Ezgi Saribay Internship Paper Aug 15,2010 Executive Summary

Ezgi Saribay
Internship Paper
Aug 15,2010
Executive Summary
I worked for Trinity Episcopal Church in Fishkill, New York during this summer. As part of my
internship I assisted a parish priest Sister Jean Campbell with pastoral care, Christian formation, youth
and college ministry. I worked with the parish administrator, and Sister Jean. Often times Sister Jean
helped me to reflect on my experience. I arrived in Fishkill at the second week of June. I was warmly
welcomed by the priest and the congregation in the first Sunday I was there. The vestry and the
congregation had a clear idea of what my internship was about, and they had many activities for me to
do to encourage me to discern my calling to ordain ministry. During six weeks, I went to home visits to
take communion for the sick people from the congregation, I talked to a young adult about her process
of conversion from Judaism, I organized a Turkish Culture Night, and I met many other priests to enrich
my idea of vocation including the Presiding Bishop. I was also trained to serve in the altar, do lay
readings, and was given the opportunity to give a sermon one Sunday. At the last week of my internship,
I organized a tour to the Cathedral of St. John, the Divine including the youth group and the adults from
the parish. I loved every minute of what I did this summer. Everyday I went to that church I knew this
was I was meant to do, and I felt at home. Congregation has embraced me as a lay minister as much as I
embraced them and served them with great enthusiasm.