Unit 07 - Lesson element - Safety online (DOC, 465KB)

Lesson Element
Unit 7: Safeguarding
LO5: Understand working strategies and
procedures for the safeguarding and
protection of adults, young people and
Safety online
Instructions and answers for tutors
These instructions cover the learner activity section which can be found on page 4. This
Lesson Element supports Cambridge Technicals Level 3 in Health and Social Care.
When distributing the activity section to the learners either as a printed copy or as a
Word file you will need to remove the tutor instructions section.
The activity
In this Lesson Element the learners are tasked with understanding how the risk of cyber
bullying can be minimised.
Suggested timing
Activity 1: 30 minutes
ABC – This activity offers an
opportunity for English skills
Version 1
© OCR 2016
Activity 1
The topic of abuse may cause learners to feel distressed or disclose that they have been or
are being abused. Tutors will need to act sensitively in these situations and follow their work
setting’s procedures for any disclosures of abuse that are made.
Ask your learners to reflect on the different types of abuse of children and young people that
may arise. Explain that in this activity learners are going to focus on one form of abuse:
cyber bullying.
Ask your learners to read through the activity; draw their attention to the fact that as a
volunteer youth worker they have a duty of care to the young people attending the internet
drop-in. Explain that the purpose of the activity is for them to show their understanding of
what cyber bullying is and how the risk of it happening may be minimised.
Explain to learners that for this activity they will be required to complete a Safety Online
Checklist that includes dos and don’ts when surfing the internet. Examples of five dos and
five don’ts must be provided as well as an explanation of each key point.
Learners could include the following dos.
Use a nickname rather than your real name e.g. to protect identity.
Use a password that is difficult to guess e.g. to prevent unauthorised access.
Listen to your gut feeling e.g. if you feel embarrassed or uncomfortable.
Tell someone e.g. telling someone can stop it happening to you and someone else.
Use respectful language towards others e.g. behave the same way you would like to be
Learners could include the following don’ts.
Give out personal information about yourself e.g. doing so may lead to you being
Open e-mails from someone you don’t know e.g. doing so may make you vulnerable.
Give your password to others e.g. to respect your privacy and prevent unauthorised
Respond to messages that make you feel uncomfortable e.g. telling someone can stop it
happening to you and someone else.
Believe everything you read e.g. people may not be who they say they are online.
Version 1
© OCR 2016
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Version 1
© OCR 2016
Lesson Element
Unit 7: Safeguarding
LO5: Understand working strategies and
procedures for the safeguarding and
protection of adults, young people and
Learner Activity
Safety online
When children and young people are bullied online they can find it overwhelming and they
can feel very alone; bullying, including cyber bullying, is a type of abuse. You are going to
complete one activity which involves developing a Safety Online Checklist.
Activity 1
You are a youth volunteer worker working in an internet drop-in with a group of 12 young
people. As part of your role you have been asked to put together a checklist to ensure that
when participants use the internet they do so safely.
Below is the Safety Online Checklist for you to complete.
In the Dos column you must indicate what young people must do to be able to use the
internet safely, and in the Don’ts column you must indicate what young people must not do
to be able to use the internet safely.
You must include five key points in each column as well as an explanation of each key point.
Version 1
© OCR 2016
Safety Online Checklist
Version 1
© OCR 2016