Learner Resource 7 The Fall and Sin Look at Lines 990-1189 Lines 990-1015: Explore the way Adam’s fall is presented here. How far does the language suggest that Eve is to blame? How far is sinfulness linked with unrestrained sensuality? Do you see anything heroic in his behaviour here? Version 1 John Milton Paradise Lost books 9 and 10 1 Copyright © OCR 2015 Lines 1016-1065: Explore the way Adam’s attitude to Eve shifts in these lines. Look at the biblical allusions in lines 1059-1062. What does this comparison suggest about Adam? Explore the way sin is linked with fallen sexuality. Lines 1067-1185: Explore the way Adam treats Eve in these lines. Do you see a difference between pre and post lapsarian Adam? How far do you feel Eve defends herself convincingly? Version 1 John Milton Paradise Lost books 9 and 10 2 Copyright © OCR 2015 Extension work, A level: Here we see Adam and Eve in a state of discord. Compare the way their argument is presented with scenes of disagreements in your dramatic text. Do your writers encourage you to sympathise with one side of the argument? Version 1 John Milton Paradise Lost books 9 and 10 3 Copyright © OCR 2015 Extension work, A level: Compare the way sexual relationships are presented here and in scenes from your dramatic text. Version 1 John Milton Paradise Lost books 9 and 10 4 Copyright © OCR 2015 Extension work, A level: How far do you feel that in this extract Milton is exploring the gender debates of his day? OCR Resources: the small print OCR’s resources are provided to support the teaching of OCR specifications, but in no way constitute an endorsed teaching method that is required by the Board, and the decision to use them lies with the individual teacher. Whilst every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the content, OCR cannot be held responsible for any errors or omissions within these resources. © OCR 2015 - This resource may be freely copied and distributed, as long as the OCR logo and this message remain intact and OCR is acknowledged as the originator of this work. OCR acknowledges the use of the following content: Please get in touch if you want to discuss the accessibility of resources we offer to support delivery of our qualifications: resources.feedback@ocr.org.uk Version 1 John Milton Paradise Lost books 9 and 10 5 Copyright © OCR 2015