Traffic Safety Program Request for Proposals Fiscal Year 2007 Traffic Safety Section Traffic Operations Division TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 125 E. 11th Street Austin, Texas 78701-2483 (512) 416-3175 Request for Proposal Traffic Safety Program Table of Contents 1. Overview .........................................................................................................3 1.1. 1.2. Purpose of this Request for Proposal (RFP) .................................................................. 3 Background ..................................................................................................................... 3 1.2.1. 1.2.2. 1.3. Eligibility......................................................................................................................... 3 1.3.1. 1.3.2. 1.3.3. 1.4. 1.5. Core Competencies ................................................................................................................................4 Contiguous Competencies .....................................................................................................................4 Auxiliary Competencies ........................................................................................................................5 Proposal Submittal Process ..........................................................................5 2.1. 2.2. HSPP Program Areas and Goals ................................................................................... 5 General Guidelines ......................................................................................................... 5 2.2.1. 2.2.2. 2.2.3. 2.2.4. 2.2.5. 2.2.6. 2.3. 3. Forms .....................................................................................................................................................5 Comments and Feedback .......................................................................................................................6 Delivery .................................................................................................................................................6 Additional Comments ............................................................................................................................6 Project Timeframes ................................................................................................................................6 Funding ..................................................................................................................................................6 Program-Specific Guidelines .......................................................................................... 7 2.3.1. 2.3.2. 2.3.3. STEP Proposals .....................................................................................................................................7 Other Traffic Safety Proposals...............................................................................................................7 Statewide Support Project Proposals .....................................................................................................7 Project Selection Process...............................................................................8 3.1. 3.2. Scoring Process .............................................................................................................. 8 Highway Safety Performance Plan (HSPP) Development ............................................. 8 3.2.1. 3.2.2. 3.2.3. 3.3. 4. Participation in Selective Traffic Enforcement Program (STEP) ..........................................................3 Eligible Organizations ...........................................................................................................................4 Pre-Award Audit ....................................................................................................................................4 High Priority Programs .................................................................................................. 4 HSPP Funding Apportionment ....................................................................................... 4 1.5.1. 1.5.2. 1.5.3. 2. Authority and Responsibility .................................................................................................................3 Matching Funds and Cost Assumption ..................................................................................................3 HSPP Draft ............................................................................................................................................8 HSPP Review and Approval ..................................................................................................................8 HSPP Implementation............................................................................................................................8 Development of Grant Agreements ................................................................................. 8 Terms and Conditions ...................................................................................9 4.1. Purpose of the RFP ......................................................................................................... 9 4.2. Right to Accept or Reject ................................................................................................ 9 4.3. Right to Correct Errors................................................................................................... 9 4.4. Right to Negotiate Final Terms....................................................................................... 9 4.5. Right to Withdraw or Reduce Amount ............................................................................ 