Assessment for Learning: Integration of Authentic Experiences with Subject Knowledge Au-Yeung Wai Yin Cognitio College (Kowloon) Assessment for Learning Assessment for learning refers to “any assessment for which the first priority is to serve the purpose of promoting students’ learning”. (Black, 2003) Present Paradigm of Learning and Assessment Formative assessment Introduction of authentic experiences Emphasize learning processes Self evaluation and peer evaluation Feedback oriented Analysis and application of knowledge Formative Assessment Students can take an active role in learning especially in field study. The assessment of what the students learn in field should not only be the product of the findings but also the process in their study, the attitude they take in work and the self reflection of what they have learnt in site. Planning a Field Trip in Zhu Jiang Delta - Providing an Authentic Experience to Learn Background of my school A cross-curricular study trip is carried out every year for all F.6 students. It is part of the F.6 learning activities. The role of teachers: Geography and Economics panel chairmen are in-charge of the planning and administration work. F.6 form-masters and L.S. teachers help to take care of the students and lead the debriefing in the trip. Aims of the Field Trip At the end of the trip, students should: Understand the directions of economic development of Zhu Jiang Delta; Understand the operation of the transnational corporations and local corporations; Analyse the opportunities and socio-economic and environmental problems faced by local people and the government of Zhu Jiang Delta when they carry out industrialization in the region; Understand what they should do to prepare for their future career life, their roles in helping the development of China, and how they can contribute for the betterment of the country. How to Motivate Students to Take an Active Role in the Field Trip? Get students involved in Planning An Ad Hoc Committee is formed by teachers and student representatives. They plan the itinerary, collect opinions of their classmates, and prepare the discussion topics and questions they are interested in. 1. Prepare the Itinerary 廣州東莞文化經濟地理考察 日期 時間 行程 18/3/2008 7:15 九龍塘火車站月台第十一卡車位置集合 8:30 深圳落馬洲往廣州 11:30 羊城晚報印務中心 12:35 午餐 14:30 華南農業大學 18:00 晚餐 19:30 講座:中國改革開放三十年的成就和未來發展 與前瞻 21:00 匯報討論 22:30 梳洗休息 廣州東莞文化經濟地理考察 19/3/2008 8:00 早餐 廣州本田汽車 10:00 有限公司 20/3/2008 8:00 9:00 早餐 往東莞 12:00 午餐 13:30 華南植物園 15:30 廣州鋼鐵廠 18:00 晚餐 10:20 東莞展覽館 12:00 午餐 13:20 可園 20:00 匯報討論 22:00 梳洗休息 17:00 返回深圳 2. Prepare the Questions 組別 : 第 組 提問建議 - 知多一點點…… 華南農業大學 1. 中國農業目前面對的最大問題甚麼 2. 除基因改造外,中國如何加強農業發展 3.農業的主要科研發展方向是甚麼 3. Data Collection & Debriefing Collect on-line information of the sites Debriefing as a checking point of assessment for learning - Time for self-reflection - Time for clarifying some missing information and misunderstanding - Time for exchange of ideas and consolidation of knowledge Self Reflection & Feedback After the group discussion in the trip, students are asked to write reflections of what they have learnt in the trip. Self reflection is a checking point to see what the students have learnt and how they analyze what they have seen. Giving feedback in their written report is important as it helps to guide students to rethink their propositions. Quality feedback helps to promote learning. Giving Feedback to Students – A Key in Assessment for Learning 學生總結 – 輯錄 …我覺得今次考察最大的 得著是能學識怎樣了解 一個城市。要徹底了解 一個城市需要角色投入, 讓自己明白當地的文化 和市民的想法,不可只 看城市的繁榮或建築物 外貌來判斷它的發展。 所以這次是我踏出真正 遊學的第一步。 老師評語 …我同意你的想法,很高 興你學懂了從不同角度 思考,更欣賞你能尊重 不同地方的文化和歷史 背景。你明白「學問與 遊歷」的關係吧! 目的: 肯定學生的表現,鼓勵 學生繼續發展。 Giving Feedback to Students – A Key in Assessment for Learning 老師評語 學生總結 – 輯錄 …廣州已經由農業社 會轉變為工業社 會,而且政府也加 強科技發展。可是 城市化後,人民的 道德水平和教育水 平仍未跟上,未能 與「城市化」平衡 發展。 工業發展及城市化與人民道德 及教育發展並非是「同時」和 「必然」同步發展的。你認為 教育的重要性為何?你覺得自 己在中國的發展上可扮演甚麼 角色呢? 目的: 鼓勵學生反思一些現象間 的「必然」關係。 滲入價值觀教育,反思作為 中國人的角色。 