“Prospects for Pay and Industrial Relations in the Irish Economy”

“Prospects for Pay and Industrial Relations in the Irish
Overview of Presentation
Kieran Mulvey
Chief Executive
The Labour Relations Commission
Friday 31st January 2014
• Environmental Scan
• Global Trends
• Public / Semi-State Development
• Private Sector Pay Challenges
• Collective Bargaining post Social Partnership
• Emerging Pay Round?
• Possible Future Agenda
Influencing Factors - Macro
National budgetary policy
Public Sector pay policy
Public Sector Reform Policy
Enterprise Share Value – monthly, quarterly, yearly profits
Competitive pricing – internationally / externally
Labour costs – nationally / internationally – competitiveness
Human Resource policies – in public, semi-State and private
Croke Park /
Haddington Road Agreements
Reduced pay costs
Reduced pension costs (apart from Pension Levy)
Reduced numbers – voluntary exits*
Commitment to Reform in all sectors
Extra working hours
Work practice changes
Binding Arbitration
Industrial peace
Semi - States
Public Transport:
The CIE Group – Irish Rail, Bus Eireann, Dublin Bus
Aer Lingus (25% State owned) / DAA / IAA
Natural Resources:
Coillte / Teagasc
Bord Gais Eireann / ESB
Ports / Airports
Local Authorities – Environmental and Waste Management
Possible Agenda for Social Dialogue
Wage inflation and employment strategies
Tax wedges, the USC and monopoly service costs / Stealth
The competitiveness agenda (productivity and ongoing
Restructuring in the Semi-States
Future pension funding rules – for both D.B. and D.C.
Utilisation of Dispute Resolution Bodies – accepting
The “Better Business” agenda in workplaces and Training
Industrial peace
Future arrangements for Collective Bargaining