European Union (Teaching Suggestions) p. 1 Case Study Political Consequences of Globalization - International Cooperation and Development European Union Learning objectives: 1. To learn about the history and development of the European Union. 2. To study the relation between the European Union and Hong Kong and the world. 3. To learn about the single currency of European Union (EU) - Euro Teaching suggestions It is preferable to conduct classes on the EU in a multi-media computer room, so that students have access to the EU website. 1. Teacher plays the European Anthem or shows students some Euro coins and notes to induce student interest 2. Students answer questions related to the European Union (e.g. Europe Day and European Flag), using information on the Internet. 3. Using a map of Europe, students identify the geographical locations of member state of EU. 4. Analyze the pros and cons of joining the EU. 5. Analyze why some state members of EU have not yet become Euro area countries 6. Teacher points out the relationships between the European Union and Hong Kong and the world. 7. Activity: Students design an activity or a project which promotes European integration.