Worksheet 8

Worksheet 8 Ideal1 citizenship: Expectations2 from
family, school and the society
In the following table, write down your responsibilities at home (five at most) as
expected by your family.
Responsibilities at home
The following paragraph comes from the “school mission” statement 3 (Chinese
version in the footnote) of a local secondary school. [You can replace it by the
mission statement of your school.]
It is our aspiration that our students grow into individuals whose love
extends from self to neighbour and to God, individuals who are honest,
courteous, law-abiding, respectful to teachers, filial to parents, ready to care
and share, and willing to serve others. They should be prepared to assume
responsibility, dare face challenges and able to respond to the needs of
society. Thus they will become good citizens who are involved in improving
society, contributing to our nation and serving the world. Through practice,
their lives will give expression to what Jesus once taught us, `it is more
blessed to give than to receive.’
ideal 理想的
expectations 期望
school mission 辦學宗旨
Which of the above expectations is the easiest for you to meet? Why?
Which of the above expectations is the most difficult for you to meet? Why?
3. The following is the section on “Social, Political and Civic Awareness” 4 (Chinese
version in the footnote) from Specific Aims of school education as laid down by the
Education Commission5 on 22.9.99 after a public consultation. In other words, the
following qualities are expected of you with your school education. You are
To understand the society of Hong Kong, the structure and operations of the
Government, and the rights and duties of a citizen
To understand the laws and respect the rule of law
To learn the Basic Law and understand the basic principles and meanings of
“One Country Two Systems”, “Hong Kong People Ruling Hong Kong” and “A
High Degree of Autonomy”
To understand the history and culture of the Chinese nation, and have concern
for national development
To develop a sense of belonging to one’s society and country
To be able to widen the scope of learning experience and have a global outlook
To develop positive values and sense of responsibility towards one’s family,
society, country and the world at large
To have concern for environmental issues and care for the environment
Social, political and civic awareness 社會、政治及公民意識
 認識香港社會,了解政府的結構和運作,並認識公民的權利和義務
 認識法律,尊重法治
 認識基本法,了解一國兩制、港人治港、高度自治的原則和意義
 認識中華民族的歷史和文化,關注國家發展
 對自己的社會及國家有歸屬感
 能自我擴闊學習經驗,並具有世界視野
 具備積極的價值觀,肩負起對家庭、社會、國家和世界的責任
 關注環境問題,愛護環境
Education Commission 教育統籌委員會
Which of the above is the most important?
Why? (Please put a  next to the most appropriate answer and choose the most
appropriate reason by crossing out the other reasons*.)
1 It is easiest for me to meet.
2 It is most important.
widens my choices for the future / helps me to find better jobs
and earn more money / protects my freedom*
3 It is most important to my family.
keeps my family happy together / protects my family from
thieves / keeps my family rich*
4 It is most important to our society.
keeps the stability6 of our society / keeps our society rich /
keeps our society happy / protects our society from outside
intervention 7 / keeps our society clean / protects our
5 It is most important to our country.
keeps our country stable / keeps our country rich / keeps our
country happy / keeps our country strong / protects our
country from outside intervention / protects the environment
of our country*
6 It is most important to our world.
keeps the world stable / keeps the world rich / protects the
environment of our world / keeps the people of the world
happy / saves the environment for future generations*
7 Others (Please specify ______________________________)
stability 安定
intervention 干預
Which of the above is the least important?
Why? (Please put a  next to the most appropriate answer.)
1 It is most difficult for me to meet.
2 It is least important.
3 It is least important to my family.
4 It is least important to our society.
5 It is least important to our country.
6 It is least important to our world.
7 Others (Please specify ________________________________)
From questions 1, 2 and 3, find out what is most common to your parents’,
teachers’ and society’s expectations. Why do they give it such importance?
What have you learnt?
You are able to
reflect on your family’s expectations of you;
understand your school’s expectations of you;
understand society’s expectations of you in terms of social, political and civic