Application of Authentic Experience in Subject Knowledge - Integrate the Trip with Follow-up Exercises Follow-up work is given to the Geography students for consolidation. In the trip: Students visited Honda (Guangzhou) Automobile Corporation. They had the basic ideas of the production processes after visiting the production line there. Application of Authentic Experience in Subject Knowledge Students are asked to visit the website of Honda (Guangzhou) Automobile Corporation and the Honda Automobile Corporation. ( Study Questions: 1. When was Honda established and how many subsidiaries and affiliates does it have? (Introduce the term “transnational corporation) 2. Where is the headquarter of Honda and where does it set up the subsidiaries and affiliates? (Introduce the concept of globalization of production) Application of Authentic Experience in Subject Knowledge 3. What are the characteristics of the Honda Automobile Plant (Guangzhou)? (By on site observation) 4. Why does the transnational automobile firms like than of Honda set up their production plants in China? (Understand of the concept of “core –periphery relationship” between DCs and LDCs) 5. What are the favourable factors that encourage the transnational corporations like that of Honda to set up their production lines in China? (Apply the factors of production with particular reference to the government policy and the use of IT) Application of Authentic Experience in Subject Knowledge 6. Will the trend of globalization of production continue? (Learn to analyze the on-line information) 7. Is globalization of production a bless or a devil to the economy of China? (Collect and analyze the data of the economic development of Zhu Jiang Delta and Chang Jiang Delta.) 8. In the long term, what should the Chinese industrialists do to improve their competitive power in the trend of globalization of economy? (Application of the information provided by the speaker in the talk in Guangzhou.) Collecting Feedback from Students Both “Assessment for learning” and “assessment of learning” are needed as it tells how much students have learnt. Assessment for learning - log book, exercises and questionnaires are used - self reflection and questionnaire are vital means to collect feedback from students to improve our work in the future Assessment of learning – a summative assessment is given for consolidation of knowledge and checking how much students have learnt. Collecting Feedback from Students 1. 我多學了甚麼? 在考察中,我覺得以下的能力有所提升: 非常同意 同意 不同意 非常不同意 1. 分析中國工業發展路向 6.25% 76.56% 15.62% 0% 2.了解中國工業發展面對的困難 9.38% 56.25% 32.81% 1.56% 3.留意到廣州及東莞的城市發展 28.12% 56.25% 15.62% 0% 4.了解廣州及東莞的城市發展帶來的環境問題 20.31% 57.81% 21.88% 0% 5.懂得分析廣州的經濟及環境問題 7.81% 56.25% 31.25% 4.69% 6.明白中國經濟發展的方向及困難 12.5% 60.94% 25% 1.56% 7.能從不同角度分析問題 (例如經濟、社會、環保) 9.38% 65.62% 23.44% 1.56% 8.提升學習興趣 15.62% 45.31% 32.81% 6.25% 9.激發努力學習的決心 3.12% 42.19% 46.88% 7.81% 10.明白我要多關心國家和世界大事 29.69% 59.38% 10.94% 0% 11.明白我在國家發展中應有所貢獻 1.56% 62.5% 35.94% 0% Collecting Feedback from Students 2. 在考察中,我最享受的是: _________________________________ 3. 除問題(1)所述的能力外,在研習過程中,我 學懂了: _________________________________ 4. 如果你是活動的策劃者,你會怎麼辦令這活 動更盡善盡美: _________________________________ Summative Assessment as an Assessment of Learning At the end of the exercises, a summative assessment is needed as an assessment of learning. Such an assessment should be related to what they have learnt in the field and the follow-up exercises. The format of assessment is related to the HKAL examination. Thus, it can be in form of data-response questions or essay type question. Summative Assessment as an Assessment of Learning An Example of Essay Question Why do transnational automobile corporations set up their production lines in China? How does the use of information technology enhance the setting up of transnational corporations in developing countries? What are the socio-economic impacts of globalization on the developing countries? Illustrate your answer with relevant examples. Conclusion The field trip of Guangzhou is an illustration how we work towards the aims of NSS curriculum. Curriculum Aims “ (b) develop the general intellectual capacity and generic skills needed for lifelong learning through geographical enquiry, and the ability to apply these in life situations … (d) develop a sense of citizenship, a global outlook, and readiness to take action for the betterment of society, the nation and the world.” (Geography Curriculum and Assessment Guide (S4-6), 2007, p.3) Conclusion Formative assessment helps to identify students’ needs and assess their progress in developing skills, understanding, attitudes and interests; Measure attainment, and inform learning and teaching. (Geography Curriculum and Assessment Guide, (S.4-6), 2007, p.75) Let’s work hand in hand to prepare for the NSS Curriculum. Thank You