RAFT Step 1: Decide the KUD of a special topic Knowledge Information; background; what happened; people involved; outcomes.. Understand Relations among people; teachings; influences; concepts; meanings… Do Recall information; compare concepts; make comments; applications.. Step 2: Set goals ※ students should know ※ ※ students should understanding students should be able to do Step 3: Achieve common goals and cater for individual needs by designing a RAFT activities What is RAFT? It is the acronym for Role, Audience, Format, and Topic. In a RAFT activity, students take on a particular role; develop a product for a specified audience in a particular format and on a topic that gets right at the heart of what matters most in a particular segment of study. Roles can be assigned by teachers or students can make their own choice. RAFT assignments are typically short and can be completed during the class, so that sharing and debriefing could be provided to enhance the expected learning outcomes i.e. KUD. RAFT RAFT example 1 Medical Ethics This RAFT is designed to be used by students in Ethics lesson as they are developing the basic understanding of Medical Ethics and the use of some related vocabularies. Of particular interest here is who owns one’s right to a body organ when a person is dead. Role 角色 Audience 對象 Format 形式 Topic 題目 Lawyer 律師 Members of the Legislative Council 立法會議員 A written set of rules with reasons 草擬一系列條 文,並附註論據 Justifications to compulsory donation of fresh organs from a dead person. 強制性遺體器官捐 贈的理據。 Patient who is waiting for organ transplantation for a few years 已等候器官移植 多年的病人 The dead person whose body organs are fit for transplantation. 遺體器官可作移 植用途的死者 A diary 一則日記 Why I need you and how you can help giving me a new life? 為甚麼我需要你的 幫助?你怎樣能給 予我新的生命呢? Reporter 記者 General public 公眾人士 A record 一份記錄 The statistics of organ donation in the last two year. 過去兩年器官捐贈 的數據。 Family members of a dead person whose organs can be transplanted 遺體器官可作移 Doctors, lawyers A list of questions 一連串問題 and other related professionals 醫生、律師及其他 相關的專業人士 植用途的死者家 屬 What essential points should I consider when making such a hard decision? 當我作這個艱難的 決定時,要考慮哪些 重要的因素呢? Organ donation http://www.edb.gov.hk/FileManager/EN/Content_7345/virtue_eng.pdf, pp. 124-126 (English Version) http://www.edb.gov.hk/FileManager/TC/Content_7345/virtue_chi.pdf, pp. 126-128 (Chinese Version) RAFT RAFT example 2: Environmental Ethics The extension of landfill area in Tseung Kwan O Role 角色 The Earth 地球 Audience 對象 Format 形式 Topic 題目 Aliens (allergic to A letter 一封信 garbage) who might want to live on earth 希望在地球生活的 外星人(對垃圾過 What you need to know and do if you want to live here. 如果你希望在地球 生活,你必須要知 道的和需要做的事 敏) 情。 People living in Tseung Kwan O 將軍澳的居民 Government 政府 An advertisement / Magazine interview 一則廣告 / 雜誌 訪問 Is it fair to extend the landfill area in Tseung Kwan O? 在將軍澳擴充堆填 區是否公平? Spokesman from the Environmental Protection Our class 本班師生 A speech 一篇演講稿 What you need to know about the use of landfill as a waste Department, HKSAR 香港特別行政區 政府環境保護局 發言人 Artist from a green society 環保組織的藝術 家 management way, its problems and the possible solutions. 利用堆填區作為處 理廢物的方法、它 所帶來的問題及可 行的解決辦法。 General public 公眾人士 A poster with an exhibit card to explain 一張附展示卡作 解釋的海報 Where should the garbage go? 垃圾應該何去何 從? RAFT 背景資料: 本港每天需要處置的工商業及住宅廢物,數以千公噸計。目前,在新界西、新界 東南、新界東北共有 3 個策略性堆填區,作為用作處置廢物的主要地點。堆填區 利用先進的堆填技術,不但能應付社會對環保愈來愈高的要求,還為本港提供所 需的廢物處置地方。隨著廢物量持續增長,堆填區正迅速飽和,滿溢情況比預期 來得更早。假如廢物量繼續以現時速度上升,現有的堆填區將於 2010 年代中至 後期逐一飽和。政府必須另覓新的堆填區或擴充現有堆填區的面積,否則未來數 年,每日數以萬公噸計的廢物便再沒有處置的地點。然而,公眾普遍抗拒廢物處 理設施,不管當局建議在那一區建造這些設施,社區都會有反對聲音,政府已經 開始就各種方案諮詢公眾。 http://www.epd.gov.hk/epd/tc_chi/environmentinhk/waste/waste_maincontent.html