OCR Level 1 Award in Understanding Business Enterprise
Scheme Code 10315
Please note: Updated information is displayed in blue text
We recommend these OCR assignments are used to provide evidence for the qualification above. The assignments contained within this booklet allow for completion of all of the required assessment criteria for the qualification. It is the centre’s responsibility to ensure that assignments are complete before the candidate work is dispatched to the OCR-appointed examiner-moderator.
Unit Title Credit value
Unit 1
Unit 2
Unit 3
Unit 4
Unit 5
Unit 6
Unit 7
Unit 8
Understand the personal qualities and abilities for business
Understand the opportunities and risks in running a business
Understand how to market a business
Understand how to make successful deals in business
Understand how to get help and support in business
Understand business planning
Understand how to manage money in a business
Understand enterprise and enterprising skills
In order to achieve the OCR Level 1 Award in Understanding Business Enterprise candidates must achieve units totalling a minimum of three credits.
Candidates must achieve a minimum of two credits from the Level 1 units contained within this booklet.
Candidates may achieve the final credit from the Level 1 units contained within the booklet, or from the Level
2 or 3 units which can be found in the relevant corresponding assignment booklets.
These OCR assignments remain live for the life of this qualification and must not be used as candidate practice material.
ALL THESE MATERIALS MAY BE PHOTOCOPIED. Any photocopying must be done under the terms of the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988 solely for the purpose of these assessments.
Candidates may complete these assignments electronically.
QCA accreditation number: 600/5512/1
© OCR 2013 1
OCR Level 1 Award in Understanding Business Enterprise
Guidance for tutors
This section provides general guidance and support to centre staff. It is not intended for use by candidates.
Notes for tutors
This section provides guidance on specific areas of the assignment that may need further clarification. It is not intended for use by candidates.
(This section must be photocopied for each candidate)
General information for candidates
This section provides candidates with general information on completion of the assignment in a question and answer format.
This section contains all the tasks candidates must complete before submission for assessment.
Unit 1 Understand the personal qualities and abilities for business
Unit 2 Understand the opportunities and risks in running a business
Unit 3 Understand how to market a business
Unit 4 Understand how to make successful deals in business
Unit 5 Understand how to get help and support in business
Unit 6 Understand business planning
Unit 7 Understand how to manage money in a business
Unit 8 Understand enterprise and enterprising skills
Page Number(s)
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OCR Assignments – Issued January 2013
OCR Level 1 Award in Understanding Business Enterprise
OCR Level 1 Award in Understanding Business Enterprise
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OCR Level 1 Award in Understanding Business Enterprise
1.1 OCR assignments are available to download from the OCR website.
1.2 OCR recommends that centres use these OCR assignments for formal assessment of their candidates. OCR assignments must NOT be used as practice material.
1.3 The assignments in this booklet form the assessment for the relevant unit. Units , including suggested teaching content, are available for download from the OCR website. Centres must ensure that the knowledge and understanding for each criterion is fully covered before candidates attempt the assessment.
1.4 Tutor guidance is provided later in this document and provides guidance on specific areas of the assignment that may need further clarification.
1.5 Where Centres choose not to use the OCR assignments, it is the responsibility of the Centre to ensure that all assessment criteria are sufficiently covered and referenced.
1.6 These assignments have been designed to meet the full assessment requirements of this qualification. Candidates will need to take part in a planned learning programme that covers the underpinning knowledge and understanding of the unit.
Before carrying out the assignments
2.1 Candidates should be provided with a copy of the Candidate Information section of this booklet which now includes the ‘Glossary of terms’ .
2.2 Candidates may carry out preparations prior to undertaking the tasks; there is no time limit for this.
2.3 Many of the tasks could initially be discussed either as a full group, if the numbers are small enough to allow everyone to actively participate, or in small groups with feedback to the whole group. This could generate a wide range of ideas, stimulating further group discussion and individual thought. This will prepare candidates for individual assessment which must be their own work.
