Public Hearing Northwest Loop 363 From South Loop 363/IH 35 to North Loop 363/IH 35 June 1, 2009, 6:30 p.m. City of Temple’s Public Works Service Center AGENDA Welcome & Introductions – Richard J. Skopik, P.E., District Engineer Project Development – Andy Petter, P.E., Director of Transportation Planning and Development Project Description and Details - Greg Evans, P.E., Project Manager, Bucher, Willis & Ratliff Corporation Right-of-Way Acquisition and Relocation Assistance – Sheila Mills, Right-of-Way Administrator Intermission to Review Schematics Public Testimony* Adjourn * Note: You will not receive a direct response tonight to verbal comments made during the public testimony session. All verbal and written comments will be addressed in the public hearing summary and analysis. Public Hearing - Northwest Loop 363 June 1, 2009 Page 2 of 2 INTRODUCTION The Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) is in the process of improving existing Northwest (HK Dodgen) Loop 363 in Bell County to a controlled access roadway with frontage roads and overpasses. The project is planned to be implemented in multiple phases over the next 20 or more years as traffic volumes increase and as funds become available. The purpose of this hearing is to receive public testimony on the proposed design. PROJECT BACKGROUND The proposed project is a north-south loop located in Bell County in the City of Temple. The purpose of the project is to provide additional capacity, improve traffic flow and circulation, increase safety, minimize environmental impacts and cost, provide accessibility for the large amount of truck traffic generated by the Temple Industrial Park, and provide an improved alternate route for IH 35 traffic through and around the City of Temple. TxDOT held earlier public meetings for this project July 2001, April 2002 and December 2006. TRAFFIC COUNTS Year: Vehicles per Day: North IH 35 to FM 2305 2008 2028 20,300 31,500 FM 2305 to Hopi Trail 2008 2028 32,900 51,100 PROJECT DESCRIPTION The proposed project will ultimately consist of a four-lane controlled access facility with frontage roads and overpasses built in phases over the next 20 years. This project will begin at the intersection of IH 35 and South Loop 363 and follow the current western alignment to the intersection of IH 35 and North Loop 363. Additional right of way will be required for the project. ESTIMATED COST The estimated cost of construction for the ultimate design in current dollars is approximately $152 million. This cost includes the bridges on the north end of the project that will provide a direct connection to IH 35. The City of Temple is currently pursuing an application for a funding tool known as “pass-through” financing to help pay for this project. PROJECT SEQUENCE – Anticipated Schedule Right of Way Acquisition – Pending availability of funds Construction – Pending availability of funds MORE INFO Information about this project is available for inspection at the Waco District Office at the address below. Project information is also available on the TxDOT website at: Click on “Hearings and Meetings” under the Quick Links column. Look for “Proposed Northwest Loop 363 Expansion in Temple.” WRITTEN COMMENTS Albin A. (Andy) Petter, P.E. Director of Transportation Planning and Development Texas Department of Transportation 100 South Loop Drive Waco, TX 76704-2858 Please submit all comments by June 11, 2009.