FINAL PROJECT RECORDS REVIEW REPORT Local Government Contracts PROJECT NO. CSJ COUNTY HIGHWAY NO. CATEGORY: 1.STATE FUNDED 2.FED-AID EXEM (SO) 3.FED-AID NON-EXEMP CONTRACT AMT. CONTRACT TIME TIME EXTENSIONS # DAYS REVIEW MADE BY: TIME ELAPSED % WORK COMPLETED % DATE: CONTRACTOR: LG RESPONSIBLE ENGINEER: A. FOLLOW-UP FROM PREVIOUS REVIEWS: B. PRECONSTRUCTION INFORMATION (received & retained by LG) Previously Verified: Yes No Required Submission Rec’d Letter Designating Superintendent Letter Designating Safety Officer Required Submission Copy of EEO Policy (Fed. Only) Copy of Minutes from Previous EEO Mtg. (Fed. only) Letter Outlining Erosion Control OSHA Preconstruction Safety Checklist Letter Designating Payroll Supervisor Letter Designating EEO Officer (Fed. Only) Contractor’s Responsible Person for Barricades Letter Designating DBE Liaison Officer NPDES Certification Enrollment Documentation for Optional OJT Electrical Certification Letter Flagger Training Certificate Contractor’s Safety Policy Copy of Minutes from Previous Safety Mtg. Non-Hazardous Recyclable Material Form Project Schedule (Initial and Updates) List of Qualified Flaggers Truck Mounted Attenuator Certification C. SUB-CONTRACTORS Approved Sub-Contractors 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. TOTAL AMOUNT SUBCONTRACTED: $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ % % % % % % % % % OF CONTRACT: Rec’d Final Project Review Page 2 a. DBE/HUB Goal: % $ b. Amount Sub-Contracted to DBE: c. Was the DBE goal met? Yes No If not, was a good faith effort determination made and documented? Yes No Remarks: D. CONTRACT TIME 1. Original contract days allowed: 2. Days charged according to Spec 3. Days added by time extension(s): 4. Are time extensions participating by TxDOT? Yes No List any days deemed non-participating: 5. Has the TxDOT been notified of any non-participating days? Yes 6. Total allowable days: 7. Total days charged: 8. Liquidated damages charged: E. PAYROLLS (Federal-Aid Projects Only) 1. Payrolls for Prime and Sub-Contractors submitted with WH 347? Yes No 2. Submittals current for both prime and sub-contractors? Yes No Remarks: 3. Number of Payroll Interviews completed: of Required 4. For these interviews, were the job classifications and the wage rates paid checked against the minimum requirements and was this check documented? Yes No Was further action required on any interview? Yes No Remarks: 5. Minimum Wages paid to all contractors’ personnel? Yes No Remarks: F. SW3P 1. NOI Submitted? Yes No N/A Date of Submittal: 2. Permit Number Received? Yes No Number: 3. “Construction Pollution Prevention Inspection and Maintenance Report” completed bi-weekly and after ½” rain and placed in file/field office? Yes No Remarks: No Final Project Review Page 3 G. Traffic Control 1. Has the Form 599 been completed according to the instructions? Yes No Remarks: H. PROJECT DIARIES 1. Do working days charged, additional days granted, and days charged to date agree with the diaries, change orders, and letters granting additional time? Yes No Remarks: 2. Were the following requirements met? First Diary created when time charges began or work began (which ever occurred first)? Yes No One Diary completed for each day? Yes No Sufficient information provided to determine major/controlling item of work? Yes No Sufficient information provided to determine prime and subcontractor’s equipment and personnel involved in work? Yes No Remarks: I. CHANGE ORDERS & TIME EXTENSIONS Executed Change Orders as of CO # TE# Description Amount Resp Eng. App’d TxDOT App’d Work Started 1. Have items added by change orders been correctly entered on estimate? Yes No 2. Is supporting documentation on file for each change order? Yes No 3. Are all time extensions participating by TxDOT? Yes No N/A Remarks: J. MATERIAL SOURCING & TESTING 1. Have hot mix and concrete mix designs been submitted to TxDOT prior to use on projects? Yes No 2. Have material tickets been submitted? Yes No 3. Have certified mill test reports been submitted? Yes No Remarks: Final Project Review Page 4 J. PAY RECORDS (Based on Item History Report run for each item) List pay items reviewed with discrepancies noted: PAY ITEM REMARKS CORRECTIVE ACTION K. QUANTITIES 1. List any major item overruns or underruns of 25% or more: 2. Was an adjustment made to the contract per Item 4.2 for each of these items? Yes No Remarks: L. MISCELLANEOUS The following are applicable to all Federal-Aid projects: 1. Has the form, “Monitoring Contractor Performance Construction Surveillance” been completed monthly? Yes No Remarks: 2. Has the contractor elected to participate in the “Optional OJT Program”? Yes No Has a breakdown on the hours trained for each trainee been provided? Yes No N/A Have all trainees received a minimum of 150 hours of training? Yes No N/A Is the ratio of journeymen to trainees within the 4 to 1 ratio? Yes No N/A 3. Form PR-1391“Fed-Aid Hwy Const. Contractor Annual EEO Report” completed? (Due in August) Yes No N/A 4. Have any maintenance activities been performed as part of this contract (include work added by change order)? Yes No If so, was this work non-participating with federal funds? Yes No 5. Has any material that was paid for in this contract been transferred to TxDOT stock? Yes No If so, was payment for this material non-participating with federal funds? Yes No 6. Has the Material Certification been submitted? Yes No