Hot-Spot Analysis Data for a Consultation Partner This form is filled out by the project sponsor and is sent to the consultation partners immediately after an MPO schedules a conference call with the consultation partners. The data recorded using this form is necessary for the consultation partners to decide whether the proposed project is a “project of air quality concern.” I. Project Details Project Element Describe CSJs Location County/City/Roadway Name/Mile-Post Attach a map showing the proposed project site. Project Type Project Sponsor Traffic Analysis Results If there was a traffic analysis study done for this project, provide information on the scope and who performed the analysis, and attach the results. Ready to Let Date Letting Date Proposed Hearing Date Proposed Start of Construction Date Target Completion Date Other II. Reasons for a Determination from the Consultation Partners Check any boxes that apply in the first 4 rows. 1 FHWA/FTA funded project or project that requires FHWA/FTA action (e.g. interstate access) 2 The proposed project is located within a PM10 non-attainment or maintenance area. 3 The proposed project is located within a PM2.5 non-attainment or maintenance area. Note: None currently in Texas. 4 The proposed project is located within a CO non-attainment or maintenance area. Form TxDOT Environmental Affairs Division Release Date: 2/2014 Version 1 210.03.FRM Page 1 of 4 Hot-Spot Analysis Data for a Consultation Partner Decision 5 Applies to 6 PM New/expanded highway project with a significant number of diesel vehicles PM New exit ramp or other highway facility improvement project to connect a highway or expressway to a major freight, bus, or intermodal terminal PM Affects an intersection that is at or will change to a Level-of-Service D, E, or F with significant number of diesel vehicles PM New/expanded bus or rail terminal or transfer point with a significant number of diesel vehicles congregating at a single location PM In or affects a location, area, or category of site identified in the applicable PM State Implementation Plan or Implementation Plan submission, as a site of violation or possible violation 11 PM Other: 12 CO Affects locations, areas, or categories of sites identified in the applicable CO State Implementation Plan as sites of violation or possible violation 13 CO Affects intersections that are at Level-of-Service D, E, or F, or those that will change to Level-of-Service D, E, or F because of increased traffic volumes related to the project 14 CO Affects one or more of the top three intersections in the nonattainment or maintenance area with highest traffic volumes, as identified in the applicable State Implementation Plan 15 CO Affects one or more of the top three intersections in the nonattainment or maintenance area with the worst level of service, as identified in the applicable State Implementation Plan 16 CO Other: 7 8 9 10 Criteria Explanation Provide a more detailed explanation of how this project meets or does not meet the above criteria in rows 6-11 for PM nonattainment or maintenance areas and 12-16 for CO nonattainment or maintenance areas, so Consultation Partners can make a decision if the project is or is not a project of air quality concern. If needed, contact ENV air specialist for assistance. <Enter Explanation > Form TxDOT Environmental Affairs Division Release Date: 2/2014 Version 1 210.03.FRM Page 2 of 4 Hot-Spot Analysis Data for a Consultation Partner Decision III. Available Network Section Traffic Data for the Project Use all available traffic data to fill out the table, and include a reference to the source of the traffic data in the field below the table. This information should be provided for each intersection and interchange and for each section of the proposed project delineated in the traffic analysis. DATA TYPE <Insert Section, Intersection, Interchange> <Insert Base Year> Existing <Insert ETC Year> No-Build <Insert Base Year> Build <Insert Design Year> No-Build <Insert Design Year> Build Annual average daily traffic (AADT) Peak-hour traffic volume (% of AADT)(k) Directional split in peak-hour (D) Truck percentage, daily or peakhour (T) Average speed (most likely for peak-hour) Level of Service Other Source of Information, Key Assumptions, and Method Attach any additional traffic data and analyses to this document. Form TxDOT Environmental Affairs Division Release Date: 2/2014 Version 1 210.03.FRM Page 3 of 4 Hot-Spot Analysis Data for a Consultation Partner Decision Appendix A The following table shows the revision history for this guidance document. Revision History Effective Date Month, Year Reason for and Description of Change Form TxDOT Environmental Affairs Division Release Date: 2/2014 Version 1 210.03.FRM Page 4 of 4