2.4 Candidates may benefit from talking to business people, including Small Business Advisers and specialists, to find out how other businesses have performed. This could be done by visits to businesses or by having business people come in to the centre. Ideally, candidates would have the opportunity to talk to someone who has started their own business. Information could also be obtained from the internet.
OCR Assignments – Issued January 2013
OCR Level 1 Award in Understanding Business Enterprise
3 When completing the assignments
3.1 Candidates should be allowed sufficient time to complete all of the tasks. The recommended guided learning hours (glh) for each unit are provided in the Centre Handbook. However, this may vary depending on the nature of the tasks and the ability of individual candidates. It is suggested that evidence is produced in several sessions.
3.2 Each candidate must produce individual and authentic evidence for each task within the unit assignments.
3.3 Centre staff may give support and guidance to candidates. This support and guidance should focus on checking that candidates understand what is expected of them. It is not acceptable for tutors to provide model answers or to work through answers in detail.
3.4 Candidates may use information from any relevant source to help them with producing evidence for the tasks.
3.5 The assignments have been provided in Word format so that candidates can complete them electronically. Where this is the case, centres should provide each candidate with an electronic copy of the assignments. This can be on disk, CD or on a secure networked system. OCR requires only the hard copy prints of the work as evidence.
Candidates/centres must not alter the wording of the tasks in any way.
3.6 Each assessment criteria detailed within the unit has a corresponding task for completion.
Suitable teaching content and examples are also provided within the unit. Tutors must teach to the unit and not to the assignment.
3.7 Unless the Assessment Criteria specifically states the method by which a task must be completed (eg in writing), candidates may provide evidence by another suitable method eg a presentation. Where this is the case, the candidate is required to provide suitable evidence for the moderator eg presenter notes/slides etc, accompanied by a witness statement
3.8 A tolerance of +/-20% will be accepted on all tasks specifying approximate word counts
3.9 The requirements of the tasks must be met by candidates. Where a task specifies ‘explain’ it is not sufficient for a candidate to merely ‘identify’ and work of this standard would be rejected at moderation. A ‘Glossary of terms’ has been added to the ‘Candidate Information’ to assist in ensuring candidates and centres understand the requirements.
3.10 Some of the units are frequently answered with a specific business in mind. In order to reliably assess these responses, context is required. Therefore candidates are now requested to give brief details if they are considering a particular business idea when completing tasks on certain units.
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After completing the tasks
4.1 Candidates’ evidence is assessed by the centre’s assessor against the qualification specification contained in the units and tutor notes. For further information about assessment please refer to the section on Assessment and Moderation in the Centre Handbook.
4.2 Assessors’ decisions should be quality assured across the centre through internal moderation.
For further information about internal moderation please refer to the Centre Handbook.
Presentation of work
The candidates’ completed tasks should be submitted to the named OCR-appointed examinermoderator with the relevant unit or full Submission Cover Sheet (downloadable from the OCR website). Further information regarding submission of work can be found in the Centre Handbook and the Administrative Guide to Vocational Qualifications (A850).
Reworking the assignment
6.1 If candidates do not meet the minimum PASS requirements for the assessment objectives, further work will be required before the work can be submitted.
Tutors should not submit work that they have not assessed as PASS standard.
6.2 Tutors may give feedback to candidates to support and guide them in producing evidence to the required standard.
6.3 OCR does not return copies of candidate work. As such, it is recommended that centres keep copies of all work until results are received.
OCR Assignments – Issued January 2013
OCR Level 1 Award in Understanding Business Enterprise
Unit 1
– Understand the Personal Qualities and Abilities for
This unit aims to develop a candidate’s understanding of the personal qualities and abilities required to run a business. They are required to review their own personal attributes in respect of those required to run a business and review the ways in which they may develop their skills and abilities accordingly.
Task 1 Explain the personal qualities that can help when running a business
Assessment criterion 1.1 is assessed in this task.
