DIRECT-STEM Application I. General Information Name: Sex: Last First Middle Street City Zip Code Male Address: Telephone: ( ) Female Email: Please include area code Please provide an email, this is our main form of communication. Place of Birth: Citizenship: US. Citizen Permanent Resident City, State, & Country Date of Birth: ________________________(MM/DD/YY) Ethnic Identity (for statistical purposes only) African American Chicano(a)/Mexican American Other Hispanic/Latino(a) Asian American Filipino American Indian Pacific Islander White/Caucasian Other (specify): 1. II. Personal Information A. What is the primary language spoken in your home? B. Please indicate your parents’ level of education: Mother: Father: No College No College Some College Some College College Graduate College Graduate Some Graduate School Some Graduate School Completed Graduate School Completed Graduate School C. What special needs to you have? D. Are you registered with the office for students with special needs? Yes No E. As an undergraduate, are/were you eligible for need-based financial aid? Yes No F. Are you treated as an independent student for financial aid purposes? Yes No G. What is your personal yearly income? Less than $12,000 $12,001 - $21,000 $21,001 - $35,000 More than $35,000 $40,001 - $45,000 More than $45,000 H. What is your family’s yearly income? Less than $30,000 $30,001 - $40,000 I. How many hours per week do you work during school? J. 0 – 20 21+ Did your spouse or family provide major help with the cost of your undergraduate education? Yes No III. Educational Information Name of campus you are now attending: Your class level in spring 2016: Freshman Major: Sophomore Junior Senior Graduate Minor (if any): Date you expect to receive your degree: G.P.A (Grade Point Average, 4.0 = A): Undergraduate GPA GPA in Major If you have taken GRE, Please provide your GRE scores (if you have: Verbal Math Analytical Subject For Junior, Senior, and Graduate students only: Which department do you wish to work for research project: Computer Science Geosciences and Environment Civil Engineering Physics and Astronomy