1 13 The transnational group MGC is making a decision on where to set up its Asia-Pacific base in order to develop its business in the region. chosen will benefit. Economic development can be expected to quicken. More capital will come in. for consideration. The place Hong Kong and Shanghai are both on the list Before making the final decision, MGC wants to get hold of certain basic data for comparison, including: 1. Brief history 2. Geographical environment (including climate, terrain, hinterland, location etc.) 3. Infrastructure (town planning, power supply, railway and airport, communication etc.) 4. Industrial development (types of industry, industrial development prospects etc.) 5. Development of service industry (not including tourism) 6. Tourism 7. General economic strength (e.g. its ranking in various trades in the world or in the country) 2 8. Urban problems 9. Social, cultural and living standards (medical care, welfare, education etc.) 10. Others (anything you feel will help win MGC approval) In their bid to house the Asia-Pacific headquarters of MGC, both cities form special task forces to collect information on the above aspects in order to make a strong case to MGC. Students are divided into two task forces, one in support of Shanghai and the other of Hong Kong. They are to make their reports in class. First of all, map out in your mind the subjects you intend to look into. search for useful information in the library and on the Internet. strengths of Shanghai and Hong Kong accordingly. Hong Kong and Shanghai for your reference. Then Compare the relative Below are some web sites on 3 HONG KONG Hong Kong Trade Development Council Planning Department Census & Statistics Department Hong Kong Annual Report SHANGHAI People’s Government of Shanghai 4 Statistics website of Shanghai Splendid Shanghai 1. You are a representative of the Hong Kong Task Force. After hearing the report of the Shanghai Task Force, do you think Hong Kong can win over MGC? (This question is for students in the Hong Kong Task Force.) Students are free to give any answers as long as they make sense. 5 2. You are a representative of the Shanghai Task Force. After hearing the report of the Hong Kong Task Force, do you think Shanghai can win over MGC? (This question is for students in the Shanghai Task Force.) Students are free to give any answers as long as they make sense. 3. You are the chief executive of MGC and you have heard reports by both the Hong Kong Task Force and the Shanghai Task Force. consider for your Asia-Pacific headquarters? Which city would you Why? Answer for reference: Geographic environment: fair climate, in a time zone capable of trading in London and New York markets, which is an advantage for round-the-clock operation. Infrastructure: good infrastructure, convenient in linking up with overseas and other Chinese cities Industrial development: sound development, useful for MGC in setting up production lines in the future Development of the service industry: support in the fields of finance, insurance etc. is important General economic strength: an office in an international metropolis enhances company image Urban problems: The company is reluctant to set up office in a city with a serious problem of pollution Social, cultural and living standards: MGC looks for good medical service and a non-discriminatory working environment for its employees from overseas as well as an education system of an international quality for the children of expatriates. Others: political stability, sound law and order, a fully developed legal system. 6 Social, 社會cultural 文 化、 & Living Standards 人 民生 活 基建 Infrastructure History & Development 歷 史發 展 Geographical 地 理環 境 Environment Urban Problem 城 市問 題 General Economic Strength 旅 遊業 Tourism Industry 工業 服 務業 Service Industry ( 第三 產業)