Candidates should understand that ‘personal qualities’ are the personal characteristics of an individual that would be beneficial when running a business eg assertiveness, leadership.
Task 2 Analyse own strengths and weaknesses in terms of running a business
Assessment criterion 1.2 is assessed in this task.
Candidates must identify and assess. Their responses and assessment should relate specifically to the running of a business.
Unit 2 – Understand the Opportunities and Risks in Running a
This unit aims to develop a candidate’s understanding of developing new products or services for a business. Candidates must realise that ‘a new product or service’ refers to something that is new for the area that they are going to be setting up in or one where they have developed a unique selling point (USP).
They are required to understand the steps involved in developing a new product or service and how to assess the possible implications.
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Unit 3
– Understand How to Market a Business
This un it aims to develop the candidate’s understanding of how to market a business. Candidates should understand the benefits of market research and how this can be used to develop products and services for the business. Understanding can then be developed further with regard to promoting and delivering the products or service of a business and how to ensure the business is meeting customer expectations.
Task 3 Explain the different ways in which the products or services of a business can be promoted
Assessment criterion 2.1 is assessed in this task.
Candidates should understand that although there are many ways of promoting a product or service not all of them are available to, or appropriate for, a new small business. It is essential, therefore, that the methods chosen are realistic.
Candidates could look at different ways in which businesses promote themselves and discuss which would be appropriate for a new small business.
Task 4 Explain the different ways of delivering the products or services of a business
Assessment criterion 2.2 is assessed in this task.
Candidates must understand that the idea of delivering refers to: place, eg a shop; method, eg home delivery service; and a chain of distribution, eg producer – wholesaler – retailer – customer. One or more of these might be appropriate for a product(s) or service(s). Candidates should also understand that one method may be delivered in different ways eg different ways of sending goods by post.
Task 6 Explain the different ways of measuring the level of satisfaction of customers with the products and services of a business
Assessment criterion 3.2 is assessed in this task.
In order to complete this task candidates must understand that customer satisfaction can be measured in different ways. In particular, while questionnaires and interviews are two different methods, surveys incorporate both and should not be used in conjunction with one or other of them.
OCR Assignments – Issued January 2013
OCR Level 1 Award in Understanding Business Enterprise
Unit 4
– Understand How to Make Successful Deals in Business
This unit aims to develop the candi date’s understanding of successfully negotiating deals for a business.
This includes the recognised steps within the negotiation process and how they can approach business negotiations in a professional manner.
Task 3 Explain the key steps in the negotiation process
Assessment criterion 2.1 is assessed in this task.
To complete this task, candidates must understand what is meant by the negotiation process in general, not a specific negotiation. They could discuss this as a group using either examples from their own experiences and/or ‘real life’ examples e.g. between trade unions and employers or international conferences.
Candidates need to realise that negotiation is about: all sides stating their position; exploring differences; seeking solutions; coming to an agreement; and ratifying it. This is an outline and candidates are expected to be able to expand on these. They may find it helpful to try role playing negotiations, perhaps using something that has/could come up in a business environment.
Task 4 Analyse the types of people and organisations that are involved in the negotiation process
Assessment criterion 2.2 is assessed in this task.
It is important to focus on ‘types’ and not individuals.
Task 5 Explain why is it important that all parties reach an acceptable agreement when negotiating deals
Assessment criterion 2.3 is assessed in this task.
To complete this task, candidates need to understand the requirement for an agreement that is acceptable to all the parties concerned. It could be helpful to explore the idea of a win/win situation.
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Unit 5
– Understand How to get help and support in Business
The tasks have been designed to allow candidates to understand how to get help and support in business.
This unit aims to develop a candidate’s understanding of the help and support that is available to new businesses. This unit extends beyond the standard sources such as a bank and business advisers, and investigates the importance of business networks.
Task 4 Explain what a business network is
Assessment criterion 2.1 is assessed in this task.