9 4.6. Influencing TxDOT Staff ................................................................................................. 9 4.7. Conflict of Interest .......................................................................................................... 9 4.8. Contractual Obligation ................................................................................................... 9 4.9. Right to Request Additional Information ...................................................................... 10 4.10. Right to Disqualify ........................................................................................................ 10 4.11. Adherence to the Texas Traffic Safety Program Grant Agreement General Terms and Conditions.................................................................................................................................. 10 Texas Department of Transportation Page 2 of 10 July 1, 2016 Request for Proposal Traffic Safety Program 1. Overview 1.1. Purpose of this Request for Proposal (RFP) In accordance with 43 TAC §25.901, et seq., the Texas Department of Transportation is requesting project proposals to support the goals and strategies of a traffic safety program to reduce the number of motor vehicle related crashes, injuries and fatalities in Texas. These goals and strategies form the basis for the Fiscal Year 2007 (FY07) Highway Safety Performance Plan (HSPP). 1.2. Background 1.2.1. Authority and Responsibility The traffic safety grant program derives from the National Highway Safety Act of 1966 (23 USC §401, et seq.), and the Texas Traffic Safety Act of 1967 (Transportation Code, Chapter 723). Traffic Safety is an integral part of the Texas Department of Transportation and works through the department's 25 districts for local projects. The program is administered at the state level by the department's Traffic Operations Division. The executive director of the department is the designated Governor's Highway Safety Representative. 1.2.2. Matching Funds and Cost Assumption All proposals must include a minimum of 10% local cost share (match) in the first three years of an approved project. Proposals for a second or subsequent year of funding and multiyear proposals must include a Cost Assumption Plan (TxDOT Form 1845). Proposals for a fourth or fifth year (or beyond) must contain a 35% and 50% local cost share (match) respectively. Multiyear proposals will be accepted; however funding will be allocated on a single year basis. Each proposal must state which goal(s) and strategy(ies) are included in the draft FY07 Performance Measures chart, available at The chart is also available from District Traffic Safety Specialists or Traffic Safety Program Managers. Eligible organizations are state and local governments, educational institutions, and non-profit organizations. 1.3. Eligibility 1.3.1. Participation in Selective Traffic Enforcement Program (STEP) Law enforcement agencies are required to submit a STEP proposal for yearlong STEPs. Law enforcement agencies awarded an FY 2007 yearlong STEP will not be eligible for the STEP Wave. Texas Department of Transportation Page 3 of 10 July 1, 2016 Request for Proposal Traffic Safety Program Law enforcement agencies are required to submit a STEP Wave application for STEP Wave grants. Communities with yearlong STEPs may be allowed to participate in mobilizations using special funds. 1.3.2. Eligible Organizations Eligible organizations are state and local governments, educational institutions, and non-profit organizations. 1.3.3. Pre-Award Audit Eligible, non-governmental organizations are subject to a pre-award audit prior to any grant execution. 1.4. High Priority Programs Proposals to reduce impaired driving and proposals to improve the use of occupant protection are especially sought. 1.5. HSPP Funding Apportionment The traffic safety program will be divided into three categories of competency: Core, Contiguous and Auxiliary. 1.5.1. Core Competencies The Core Competencies include the programs which have the most direct impact on the number of traffic fatalities in the state. Reductions in fatalities caused by factors covered in core competencies have the greatest ability to decrease loss of life significantly in Texas. These programs will receive approximately 75 percent of available non-federally earmarked funds (402 funds) and include the following: all types of Enforcement and Police Traffic Services Support (except public information and education projects) all Alcohol Countermeasures (except public information and education projects) all Occupant Protection Measures (except public information and education projects) 1.5.2. Contiguous Competencies The Contiguous Competencies include the programs that have an effect on the number of traffic fatalities in Texas, but the loss of life in these areas, and therefore the potential saving of life, is less, sometimes by a significant factor, than in the core competencies. These programs receive approximately 10 percent of available non-federally earmarked funds (402 funds) and include the following: Emergency Medical Services support; Roadway Safety Texas Department of Transportation Page 4 of 10 July 1, 2016 Request for Proposal Traffic Safety Program Pedestrian Safety Bicycle Safety Safe Communities processes Motorcycle Safety Railroad/Highway crossing School Bus 1.5.3. Auxiliary Competencies The Auxiliary Competencies include the programs which, by themselves do little to nothing to reduce traffic fatalities, but when used in support of the core competencies have a multiplier effect, meaning the effort expended in the core competency is increased in value and effect. These programs receive approximately 15 percent of available non-federally earmarked funds (402 funds) and include the following: Public Information and Education Traffic Records 2. Proposal Submittal Process 2.1. HSPP Program Areas and Goals Submitted proposals must comply with the goals and strategies outlined in the draft FY07 performance measures chart at The chart is also available from the District Traffic Safety Specialist responsible for the geographical area of Texas in which the project will take place, or the responsible Traffic Safety Program Manager in the Traffic Operations Division if the project will be conducted statewide. 