1 Special Major for Master's Degrees: Admission to Special Major Program 2 3 (Senate: 8/7/79, 4/29/80, 4/17/90; President: 8/31/79, 6/30/80, 5/9/90; Editorial Amendment: 9/00, 8/01, 1/21/15) 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 In addition to meeting minimum University requirements for admission to graduate standing, applicants must possess a baccalaureate degree in an area cognate to the areas of the proposed special major, must have a minimum grade point average of 2.75 in the last 60 semester or 90 quarter units, and must meet all college requirements and such department/division/school requirements as course prerequisites, test scores, and grade point average for the master's degrees of the colleges and departments/divisions/schools in which course work or the special major is proposed. Special majors are approved on an individual basis. If coursework is to be taken in departments/divisions/schools in more than one college, students must make formal written application to the Dean of Graduate Studies. If course work is to be taken in departments/divisions/schools within one college, students are required to make formal written application to the college graduate dean. All applications must include the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. A clear and concisely stated rationale for pursuing a special major and an indication of the professional/academic objectives to be achieved. This rationale must include evidence clearly indicating that the special major program could not be accommodated within any existing approved master's program on campus. A proposed list of available courses chosen from two or more departments/divisions /schools totaling a minimum of 30 units, of which at least 15 must be 5000-level. An indication of whether a comprehensive examination or thesis or project will be used to complete the graduate course of study. If a thesis or project is proposed, a preliminary description of the thesis topic or research project to be included. If a comprehensive examination is proposed, an indication of the area in which the student will be examined is to be included. The names and areas of specialization of at least two faculty members representative of those who might consent to serve on the advisory committee for such a degree program. If coursework to be taken is offered in more than one college, the Dean of Graduate Studies must also approve the program. The student's program is subject to University graduate procedures and regulations that govern all graduate degree offerings.