Candidates should have the opportunity for either individual research on this and/or to discuss what is meant in a group or individually with their tutor. It is essential that they can distinguish a business network from a social network.
Task 5 Explain the benefits that networks can bring to a business
Assessment criterion 2.3 is assessed in this task.
To complete this task, candidates must understand that there are many different types of business network and how these networks can help businesses .
Task 6 Evaluate the different types of networks that can help a business
Assessment criterion 2.2 is assessed in this task.
Candidates are required to evaluate. Neither an explanation without assessment, nor a bullet pointed response, will fulfil the requirements of this task.
OCR Assignments – Issued January 2013
OCR Level 1 Award in Understanding Business Enterprise
Unit 6
– Understanding Business Planning
This unit aims to develop a candidate’s understanding of how to successfully plan in business. The candidates should focus on the components of a business plan and the importance of planning for realistic goals. The candidate will then develop an understanding of possible changes in legislation that could have an impact on their business and business plans.
Task 4 Explain how to find out about legislation that will impact upon running the business
Assessment criterion 2.2 is assessed in this task.
Candidates should be aware of the variety of sources that are available to them to find out about the legislation affecting business. In their answer they may wish to refer to organisations, individuals and web addresses.
Task 5: Describe different types of legislation that can affect the running of the business and analyse how different types of legislation will impact on the plans of the business
Assessment criteria 2.1 and 2.3 are assessed in this task.
NB In the original release of the assignments, this task was originally split between task 4 and task 6.
This has now been merged to make this current task 6
Candidates should choose legislation that would be particularly appropriate for their business. The list below is not is not a comprehensive list.
health and safety trade descriptions sale of goods consumer protection consumer credit distance selling regulations employment law contract law financial services act data protection equality pension provision
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OCR Level 1 Award in Understanding Business Enterprise
Unit 7
– Understand How to Manage Money in a Business
This unit aims to develop the candidate’s understanding of managing money in business. This includes the implications of poor money management, ways of managing financial records and assessing the financial requirements of a business through cash flow forecasts.
Task 4 Explain the different ways of showing that plans for money in a business are being met
Assessment criterion 2.1 is assessed in this task.
To complete this task, candidates must explain standard terms related to money within a business.
Standard definitions are suitable answers for each, however it is important that the candidate understands the terms and is not copying or colluding on the response.
Task 6 Assess own requirements that need to be included when planning money for a business
Assessment criterion 2.3 is assessed in this task.
To complete this task, candidates must complete a personal survival budget for the first year of their business venture. They may use either weekly or monthly figures, but must remember to multiply the expenditure by either 52 or 12 respectively.
Candidates may find it easier to complete this task using a spreadsheet
Unit 8 – Understand Enterprise and Enterprising Skills
This unit aims to develop the candidate’s understanding of what is meant by enterprise. They will also develop understanding of the skills and behaviours that are beneficial in an enterprise environment and how these can be applied in different situations.
Task 1 Describe the different ways of defining an enterprise
Assessment criterion 1.1 is assessed in this task.
To complete this task, candidates need to describe ways of defining an enterprise. Just providing examples does not fulfil the requirement.
Task 2 Explain the key characteristics of an owner-managed enterprise
Assessment criterion 1.2 is assessed in this task.
An owner-managed enterprise is generally accepted as a business where the owner is also the day-to-day manager of the business.
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OCR Level 1 Award in Understanding Business Enterprise
Task 3 Describe the skills and behaviours that are associated with being enterprising
Assessment criterion 2.1 is assessed in this task.
To complete this task, candidates need to both understand what enterprising skills are and that in addition to having enterprising skills, they will also need to understand enterprising behaviours. They need to understand that anyone can have these skills whether or not they are involved in an enterprise.
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OCR Level 1 Award in Understanding Business Enterprise
OCR Assignments – Issued January 2013
OCR Level 1 Award in Understanding Business Enterprise
Do I have to pass these assignments?
Yes. You must pass these assignments to achieve the relevant units or full qualification.
