Template Final EA and FONSI Notice of Availability Use this template to prepare a notice advertising to the public that a final environmental assessment (EA) is ready for review and that the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) has issued a finding of no significant impact (FONSI) for the proposed project. The template can be used for state projects and for federal projects assigned to TxDOT by the Federal Highway Administration. Notices created with this template can be distributed by many methods, such as being included in a letter, posted on a website, etc. There is no required format for public notices because they are distributed by different methods. The Environmental Affairs Division recommends including the TxDOT logo, but it is not required. Whatever format is used, regardless of whether a logo is included, must meet the TxDOT publication standards as outlined in the TxDOT Brand Guidelines: Advancing the Standard which addresses the font and formatting requirements. To prepare the content required to be included in a notice, enter project-specific information in the prompts of the template. Do not change the text, unless prompted by the template. Prompts are highlighted in grey and set off by brackets, <as shown here>. When all prompts have been addressed, ensure no prompts remain, and copy the content into the desired format for the notice. Do not copy these instructions, the title of the template, or the headers and footers. Notice Final Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact Available for Public Review <Enter Roadway Name and/or Number> From <Enter Starting Project Limit>to <Enter Ending Project Limit> CSJs: <0000-00-000> <Enter County Name> County, Texas Pursuant to Texas Administrative Code, Title 43, §2.108, this notice advises the public that a final environmental assessment (EA) is available for public review and the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) has issued a finding of no significant impact (FONSI) for the proposed <Enter the roadway name and/or number> project from <Enter the starting project limit> to <Enter the ending project limit> in <Enter the county> County, Texas. <If the project is assigned to TxDOT by FHWA, retain the following sentence; if not, delete it> The environmental review, consultation, and other actions required by applicable Federal environmental laws for this project are being, or have been, carried-out by TxDOT pursuant to 23 U.S.C. 327 and a Memorandum of Understanding dated December 16, 2014, and executed by FHWA and TxDOT. The proposed <Enter the roadway name and/or number> project would <Enter the project description, including lane descriptions, project length, ROW needs, etc.>. <Retain the following two paragraphs for projects with adjacent undeveloped areas where noise contours were identified and when individual letters have not been sent to local officials with jurisdiction; for all other projects, delete the following two paragraphs.> Standard TxDOT Environmental Affairs Division Effective Date: May 2016 Version 1 760.03.TEM Page 1 of 3 Template for Final EA and FONSI Notice of Availability To avoid noise impacts that may result from future development adjacent to a proposed highway project, a traffic noise analysis is included in the final EA, which includes predicted noise impact contours for currently undeveloped areas. These impact contours are intended as a general guide to assist local planning officials and developers plan and construct new activities in locations that would not result in traffic noise impacts. On the date of approval/clearance of an EA/FONSI (including the traffic noise analysis) for a proposed highway project, TxDOT is no longer responsible for providing noise abatement for new development. Copies of the approved, final combined EA and FONSI, certification of public involvement, and supporting documentation are available for public inspection at <Enter the district or local government project sponsor office name, address, and phone number> and <If the project materials are available online, enter the web address; if not delete the word and, before the prompt.> For further information, please contact <Enter the contact person’s name, title, and phone number and/or email address>. Standard TxDOT Environmental Affairs Division Effective Date: May 2016 Version 1 760.03.TEM Page 2 of 3 Template for Final EA and FONSI Notice of Availability Appendix A: Revision History The following table shows the revision history for this document. Revision History Effective Date Month, Year May 2016 Reason for and Description of Change Version 1 was released. Standard TxDOT Environmental Affairs Division Effective Date: May 2016 Version 1 760.03.TEM Page 3 of 3