Days of a Week

Days of a Week
: 1M4 Time (I)
: Days of a Week
Key Stage : 1
Learning Objectives:
Recognise the days of a week
Teaching Resources:
1. The teacher distributes a worksheet to each pupil.
2. The teacher explains the method used in reading a calendar.
3. The pupils study the calendar and answer the teacher’s questions.
Questions for Discussion:
How many days are there in a week? What are the days of a week?
Which is the first day of a week? Which is the last day of a week?
What day is the 4th day? What day is the 15th day?
How many Wednesdays are there in this month? How many Fridays are
there in this month?
The teacher guides the pupils to record the activities and the places that the
activities took place every morning and afternoon last week. (The teacher can
choose to ask about morning or afternoon according to the school hours. If it is
a AM school or a whole day school, the teacher can ask them the places and
activities took place in the afternoons.)
Questions for Discussion:
1. On what days were most of the pupils have similar activities? Why?
©Education Bureau
Days of a Week
2. On what days were most of the pupils have different activities? Why?
3. The teacher concludes the pupils’ records, and analyses the results with them.
(For example, the pupils’ schedules are similar from Mondays to Fridays as
these are school days. But the pupils’ schedules are quite different on
Saturdays and Sundays as these are holidays.)
1. In view of pupils’ language ability, pictures can be accepted at this stage. For
example, picture of a television means watching television.
2. If the pupils cannot recall the activities for the whole week, they can focus
on a few days of the week.
Generic Skills Fostered:
Communication Skills
Critical Thinking Skills
Problem Solving Skills
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