What help will I get?
Your tutor will help you when completing the OCR assignments and will make sure that you know what resources/facilities you need and are allowed to use.
What if I don’t understand something?
It is your responsibility to read the tasks carefully and make sure you understand what you need to do and what you should hand in. If you are not sure, check with your tutor.
Can I copy other people’s work?
No. The work that you produce must be your own work and you may be asked to sign a declaration to say that the work is your own. You should never copy the work of other candidates or allow others to copy your work.
Can I work in a group?
Yes. However, if you work in a group at any stage you must still produce work that shows your individual contribution and answers appropriate to your own business.
How should I present my work?
You should present your work on the task sheets provided. If you are unsure, check with your tutor.
When I have finished, what do I need to hand in?
You need to hand in the work that you have completed for each task. Do not include any draft work or handouts unless these are asked for. When you hand in your work make sure that it is titled and in the correct order for assessing.
How will my work be assessed?
Your work will be marked by an assessor in your centre. The assessor will mark the work using the assessment criteria in the qualification specification.
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OCR Level 1 Award in Understanding Business Enterprise
Glossary of terms
Draw up
Use business terms, concepts and ideas to fully explain the idea, factor, etc.
To make a judgement about the importance or relevance of a particular aspect.
To set against each other two aspects or the advantages and disadvantages of an idea or situation.
Usually in terms of complete the table i.e. fill in the necessary figures.
To give a straightforward account or statement of the idea or situation.
To produce a table, and complete it, or design.
To make a judgement about the importance or relevance of a particular aspect and to come to a supported conclusion.
To make (something) comprehensible by giving a clear and detailed account.
Explain has more detail than describe, but does not have to have the business ideas etc of analyse.
To briefly give the main points, ideas, features or facts without any detail.
Show in terms of order, priority, importance etc usually in a table or list.
To provide a list of points or to briefly describe or define a term, concept or idea.
OCR Assignments – Issued January 2013
OCR Level 1 Award in Understanding Business Enterprise
Unit 1
– Understand the Personal Qualities and Abilities for
Requested information
Frequently the responses provided for this unit will depend on a particular business the candidate is thinking of. If you are thinking of a particular business when completing this unit, please provide brief details below in order that your responses are given context.
Eg local builder, work on houses, extensions etc
Task 1 Explain the personal qualities that can help when running a business
Assessment criterion 1.1 is assessed in this task.
To complete this task you must:
EXPLAIN at least FOUR personal qualities which could be useful when running a business
Complete the table below
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OCR Level 1 Award in Understanding Business Enterprise
Task 2 Analyse own strengths and weaknesses in terms of running a business
Assessment criterion 1.2 is assessed in this task.
To complete this task you need to be aware of your strengths and weaknesses in terms of running a business. You may find it useful to gather other peoples’ opinions before completing this task.
To complete this task you must:
ASSESS at least
ASSESS at least
TWO of your strengths for running a business of your weaknesses for running a business
IDENTIFY and ASSESS at least TWO of your strengths for running a business
Complete the table below
IDENTIFY and ASSESS at least TWO of your weaknesses for running a business
Complete the table below
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OCR Level 1 Award in Understanding Business Enterprise
Task 3 Analyse own areas of enjoyment in running a business
Assessment criterion 1.3 is assessed in this task.
To complete this task you should give careful thought to what you would enjoy doing in your business.
To complete this task you must:
ANALYSE at least THREE things you would enjoy about running a business.
Complete the table below:
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Task 4 Explain the skills and knowledge needed to run a business
Assessment criterion 2.1 is assessed in this task.
To complete this task, you need to understand the difference between a skill and knowledge.
To complete this task you must:
EXPLAIN at least TWO skills and TWO areas of knowledge that would be needed to run a business
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OCR Level 1 Award in Understanding Business Enterprise
Task 5 Compare own skills and knowledge against the skills and knowledge required to run a business
Assessment criterion 2.2 is assessed in this task.