2.2. General Guidelines The proposal form can be found at: 2.2.1. Forms Organizations are responsible for insuring they use the appropriate proposal forms based on the specific programs. Proposals on obsolete or incorrect forms will not be scored for inclusion in the FY07 HSPP. Current project proposal application forms and instructions, scoring criteria, and other related documents are available at the following locations: 1. on the TxDOT internet site: 2. by contacting the Traffic Operations Division, Traffic Safety Section, attention Ms. Susan Warren at (512) 416-3177 3. by contacting the Traffic Safety Specialist at the nearest TxDOT district office or State Program Manager for statewide projects. District Traffic Safety Specialists and State Program Manager contact Texas Department of Transportation Page 5 of 10 July 1, 2016 Request for Proposal Traffic Safety Program information may be found at 2.2.2. Comments and Feedback It is recommended that potential proposal submitters contact either the responsible District Traffic Safety Specialist for proposals for local projects or the appropriate State Program Manager for proposals of statewide efforts in order to receive comments and feedback on any proposal, prior to final submission of the proposal. Any questions regarding your proposal should be directed to your assigned TxDOT representative. 2.2.3. Delivery Proposals must be submitted in writing to the nearest TxDOT district office, Attention: Traffic Safety Specialist, or mailed directly to Terry Pence, Traffic Operations Division, Texas Department of Transportation, 125 East 11th Street, Austin, Texas 78701-2483. Proposals must be received by TxDOT no later than 5 p.m., February 1, 2006. Proposals received after this due date will not be accepted. Failure to follow the above requirements may disqualify your proposal from the scoring process. 2.2.4. Additional Comments Proposals for immediate or potential statewide projects in public schools must also have verification of coordination and commitment from the Texas Education Agency. Proposals must be submitted by the responsible entity or have the written support from an authorized representative of that agency. Separate documents with information pertaining to the submitting agency's qualifications, commitment, availability of external resources, task force associations, or previous traffic safety or related experience may also be included with the proposal. Failure to follow the above requirements may disqualify your proposal from the scoring process. 2.2.5. Project Timeframes Proposed projects are assigned priority for available funding. Selected proposals will be recommended for inclusion in the Texas HSPP expected to begin in federal fiscal year 2007 starting October 1, 2006. Eligible and worthwhile selected projects may be initiated prior to October 1, 2006 if sufficient funding is available. 2.2.6. Funding Proposals selected for inclusion in the FY 2007 HSPP become cost reimbursable grant-in-aid agreements. Contracts with vendors for particular services will be made through the state purchasing process, not through this request for proposal process. All information resource-related activities will be subject to TxDOT information resource procurement procedures. Texas Department of Transportation Page 6 of 10 July 1, 2016 Request for Proposal Traffic Safety Program Federal and state grant funds cannot be used for lobbying. “Supplanting” (use of federal funds to support personnel or an activity that is already supported by local or state funds) is prohibited. 2.3. Program-Specific Guidelines 2.3.1. STEP Proposals Proposals for STEPs must be submitted on TxDOT Form 1851-LE, with appropriate attachments. Proposals for a STEP are limited to one or combinations of the following: Driving While Intoxicated, Occupant Protection (OP), Speed, and Intersection Traffic Control. A community should submit one combined proposal that covers all the desired traffic safety elements. STEP proposals targeting hazardous moving violations related to CMV must be submitted separately and will be scored separately. Consolidated grants for all STEP elements will be issued for FY 2007. Applications for STEP Waves grants are limited to a maximum of six holiday periods per year. These grants consist of one or a combination of Speed, DWI and OP. Any special mobilization STEPs will be handled through a separate process. 2.3.2. Other Traffic Safety Proposals Proposals for other than those projects covered by STEPs must be submitted on TxDOT Form 1851 with appropriate attachments. Proposals including child passenger safety seats require a minimum 25% cost share (match) for the safety seats. Any safety seats included in traffic safety proposals will be ordered through and purchased by the Texas Department of State Health Services, Safe Riders. 