Summary of the Review Group Report The Library University College Dublin

Summary of the Review Group Report
The Library
University College Dublin
Approved by the Governing Authority at its meeting on 16 December 2003
The Library
Members of the Review Group
Professor Michael Monaghan
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine,
University College Dublin
Ms. Mary Crowe
Director, Computing Services,
University College Dublin
Professor Fergus D’Arcy
Dean, Faculty of Arts,
University College Dublin
Mr. Murray Shepherd
University Librarian,
University of Waterloo
Ms. Deborah Shorley
University of Sussex
Members of the Co-ordinating Committee
Sean Phillips, Librarian (chair)
Michelle Agar, Library Assistant, (Special Collections)
Julia Barrett, Assistant Librarian, (Architecture and Planning Library)
Patrick Brennan, (Library Services Officer)
Anne Conway, Assistant Librarian, (Reader Services, from October 2002)
Peter Hickey, Assistant Librarian, (Reader Services, to September 2002;
Undergraduate Nursing Library, from October 2002)
Celia Kenny, Senior Library Assistant, (Levels 3/4 Main Library)
Valerie McKernan, Assistant Librarian, (Electronic Services/Systems)
Joe Nankivell, Library Assistant, (Level 2, Main Library)
Carmel O'Sullivan, Associate Librarian, (Library Administration)
Mary Riordan, Assistant Librarian (Earlsfort Terrace Libraries)
John Steele, Assistant Librarian, (Blackrock Campus Library)
Fiona Tipple, Sub-librarian, (Bibliographic Services)
Bernadette Tobin, Library Assistant, (Floor Services)
Deirdre Uí Bhrógáin, Library Assistant, (Veterinary Medicine Library)
Co-opted members:
Mary Flynn, Assistant Librarian, (Levels 3/4, Main Library)
Martina Walsh, Library Assistant, (Periodicals, Main Library) - from September 2002
Ben Wynne, Sub-librarian, (Electronic Services/Systems, Main Library) - to August
Departmental Details
The main Library is located on the Belfield campus, with branch libraries in Earlsfort
Terrace, Carysfort, Richview, Ballsbridge and the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine.
Planned improvements include a refurbished building for the business library in
Carysfort. The new Health Sciences Faculty in Belfield may also contain library
services (replacing the current Earlsfort Terrace facility). The Ballsbridge branch is a
Summary PRG Report, The Library, UCD
temporary location for Nursing Studies which will be consolidated with the main
Library/Health Sciences facilities when completed.
While the original plans were for one central library in Belfield, the branch structure is
now well established, popular with users, and likely to be retained. Within the main
Library are four specialist sub-libraries: Special Collections, Law and Official
Publications, Development Studies, and Medieval Studies.
Total staffing complement amounts to 140 full-time equivalents (from 183 members
of staff). There are 103 permanent full-time positions consisting of: Librarian (1),
Deputy Librarian (1), Associate Librarians (2), Sub-Librarians (4), Assistant Librarians
(25.5), Library Services Officer (1), Senior Library Assistants (13), Senior Executive
Assistants (2), Library Assistants (44.5), Library Attendants (9). There are a further
80 contract staff positions, some full-time with the majority part-time positions.
The work of the Library broadly spans:
 Collection development
 Acquisition and processing of information resources
 Lending services
 Stock management
 Photocopiers and printers
 Information services
 Access for non-registered users
 Documentation and manuals
 Provision of study spaces for direct use of library resources or general study
 Provision of electronic resources and non-campus based services through its
growing web initiatives
Site Visit
The site visit took place between February 9 and February 12.
met with
The Review Group
The Review Group met with the Librarian, Library Co-ordination Group, Library
Senior management team, Library staff not on the co-ordinating committee, Library
users – students, full time and part-time, Library users – staff, Library committee
representatives, Branch librarians, Branch library staff. The PRG also conducted
private meetings with individual members of staff. The PRG considered the Selfassessment Report and the site visit meetings, and following discussions of the
group prepared a preliminary draft of the PRG report that formed the basis of the exit
presentation to all members of staff.
The Review Group conducted site visits to both the main Library and the majority of
the branch libraries (Earlsfort Terrace, Richview, Carysfort, Veterinary Medicine).