To complete this task, you need to compare your own skills and knowledge against those identified in Task
To complete this task you must:
IDENTIFY the skills and knowledge, including experiences, interests and achievements, you have that might be relevant for running a business
COMPARE these with the generic skills and knowledge previously identified
Complete the table below
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Task 6 Explain how to develop a plan to improve own skills and knowledge to run a business
Assessment criterion 2.3 is assessed in this task.
To complete this task, you need to use the information gained in the previous task to develop a plan.
To complete this task you must:
EXPLAIN in approximately 75 words how you could improve your skills and knowledge to run a business
OCR Assignments – Issued January 2013
OCR Level 1 Award in Understanding Business Enterprise
Unit 2
– Understand the Opportunities and Risks in Running a
Requested information
Frequently the responses provided for this unit will depend on a particular business the candidate is thinking of. If you are thinking of a particular business when completing this unit, please provide brief details below in order that your responses are given context.
Eg local builder, work on houses, extensions etc
Task 1 Explain the key steps in developing ideas for new products or services when starting a business
Assessment criterion 1.1 is assessed in this task.
To complete this task you should understand that there are stages in the process of developing new products or services for a business.
To complete this task you must:
EXPLAIN in approximately 100 words the key steps you would take when developing ideas for new products and services.
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Task 2 Explain how to assess the potential benefits associated with new products or services in supporting the development of a viable business start-up
Assessment criterion 1.2 is assessed in this task.
To complete this task you should understand that it is important to be clear about what the potential benefits of new products and services would be if the business is to be successful.
To complete this task you must:
IDENTIFY THREE benefits of new goods and services for a new business
EXPLAIN how these benefits could be assessed.
Complete the table below
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OCR Level 1 Award in Understanding Business Enterprise
Task 3 Assess the potential risks and opportunities a new business might face and explain the actions that could be taken to address these potential risks and opportunities
Assessment criteria 2.1 and 2.2 are assessed in this task.
To complete this task you must:
ASSESS at least TWO risks and TWO opportunities that a new business could meet.
EXPLAIN how to exploit the opportunities and avoid or manage the risks.
Complete the table below.
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Unit 3 – Understand How to Market a Business
Requested information
Frequently the responses provided for this unit will depend on a particular business the candidate is thinking of. If you are thinking of a particular business when completing this unit, please provide brief details below in order that your responses are given context.
Eg local builder, work on houses, extensions etc
Task 1 Describe why researching the market for a business idea is important
Assessment criterion 1.1 is assessed in this task.
To complete this task you need to understand why market research is important
To complete this task you must:
DESCRIBE in approximately 25 words what is meant by market research.
DESCRIBE in approximately 40 words the importance of market research for a business idea
DESCRIBE in approximately 25 words what is meant by market research.
DESCRIBE in approximately 40 words the importance of market research for a business idea
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OCR Level 1 Award in Understanding Business Enterprise
Task 2 Explain how the outcomes from researching the market can be used by a business
Assessment criterion 1.2 is assessed in this task.
To complete this task you need to understand that the results of market research can be used in a variety of ways to help a business.
To complete this task you must:
EXPLAIN at least THREE ways a business could use the results from its market research
1 .....................................................................................................................................................................
2 .....................................................................................................................................................................
3 .....................................................................................................................................................................
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Task 3 Explain the different ways in which the products or services of a business can be promoted
Assessment criterion 2.1 is assessed in this task.
To complete this task you should understand that although there are many ways of promoting a product or service not all of them are available to or appropriate for a new small business . It is essential, therefore, that the methods chosen are realistic.
To complete this task you must:
EXPLAIN at least FOUR different ways of promoting the products or services of a business.
1 .....................................................................................................................................................................
2 .....................................................................................................................................................................
3 .....................................................................................................................................................................
4 .....................................................................................................................................................................
