Mentors : Navigating the Mentor/Mentee Relationship

Navigating the Mentor
Students’ Common Complaints
The mentor never gives timely answers to my
The mentor makes me feel like I’m bothering
The mentor is too busy. The meeting is
The mentor talks over my head
Students’ Common Complaints
The advice is vague. I don’t know what to do
The mentor insists on too many rewrites.
The mentor changes his/her mind and gives
conflicting advice.
The mentor doesn’t return drafts quickly.
The mentor doesn’t give help when I need it.
Students’ Common Complaints
The mentor focuses too much on the details
and misses the big picture.
The mentor wants me to work on what they
are interested in.
Mentor Common Complaints
The student calls without organizing his/her
The student calls with unimportant matters.
The student thinks he/she is the only student
I have.
The student doesn’t have basic skills for
Mentor Common Complaints
The student can’t write well.
The student expects me to do the research
project for him/her.
The student freaks out over revisions.
The student underestimates how long things
take and misses deadlines.
Mentor Common Complaints
The student expects me to rescue him/her
from problems.
The student presents sloppy work.
The student refuses to take the initiative.
Your Role with the Mentor
Maintain contact.
Communicate your needs.
Topical Advice
Supportive Advice
Role with Mentor
Be a charmer
Read non-verbals
Acknowledge feelings by matching gestures
Set a positive environment
Remain friendly and cheerful
Show initiative and accept criticism
Be organized and use mentor’s time
Role with Mentor
Exhibit personal integrity
Exhibit professionalism, maturity, and a
strong work ethic
Be responsive to advice
Be honest about progress
Develop the ability to work independently
Traits of the Ideal Mentor
Has reasonable expectations
Reads and comments on material in a timely
Remains consistent
Sees mentor role as important
Ideal Mentor
Interested in you as a person and scholar
Meets regularly
Provides guidance on becoming a
professional in your field
Being an Ideal Mentee
Observe common courtesies
Don’t appear without an appointment—unless
your mentor encourages this.
Call or e-mail and leave a message about when
you need an appointment.
Let the mentor get back to you with convenient
Ideal Mentee
Keep every appointment.
If you must cancel, call as soon as possible
and apologize.
Come to the meeting on time. Be prompt.
Pace the conversation to cover all of your
If you hear impatience in your mentor’s
voice, cut the meeting short and reschedule.
Ideal Mentee
If the mentor extends the meeting with
questions or chit chat, patiently go along.
Listen—Don’t interrupt.
Take notes.
Come prepared. What exactly do you need?
Bring your materials.