


Draft EA Notice of Availability and Opportunity for a Public Hearing

Use this template to prepare a notice advertising to the public that a draft environmental assessment (EA) is ready for review and that the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) is affording an opportunity for a public hearing. This notice can be distributed by many methods, such as being included in a letter, posted on a website, etc. The template can be used for state projects and for federal projects assigned to

TxDOT by the Federal Highway Administration.

There is no required format for public notices because they are distributed by different methods. The

Environmental Affairs Division recommends including the TxDOT logo, but it’s not required. Whatever format is used, regardless of whether a logo is included, must meet the TxDOT publication standards as outlined in the TxDOT Brand Guidelines: Advancing the Standard .

To prepare the content required to be included in a notice, enter project-specific information in the prompts of the template. Do not change the text, unless prompted by the template. Prompts are highlighted in grey and set off by brackets, <as shown here>.When all prompts have been addressed, ensure no prompts remain, and copy the content into another document to format the notice. Do not copy these instructions, the title of the template or the headers and footers.


Draft Environmental Assessment Available for Public Review and

Opportunity for a Public Hearing

<Enter the Roadway Name and/or Number>

From <Enter the Starting Project Limit> to <Enter the Ending Project Limit>

CSJs: <0000-00-000>

<Enter the County Name> County, Texas

<In Sentence form, Include Any Applicable Joint Lead Agencies, Cooperating Agencies, and Cooperating and/or Sponsoring Local Governments, and insert “in conjunction with”> The Texas Department of

Transportation (TxDOT) is the <Enter Either Lead Agency or Joint Lead Agency> proposing to <Enter the

Action, such as Widen, Reconstruct, Improve, etc.> <Enter the Roadway Name and/or Number> from

<Enter the Starting Project Limit> to <Enter the Ending Project Limit> in <Enter the County Name>

County, Texas. The total distance of the project is approximately <Enter the Distance in Miles> miles.

Pursuant to Texas Administrative Code, Title 43, §2.106 and §2.108, this notice advises the public that a draft environmental assessment (EA) is available for public review and that TxDOT is affording an opportunity for a public hearing on the proposed project. < If the project is assigned to TxDOT by FHWA, retain the following sentence; if not, delete it> The environmental review, consultation, and other actions required by applicable Federal environmental laws for this project are being, or have been, carried-out by

TxDOT pursuant to 23 U.S.C. 327 and a Memorandum of Understanding dated December 16, 2014, and executed by FHWA and TxDOT.

<Enter the Information Outlined in the TxDOT Environmental Handbook: Public Involvement , Section 5.3>


TxDOT Environmental Affairs Division

Effective Date: May 2016

Version 1


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Template: Draft EA NOA and Opportunity for a Public Hearing

<In Simple And Easy-to-Understand Language and in Three to Five Sentences, Describe the Proposed

Project, Including the Highway Number(s) and Local Names, Project Termini, Type of Facility, Purpose,

Number of Lanes, and Counties, Cities, and/or Communities Affected>

<Describe the Existing and Proposed ROW Widths, Including Anticipated Residential and/or Non-

Residential Displacements> <If There are Displacements, Modify the Following Three Sentences; If Not,

Delete Them> The proposed project would displace <Enter the Number of Displacements and Ensure

Residence/Residences Agrees with the Number, or Delete the prompt and the Words between this and the next Prompt> residences and <Enter the Number of Displacements and Ensure Structure/Structures

Agrees with the Number, or Delete the Word and Before the Prompt and the Remainder of the Sentence> commercial structure. Information about the TxDOT Relocation Assistance Program, benefits and services for displacees, as well as information about the tentative schedules for ROW acquisition and construction can be obtained from the TxDOT district office at the address listed below. Relocation assistance is available for displaced persons and businesses. <If Relocations are Not Involved but

Additional ROW is Required, Retain the Following Two Sentences; If Not, Delete Them> Although additional right-of-way is required, no residential or non-residential structures would be displaced.

Information concerning services and benefits available to affected property owners and information about the tentative schedule for right-of-way acquisition may be obtained from the district office at the address listed below.

<If the Proposed Project Encroaches on a Floodplain, Wetland, and/or Sole-Source Aquifer Recharge

Zone, Enter a Sentence or Two a Describing the Types of Resources Impacted>

The draft EA, maps showing the project location and design, tentative construction schedules, and other information regarding the project are on file and available for inspection Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. at <Enter the TxDOT District or Local Government Project Sponsor

Office Name, Address, and Phone Number> and <If the Project Materials are Available Online, Enter the

Web Address>.

Any interested citizen may request a public hearing covering the social, economic and environmental effects of the proposed location and design for this project. Requests for a public hearing must be submitted in writing on or before <Enter the Date 30 Days after the First Publication Date>, to the TxDOT

<Enter the District Name> District Office, <Enter the Contact Person’s Name, Title, and Address>.

Additionally, any comments on the draft EA can be submitted to the address included above. If you have general questions or concerns regarding the proposed project or the opportunity for the public hearing, contact <Enter the Contact Person’s Name, Title, Phone Number, and/or Email Address>.

<If the Project is Assigned to TxDOT by FHWA, Retain the Following Sentence; If Not, Delete It>

The environmental review, consultation, and other actions required by applicable Federal environmental laws for this project are being, or have been, carried-out by TxDOT pursuant to 23 U.S.C. 327 and a

Memorandum of Understanding dated December 16, 2014, and executed by FHWA and TxDOT .


TxDOT Environmental Affairs Division

Effective Date: May 2016

Version 1


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Template: Draft EA NOA and Opportunity for a Public Hearing

Appendix A: Revision History

The following table shows the revision history for this document.

Revision History

Effective Date

Month, Year

Reason for and Description of Change

May 2016 Version 1 was released.


TxDOT Environmental Affairs Division

Effective Date: May 2016

Version 1


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