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OCR Level 1 Award in Understanding Business Enterprise
Task 4 Explain the different ways of delivering the products or services of a business
Assessment criterion 2.2 is assessed in this task.
To complete this task you must understand that the idea of delivering refers to: place, eg a shop; method, eg home delivery service; and a chain of distribution, eg producer – wholesaler – retailer – customer. One or more of these might be appropriate for your product(s) or service(s). You should also understand that one method may be delivered in different ways eg different ways of sending goods by post.
To complete this task you must:
EXPLAIN THREE different methods of delivery available to businesses.
1 .....................................................................................................................................................................
2 .....................................................................................................................................................................
3 .....................................................................................................................................................................
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Task 5 Describe why it is important to satisfy customers
Assessment criterion 3.1 is assessed in this task.
In order to complete this task you must understand what is meant by consumer satisfaction
To complete this task you must:
DESCRIBE at least THREE reasons why it is important to satisfy customers
1 .....................................................................................................................................................................
2 .....................................................................................................................................................................
3 .....................................................................................................................................................................
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OCR Level 1 Award in Understanding Business Enterprise
Task 6 Explain the different ways of measuring the level of satisfaction of customers with the products and services of a business
Assessment criterion 3.2 is assessed in this task.
In order to complete this task you must understand that customer satisfaction can be measured in different ways.
To complete this task you must:
IDENTIFY THREE methods of measuring customer satisfaction.
EXPLAIN how these methods could be applied to a business.
Complete the table below.
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Unit 4 – Understand How to Make Successful Deals in Business
Task 1 Describe what is meant by a deal
Assessment criterion 1.1 is assessed in this task.
To complete this task you must understand what is meant by a business deal.
To complete this task you must:
DESCRIBE in approximately 20 words what is meant by a business deal.
Task 2 Explain the need to make deals when in business
Assessment criterion 1.2 is assessed in this task.
To complete this task you must:
EXPLAIN in approximately 30 words why it is necessary to make deals in business.
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OCR Level 1 Award in Understanding Business Enterprise
Task 3 Explain the key steps in the negotiation process
Assessment criterion 2.1 is assessed in this task.
To complete this task you must understand what is meant by the negotiation process in general not a specific negotiation.
To complete this task you must:
STATE in approximately 25 words what is meant by the negotiation process.
IDENTIFY the key steps in the negotiation process.
EXPLAIN what is involved in each key step
STATE in approximately 25 words what is meant by the negotiation process.
IDENTIFY the key steps in the negotiation process
Complete the table below.
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Task 4 Analyse the types of people and organisations that are involved in the negotiation process
Assessment criterion 2.2 is assessed in this task.
To complete this task you must:
IDENTIFY at least FOUR types of people/organisations that could be involved in business negotiations.
ASSESS why these people/organisations are involved.
Complete the table below:
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OCR Level 1 Award in Understanding Business Enterprise
Task 5 Explain why is it important that all parties reach an acceptable agreement when negotiating deals
Assessment criterion 2.3 is assessed in this task.
To complete this task you must understand the need for an agreement that is acceptable to all the parties concerned.
To complete this task you must:
EXPLAIN in approximately 50 words why negotiations need to lead to an agreement acceptable to all those involved.
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Unit 5 – Understand How to get help and support in Business
Task 1 Analyse the informal sources of help and support available for a business
Assessment criterion 1.1 is assessed in this task.
To complete this task you need to understand that there is a wide range of informal sources of information available to a business.
To complete this task you must:
STATE what is meant by informal sources of help for a business
IDENTIFY at least THREE examples
EXPLAIN how these sources can help a business
STATE what is meant by informal sources of help for a business
IDENTIFY at least THREE examples of informal sources of help and EXPLAIN how these can help a business.
Complete the table below
OCR Assignments – Issued January 2013
OCR Level 1 Award in Understanding Business Enterprise
Task 2 Analyse the formal sources of help and support available for a business
Assessment criterion 1.2 is assessed in this task.
