McNair Scholars Program Research Action Plan (RAP) Scholar’s Name Discipline Faculty Mentor’s name Discipline Proposed Title of Project Directions: Use the space provided to describe the research you propose to conduct as a McNair Scholar. The McNair staff is available to answer your questions and assist you in completing this form. Call or come by if you need assistance. The best help you can obtain in completing this form will be from your Faculty Mentor. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM: (the topic your research will explore) State the problem in complete sentences in as few words as possible. JUSTIFICATION/IMPORTANCE OF THE PROJECT: Why is the proposed research needed? How will it add to the knowledge base in your discipline? TIMELINE OF PROJECT ACTIVITIES: Provide a time line/calendar of research activities (for summer and spring semesters) that will allow for completion of the research project by the end of the eight-week summer internship. McNair Scholars Program SIGNATURES: _________________________________ McNair Scholar date _________________________________ Faculty Mentor date _________________________________ McNair Program Director date Note: McNair Scholars who are also Honors students have the option of applying the three hours of credit from the McNair research class (MCN 4301) toward the six-hour Honors thesis project.