The overall timetable was heavy, but given the extent of the library service the
Review Group considered the number of visits and meetings to be necessary.
The Review Group was impressed with the very high quality of the self-assessment
report and the openness and enthusiasm of library staff in the Quality Assurance
process. Detailed information was available from user surveys, which in the main
commented positively on the services. The Review Group meetings with users were
consistent with the findings of the library survey – i.e. focused on the need for more
Summary PRG Report, The Library, UCD
materials, research journals and greater access. Branch library users expressed
strong satisfaction with their local services.
Recommendations of the Peer Review Group
The detailed findings and recommendations of the Review Group are contained in
Section 5 of this report. These include commentaries on the findings and analysis of
areas of strength/weakness.
The Review Group believes that the most important issue for the Library is to
prioritise areas for immediate action and to create an overall plan which will have the
support of the University and its users.
This section concentrates on identifying priorities and suggests an approach to
ensure the development of an agreed plan of action. The recommendations are
summarised under each of the major areas and identify the priorities for
6.1 Context
The role of the Library in UCD needs to be clearly agreed, in light of changing
University strategic priorities i.e. its balance and contribution to both
Research and Teaching/Learning objectives.
External collaboration in the provision of materials and access should play a
greater role in the future direction of the Library.
6.2 Management and Organisation of the Library
The Library should initiate a planning process and enlist external assistance
in preparing its next plan. This should set ambitious, but achievable, goals.
Organisation and Structure
The Library urgently needs a coherent and agreed organisation structure
which will allow services to respond promptly and efficiently to user
This structure should be implemented within 6 months and should establish
clear reporting lines and communication mechanisms.
Human Resource Management
Following from the organisation structure and planning process the Library should:
Establish complete and thorough position descriptions for all posts.
Initiate regular and meaningful performance reviews for all staff.
6.3 Environment of the Library
Multiple Locations
The branch library structure is well regarded by users and appropriate to their needs:
Summary PRG Report, The Library, UCD
The Library must establish clear communications and management roles
which will ensure branch services are fully integrated and supported from the
Infrastructure and Technical Support
Electronic resources and electronic communication are essential to the Library in
fulfilling its role in the University. The strongly held view of users was that research
journals should be provided electronically – but that the current network infrastructure
was inadequate for this purpose.
The provision of a university-wide reliable network infrastructure is critical to
Library services and should be raised urgently with the Computing Services
Board and appropriate University funding bodies.
The Library should consider the appointment of a web design team with
members from several areas of reader services led by a full-time web
designer. This is an area of no less importance to the user community than
cataloguing or reference service.
The move to electronic materials should be accelerated, in-line with the stated
preference of users.
A more systematic approach to staff IT training within the Library would
address gaps in knowledge and support for existing and future services.
Space and Facilities
The central Library, its entrance and layout should reflect its role in the
University, i.e. both research and teaching/learning support. It should be
attractive, prominent and accessible to users.
A commitment to move to electronic journals, combined with a planned
storage strategy and collaboration with other libraries should be established.
Specific issues in relation to individual buildings should be addressed urgently
– particularly those that impact on health and safety.
6.4 Library Services and Information Resources
Services provided by the Library
The current Library services do not adequately reflect the changing UCD strategy
and its increasing emphasis on research. This should be addressed by:
Undertaking a review of all services in the light of changing needs and
realigning the services to accommodate new requirements and priorities.
Information Resources
The Library should create a long-term plan for management and development
of UCD’s information resources in all formats. This should include information
resource policies for acquisition, access, development, storage etc. for each
A collaborative approach to site licensing of digital material and electronic
journals should be established among Irish academic institutions.
Summary PRG Report, The Library, UCD
6.5 Funding and Budget
The Library planning process should be used to establish priorities at
university level which will form the basis of its budgeting approach.
A concerted approach with other libraries should be initiated to share
resources and spread costs e.g. collaboration on licensing of electronic
Agreement on acquisition strategies for specific disciplines.
Response of the Departmental Co-ordinating Committee
The Departmental Co-ordinating Committee submitted three pages in response to
specific details of the PRG Report and this is included as Chapter 7 of the Report.
A copy of the full Peer Review Group Report is available from the Quality Assurance
Summary PRG Report, The Library, UCD