Appendix 7

Appendix 7
(For official use)
Ref. No.:
2015 /
Theme :
Education Development Fund
University-School Support Programmes
Project Proposal
(Please read Annex 1 – Personal Information Collection Statement and Annex 2 - the Explanatory Notes
before completing this form.)
Part A (Project Particulars)
1. Project Title :
English (in BLOCK letters)
2. Project Period : From
(month/year) to
3. Total Grant Sought :
4. Beneficiary Sector :
5. Details of Applicant :
(Name of the tertiary institution, including the department or the centre)
6. Details of Project Leader :
Correspondence Address
(iii) Tel. No. (office hours)
Fax No.
(outside office hours)
Email Address
Part B (Project Details)
Please use separate sheets to provide project details covering the following areas:
7. Needs and Capability
Capability and Readiness for Implementing the Project
Track record
8. Project Description
Duration of the Project
Implementation Plan
Tangible Deliverables/Intangible Outcomes
Project Budget
Availability of matching contributions or other sponsorship
9. Project Impact
Criteria and mechanism for evaluating the outcomes and effectiveness of the project
Value-addedness of the beneficiaries
Sustainability of the project impacts
Dissemination plan of the project impacts/outcomes
Part C (Declaration)
10. To be completed by the Project Leader
I certify that all the information given is true and accurate. I understand that if I give any
false information or withhold any material information, the application will become void.
Any grant approved will be withheld and any payment made must be refunded to the
Education Development Fund (EDF).
If the project is funded by the EDF, I pledge to participate actively in all the promotion,
dissemination and publicity activities in respect of the project.
Name (in BLOCK letters)
Institution Chop:
Annex 1
Personal Information Collection Statement
Purpose of Collection
The personal data provided in the Project Proposal will be used by the Education Bureau for the
purpose of communication and assessment. The provision of personal data in the Project
Proposal is voluntary. The lack of certain information may affect the assessment of the project.
Classes of Transferees
Personal data provided in the Project Proposal may be disclosed by the Education Bureau, if
necessary, to other Government departments, external reviewers, monitoring members of the
projects and other persons concerned.
Access to Personal Data
Project applicants have the right of access and correction with respect to personal data as
provided in Sections 18 and 22 and Principle 6 of Schedule 1 of the Personal Data (Privacy)
Ordinance. Their rights of access include the rights to obtain a copy of their personal data
provided in the Project Proposal.
Enquiries concerning the personal data collected by means of this Project Proposal, including
access and corrections, should be addressed to:
Chief School Development Officer (School-based Professional Support)
Room 1813, 18/F Landmark North
39 Lung Sum Avenue, Sheung Shui
New Territories
2152 3229
2152 3223
Annex 2
Education Development Fund
University-School Support Programme
Explanatory Notes for Completing the Project Proposal
Part A (Project Particulars)
The project title, written in both English and Chinese, should be coherent, clear and
concise. As far as practicable, such title should enable an easy understanding of the
nature or purpose of the project.
Project Period
The first date of the month stated will be regarded as the commencement date and the last
date of the month stated will be regarded as the end date.
Total Grant Sought
The total grant sought should be rounded up to the nearest hundred dollars.
Details of Applicant & Project Leader
If the applicant is an organisation, please state the name of the organisation. For tertiary
institutions, please also state the name of the responsible department or centre.
Part B (Project Details)
Needs and Applicant’s Capability
The applicant should give a background against which the project is conceived. It is
important to state how the project would become part of the school’s strategic
development, i.e. how the project meets the needs and priority of the school and the
Applicants are expected to analyse objectively their situations before submitting the
proposals. The applicant’s experience in implementing projects or activities of a
similar nature should also be provided for reference. Please state also the
availabilities of the team members. If some of the team members only work on a
part-time basis, please specify the percentage of time for undertaking the project as
Project Description
Goals and Objectives
The applicant should set out both short-term and long-term goals. Short-term goals are
those attainable within the project period, while long-term goals are those attainable
beyond the project period.
Where appropriate, the goals should be broken down into objectives which should
indicate observable behavioural changes in the target beneficiary group. Specifically, the
objective statements should identify:
Beneficiaries - the target beneficiary group
Behaviour - the target performance or behavioural changes of the beneficiaries
Conditions - situation in which the behavioural changes are expected to occur
Degree - the criteria for measuring success
Targets and Expected Number of Beneficiaries
The applicant should specify the targets (e.g. students, teachers, parents) and expected
number of direct and indirect beneficiaries. In case where the target is students but not the
whole student population, reasons and criteria for the selection of the specific target
group should be given. Due consideration should be paid to the size of the project
Extent of Teachers’ and Principals’ Involvement in the Project
Applicant must explain clearly the degree of teachers’ and/or principal’s involvement
and their role in the project (e.g. to coordinate the project, manage students on training,
liaise with tutors and parents and evaluate students’ performance and progress, etc.).
Teachers’ professional involvement in the project is important even if the project is
mainly undertaken by external tutors or instructors.
Implementation Plan with Time-line
The application should incorporate a comprehensive and detailed implementation plan
including the schedule and details of the activities to be organised. The relevance of the
activities to the attainment of the project objectives should be stated. Supporting
information and documents should be provided to illustrate the feasibility of the project.
These include, where applicable, curriculum vitae of trainers, safety measures,
contingency plans, samples of products, and where appropriate, availability of storage
space for hardware to be acquired, etc. The proposal should list out the key stages of
implementation and the expected outcomes of each key stage so as to allow effective
monitoring of project progress.
