrated Review 6.5 Applications of Percent Chapter Review Test 8: December 16, 2008 p.324 #1-63 odd p.331#1-49 odd p.335 #1-31 odd p.342 #1-75 odd p.350 #1-53 odd, 61 p.359 #1-79 odd p.374#1-67 odd p.382#1-79 odd p.392 #1-65 odd p.400 #1-55 odd p.403 #1-39 odd p.410 #1-45 odd p.433 #1-97 odd NO CLASSES: Reading Day: Monday: December 15, 2008 LAST DAY OF CLASS: Tuesday: December 16, 2008 FINAL: December 17 – 22, 2008 (TBA)