SCHOOL OF MEDICINE & MEDICAL SCIENCE PhD STUDENT APPLICATION FOR REGISTRATION SECTION 1 :( To be completed by the applicant) Personal Details: Title Last name Date of Birth (dd/mm/yyyy) First name Gender Country of Birth Country of Citizenship Mothers Maiden Name Permanent Address: Contact Telephone number: Email Address: Address for correspondence (If different, to above please give dates) First language: Second language UCD student number (If applicable) Qualifications: 1 Qualification: Standard Obtained: Awarding Institute: Date of attendance: Date of Award: Qualification 2(If applicable): Qualification: Standard Obtained: Awarding Institute: Date of attendance: Date of Award: Proposed degree of study (Full or Part Time): PhD research F/T PhD research P/T Start / Registration Date: May 2015 September 2015 January 2016 2 Thematic Programme: (if applicable - Translational Medicine; Infection Biology) Title of Thematic Programme: Subject Area of Degree: e.g. Diagnostic imaging; Vascular Biology; Medicine etc.: Research Proposal: Title of Project: Include background to the project and outline the problem to be addressed. Include research hypothesis, overall aims of the project and methodology to be used. Outline the novelty and significance of the work proposed. If your project involves a clinical trial please include details of the clinical design of the trial and your specific role in the project. 3 SECTION 2 : (To be completed by the principal supervisor*) *Please read the accompanying explanatory notes before completing this form Principal Supervisor and Nominator: Title: First name: Last name: E-mail : UCD PERSONEL NUMBER : No. of full time students under primary supervision at present: No. student supervised to completion: Permanent member of UCD academic staff Yes No If no, please indicate current status: *Adjunct: Yes No Academic Contract: Yes No Start date/ End Date contract: _________________________________ *If Adjunct Staff; please contact the postgraduate office at for additional form Co-Supervisor: (if applicable) Title: First name: Last name: E-mail : UCD PERSONEL NUMBER : Other Supervisor: (if applicable) Title: First name: Last name: E-mail : UCD PERSONEL NUMBER : If more than one other supervisor is involved, please duplicate the above fields. Please note that other supervisors are required only where their expertise is required for the student’s research on an ongoing basis. 4 Nominator: (if different from principal supervisor) Title: First name: Last name: E-mail : Address: I am attaching a letter of nomination Yes No Doctoral Studies Panel: For guidelines on proposing suitable advisers, please contact Adviser 2: Title: First name: Last name: E-mail : Details of funding for proposed study period: Please state if these funds are guaranteed or if an application for funds has been made elsewhere Source Amount Period Is a substantial proportion of the student’s research to be carried out at an institution other than UCD or UCDaffiliated Sites? YES NO If YES, prior approval of the College Graduate School must be sought – Please attach supporting documentation 5 DECLARATION BY PRINCIPAL SUPERVISOR: NOTE: Emails from the named individuals are acceptable in the place of signatures – please attach copies. I acknowledge that the particulars given by me in this application are in every respect true: I have read and understood the academic regulations relating to this programme and are aware of my responsibilities Nominator Signature Date Primary Supervisor Signature Date Co-Supervisor Signature Date Additional Supervisor Signature Date 6 REFEREE nominations for Student Please enter the names, addresses and status of TWO referees who should be able to comment on your academic suitability for research. Referee Status Email Address Referee Status Email Address DECLARATION BY APPLICANT: I acknowledge that the particulars given by me in this application are in every respect true. I have read and understood the academic regulations relating to this programme and are aware of my responsibilities I also confirm that I meet the English Language entry requirements for UCD. Please attach certificates if applicable NAME SIGNATURE DATE 7 SECTION 3: (To be filled out by the Postgraduate office) DSP (Chair): Title: Last name: First name: E-mail : PhD/MSc Meeting GSB Meeting Acceptance SRI Rec. DSP recommendation Notification 8