Expected Deliverables and Outcomes
The applicant should state the expected tangible deliverables such as publications and
educational resources developed, as well as intangible outcomes, e.g. enhancement of
target students’ language proficiency.
The applicant should submit a detailed budget with expenditure and income. For projects
which extend beyond one year or involve a large amount of grant sought, breakdown by
stages and years is required. Each stage of the project will be evaluated and the fund for
next stage will only be released on satisfactory completion of the present stage. Unless
under special circumstances, all expenses incurred before the date of approval will not be
reimbursed by the EDF.
In preparing the budget, applicants should make reference to the latest market price.
External tutors, instructors or speakers can be employed, if required. Remuneration for
them should be calculated on an hourly basis, and applicants should refer to the market
situation to decide on a reasonable remuneration.
Large-scale projects may require the employment of short-term or part-time personnel,
such as research assistants and technicians to carry out duties specific to the project.
Salaries of such personnel should be calculated on a time-on-project basis. While salary
should be commensurate with qualifications and experience, candidates are normally
assumed to be appointed at the minimum pay rates. Justifications are required for the
appointment of personnel at higher pay rates. Terms of employment should be specified
in accordance with the Employment Ordinance, Employees’ Compensation Ordinance
and, where applicable, the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Ordinance.
The estimated staff costs should not include any ‘hidden’ costs for which an individual is
already paid, such as salaries of teaching staff who spend a portion of their time on the
project. If it is essential for a teacher to be engaged full time on the project over a
prolonged period, consideration may be given to the appointment of a supply teacher by
the school so as to minimise any adverse impact on the students.
All project personnel, if employed on a full-time basis, should be remunerated on a fixed
salary point during the project period. In normal circumstances, salary increment is not
granted. Fringe benefits of staff e.g. education allowance, housing allowance, etc. should
not be included in or charged to the project.
Equipment proposed to be purchased must be essential to the project and suitable for use
in the applicant organisation. The estimated cost has to be supported with proper
quotations. Overly expensive items would not be granted and justifications must be given
to support applications for standard equipment items of schools. The use, storage and
maintenance of these items should be stated clearly.
The purchases of goods and services of any value in relation to this Project are to be
made on an open, fair and value for money basis.
The ‘General Expenses’ item is a catch-all category for costs which cannot be included in
any of the other items.
Applicants are advised to include an adjustment for inflation/deflation not exceeding the
prevailing rate when preparing for projects which extend beyond a year. A contingency
provision of not more than 3% of the total budget exclusive of staff cost is considered
acceptable for projects lasting for more than one year.
Re-allocation of funds among approved items of the Project as stated in the approved
budget is allowed with no adverse impact on quantity and quality of programmes and
activities. Prior written consent from PSEdI should be obtained as appropriate;
For proposals involving matching grant from sources other than the EDF, please specify
the source(s), availability date and amount of such resources.
If seconded teacher is required, please include the cost estimation in the budget as well.
Project Impact
Evaluation Parameters and Method
The applicant should set out the parameters for evaluating the effectiveness of the
project. He should also specify a rigorous evaluation methodology as an integral part
of the project design to facilitate internal evaluation and external validation of project
effectiveness. A criterion-referenced, evidence-based approach to evaluation should be
adopted. The focus should be placed on the outputs, outcomes, impact and
effectiveness, including cost effectiveness. In addition, the application should have
clearly designated indicators and measures of success along with the means by which
relevant data will be collected. The following model which contains six components and
six questions in each component is recommended:
(a) The six components
 review programme and assess needs;
 plan the project and identify resource needs;
 monitor the implementation of the project;
 retain the project records for a reasonable period after the completion of project,
e.g. two years;
 evaluate the impact of the project; and
 report the cycle of evaluation and development.
(b) The six questions
 What is the task or focus of attention?
 Who is involved?
 How is it addressed?
 When is the appropriate time to address the matter?
 What should the report include?
 What are the outcomes and outputs of the component?
Evaluation needs to be undertaken at every point in the project from conception to impact.
It is therefore imperative for projects to provide baseline and target data (context
evaluation and needs assessment), detailed plans (input evaluation), progress reports
(process evaluation), impact analysis and achievement against targets (output/outcome
evaluation) and plans for dissemination of the project ideas, materials and results.
As far as practicable, evaluation methodology should consist of three components,
namely, baseline data, benchmarks and measures/performance indicators. Baseline data
refer to the current situation – the conditions that exist prior to programme
implementation and are related to the outcome. Benchmarks are targets set with
reference to goals and represent a desired standard that a project should achieve. A
measure/performance indicator is an observable piece of evidence of an output and
Sustainability of the Outcomes of the Project
The applicant should elaborate how the project can add value to the school / students /
teachers / principals or the education sector as a whole.
The applicant should state how the activities of the project can be sustained after project
completion or exhaustion of the EDF grant.
Dissemination/Publicity Methods
The applicant must describe the publicity/dissemination plan of the project, and the
means to implement such plan.
Other Information
The applicant must list the project numbers and completion dates of Quality Education
Fund projects approved in the past, and the project numbers, titles, completion dates and
grantees of projects in which the applicant is a collaborating party or a participant at the
time of the application. This information is required to assess the applicant’s past track
record in implementing EDF projects, and his capacity in undertaking the proposed
project, including deployment of human and other resources. The applicant should
critically examine its manpower resources and arrangements before submitting its
project proposal.
School-based Professional Support Section
Education Bureau
December 2014