2.3.3. Statewide Support Project Proposals Responses for Support Project Proposals must be submitted with the completed TxDOT Form 1851 with appropriate attachments. Support Proposals for the following Statewide projects are being requested Safety Belt Surveys Child Passenger Safety Education and Distribution Program Technical Assistance and Data Analysis for Traffic Safety The completed TxDOT Form 1851 includes the problem identification, solutions, objectives, performance measures and targets. This form may be found at: Proposals offering less activity or deliverables than in the online 1851 will not be considered. Texas Department of Transportation Page 7 of 10 July 1, 2016 Request for Proposal Traffic Safety Program 3. Project Selection Process 3.1. Scoring Process The Texas HSPP is developed through a strategic performance planning process, using goals established through analysis of the most recent available motor vehicle crash data. The selection of individual projects is based on the problem identification and project solution offered in the proposals. Traffic safety managers will review and evaluate each proposal for applicability to Texas' and community traffic safety problems. Each qualifying project proposal will be scored against the following criteria: 3.2. Strength of problem identification supported with verifiable, current, and applicable documentation of the state or local traffic safety problem Quality of the proposed solution plan Realistic objectives and performance measures Time-framed action plan Cost eligibility Percent of matching funding proposed Reasonable and necessary budget Highway Safety Performance Plan (HSPP) Development 3.2.1. HSPP Draft The HSPP is developed by the Traffic Operations Division, Traffic Safety Section, based on the proposals recommended for funding. 3.2.2. HSPP Review and Approval The HSPP is submitted to the Texas Transportation Commission for approval. Upon approval, the HSPP is submitted to the Governor's Office and forwarded to the federal government for review, comment and approval. 3.2.3. HSPP Implementation The HSPP becomes operational on October 1 of every year if federal appropriations allow. Funds are to be used to support state problem identification, planning and implementation of a traffic safety program to reduce crashes, deaths, and injuries on Texas roadways. The traffic safety program is designed to implement worthwhile projects where costs will be assumed by the sponsoring agency. 3.3. Development of Grant Agreements Texas Traffic Safety Program project grant agreements are developed by the Traffic Safety Program Managers and Traffic Safety Specialists in conjunction with the subgrantees. These agreements are supported with non-dedicated federal funds and are limited to the length of the proposed grant period. Funding is also provided from state, local and private sources. Texas Department of Transportation Page 8 of 10 July 1, 2016 Request for Proposal Traffic Safety Program 4. Terms and Conditions 4.1. Purpose of the RFP The only purpose of this Request for Proposal (RFP) is to ensure uniform information in the solicitation of proposals and procurement of services. This RFP is not construed as a purchase agreement or contract or as a commitment of any kind, nor does it commit TxDOT to pay for costs incurred prior to the execution of a formal contract or grant unless such costs are specifically authorized in writing by TxDOT. 4.2. Right to Accept or Reject TxDOT reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals received, to cancel or reissue this RFP in part or its entirety or to decline to issue a contract or grant based on this RFP. 4.3. Right to Correct Errors TxDOT reserves the right to correct any error(s) and/or make changes to this solicitation as it deems necessary. 4.4. Right to Negotiate Final Terms TxDOT reserves the right to negotiate the final terms of any and all contracts or grant agreements with proposers selected and any such terms negotiated as a result of this RFP may be renegotiated and/or amended in order to successfully meet the needs of the TxDOT Traffic Safety Section. 4.5. Right to Withdraw or Reduce Amount TxDOT reserves the right to withdraw or reduce the amount of an award or to cancel any contract or grant agreement resulting from this procurement if adequate funding is not received from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) or other funding sources or due to legislative changes. 4.6. Influencing TxDOT Staff Proposers shall not offer or provide any gratuities, favors, or anything of monetary value to any officer, member, employee, or agent of TxDOT, for the purpose of having an influencing effect toward their own proposal or any other proposal submitted hereunder. 4.7. Conflict of Interest No employee, officer, or agent of TxDOT shall participate in the selection, award or administration of a contract or grant agreement supported by federal and/or state funds if a conflict of interest or potential conflict would be involved. 4.8. Contractual Obligation The contents of a successful proposal may become a contractual obligation if selected for an award of a contract or grant agreement. Texas Department of Transportation Page 9 of 10 July 1, 2016 Request for Proposal Traffic Safety Program 4.9. Right to Request Additional Information TxDOT reserves the right to clarify, explain or verify any aspect of a response to the RFP and to require the submission of any price, technical or other revision to the proposal that results from negotiations conducted. 4.10. Right to Disqualify TxDOT reserves the right to deem non-responsive or disqualify any proposal that in TxDOT’s sole determination does not comply with or conform to term conditions and requirements contained in this RFP. 4.11. Adherence to the Texas Traffic Safety Program Grant Agreement General Terms and Conditions All contracts or grant agreements award under this RFP must adhere to the Texas Traffic Safety Program Grant Agreement General Terms and Conditions (Attachment B) to all Traffic Safety grant agreements (TxDOT Form 1854). These terms and conditions may be viewed at Texas Department of Transportation Page 10 of 10 July 1, 2016