
Checklist: Baseline Schedule Review
Schedule Name:
Item Checklist
Has the contractor provided a contact person proficient in CPM analysis?
Contact number:
Has the schedule been submitted using the software and version required by special provision?
Can the schedule be opened?
Does the Data Date equal the project start which should equal the notice to proceed?
Does the project completion date meet the allowable contract days allowed?
Contract days allowed:
Schedule completion days:
Are there enough calendars to cover the work characteristics? (Typical calendars include: global
calendar, project calendar to record actual work/non-work days of the job, curing calendar, closedseason work calendar, work calendars for dirt work, paving, etc.)
Are the holidays specified in the contract included in the calendars as non-work days?
Does each calendar contain weather and holidays that affect that work characteristic?
Do the weather days model the monthly averages for the geographic area?
Are the appropriate calendars assigned to corresponding activities?
Does the schedule contain proper activity codes? (Examples: phase, step, location, work type, etc.)
Can the schedule be organized logically using the activity codes?
Does the schedule reflect the total scope of work?
Is the overall schedule duration, work sequence, and anticipated completion date reasonable in
regard to the work and specifications included in the plans?
Does the schedule follow the sequence of work and traffic control plan shown in contract?
Are milestones provided to highlight the start or completion of major sequences of work or special
 If not, has the contractor submitted a written request to change these?
For each activity, is the level of detail appropriate?
Do the descriptions clearly tell what the tasks are and where they are located?
Except for agreed upon activities, are all activity duration less than 20 working days?
 If not, is the duration reasonable for amount and complexity of the specified work?
Other than the project start and project complete activities, do all other activities have both
predecessor and successor relationship (in other words, no open-ended activities)?
Is the critical path defined as the longest path? (See optional software setting for critical path)
Is the critical path credible given the work to be performed?
Does the critical path reflect the correct sequence of work?
Does the schedule include activities for shop submittals, off-site fabrications, and curing?
Are submittal activities followed by a review activity?
Are the times allotted reasonable?
Do the review activities have a delivery or actual use successor?
Are known conflicts included as activities in the schedule?
Do known conflicts reflect the time allowed per special provision? (Examples: anticipated ROW
acquisitions, utility adjustments, or other conflicts listed in 000-xxxx special provisions of the
Does the schedule include any constraints other than hammock and milestone activities?
Is the quantity of work and planned production rate shown in the schedule? (The quantity can be
shown as a quantity in the activity description. The production rate will be considered as a product
of the quantity shown divided by the activity duration shown.)
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TxDOT 04/09
Checklist: Baseline Schedule Review
Item Checklist
Are the majority of logic relationships Finish-to-Start (FS) type relationships? (Some Start-to-Start
(SS) and Finish-to-Finish (FF) relationships may be necessary, but use sparingly. Avoid use of
Start-to-Finish (SF) relationships since these are rare occurrences in highway construction.)
Verify that no negative lags are included in the schedule. Proper use of logical relationships should
be used to avoid negative lags.
Is the schedule in compliance according to specification? (Yes) or (No)
 If not, the contractor must provide a revision, correction, or reasons for not doing so within five calendar days.
TxDOT schedule reviewer:
Date schedule was received:
Date reviewed:
Note: The Engineer’s review and acceptance of the project schedule is for conformance to the requirements of the contract documents
only and does not relieve the Contractor of any responsibility for meeting the interim milestone dates (if specified) or the contract
completion date. Review and acceptance does not expressly or by implication warrant, acknowledge, or admit the reasonableness of the
logic or durations of the project schedule.
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TxDOT 04/09