To complete this task you need to understand that there is a wide range of formal sources of information available to a business.
To complete this task you must:
STATE what is meant by formal sources of help for a business
IDENTIFY at least THREE examples
EXPLAIN how these sources can help a business
STATE what is meant by formal sources of help for a business
IDENTIFY at least THREE examples of formal sources of help and EXPLAIN how these can help a business.
Complete the table below
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OCR Level 1 Award in Understanding Business Enterprise
Task 3 Explain how to find out where help and support for a business can be obtained
Assessment criterion 1.3 is assessed in this task.
To complete this task you must:
EXPLAIN at least THREE ways of identifying sources of help for a business.
1 .....................................................................................................................................................................
2 .....................................................................................................................................................................
3 .....................................................................................................................................................................
Task 4 Explain what a business network is
Assessment criterion 2.1 is assessed in this task.
To complete this task you must:
EXPLAIN in approximately 25 words what is meant by a business network.
OCR Assignments – Issued January 2013
OCR Level 1 Award in Understanding Business Enterprise
Task 5 Explain the benefits that networks can bring to a business
Assessment criterion 2.3 is assessed in this task.
To complete this task you must understand that there are many different types of business network.
To complete this task you must:
IDENTIFY at least THREE different types of network that can help businesses
EXPLAIN the advantages of belonging to networks.
Complete the table below:
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Task 6 Evaluate the different types of networks that can help a business
Assessment criterion 2.2 is assessed in this task.
To complete this task you must:
ASSESS in approximately 75 WORDS the usefulness of the networks mentioned in Task 5.
OCR Assignments – Issued January 2013
OCR Level 1 Award in Understanding Business Enterprise
Unit 6 – Understanding Business Planning
Task 1 Describe the different components of a business plan.
Assessment criterion 1.1 is assessed in this task.
To complete this task you must understand what is meant by a business plan and how it is made up of different sections.
To complete this task you must:
DESCRIBE in approximately 25 words what is meant by a business plan
IDENTIFY and DESCRIBE at least SIX components of a business plan.
DESCRIBE in approximately 25 words what is meant by a business plan.
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IDENTIFY and DESCRIBE at least SIX components of a business plan.
Complete the table below.
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OCR Level 1 Award in Understanding Business Enterprise
Task 2: Explain the different uses of a business plan in running a business
Assessment criterion 1.2 is assessed in this task.
To complete this task you must understand that a business plan can have many uses in running a business
To complete this task you must:
EXPLAIN in approximately 75 words the uses that can be made of a business plan in running a business
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Task 3: Explain how working to a business plan can help achieve goals for a business
Assessment criterion 1.3 is assessed in this task.
To complete this task you must:
IDENTIFY at least FOUR goals that a business could have
EXPLAIN how using a business plan could help a business achieve each of these goals
Complete the table below:
OCR Assignments – Issued January 2013
OCR Level 1 Award in Understanding Business Enterprise
Task 4: Explain how to find out about legislation that will impact upon running the business
Assessment criterion 2.2 is assessed in this task.
To complete this task you should be aware of the variety of sources that are available to you to find out about the legislation affecting business.
To complete this task you must:
EXPLAIN at least THREE ways in which you could find out about legislation that will impact upon running the business
In your answer you may wish to refer to organisations, individuals and web addresses.
Complete the table below.
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OCR Level 1 Award in Understanding Business Enterprise
Task 5: Describe different types of legislation that can affect the running of the business and analyse how different types of legislation will impact on the plans of the business
Assessment criteria 2.1 and 2.3 are assessed in this task.
To complete this task you must:
IDENTIFY and DESCRIBE at least FOUR pieces of legislation that can affect the running of the business
EXPLAIN fully the ways in which each type of legislation will affect the plans of the business.
Complete the table below:
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OCR Level 1 Award in Understanding Business Enterprise
Unit 7 – Understand How to Manage Money in a Business
Task 1 Explain why it is important to manage money when running a business
Assessment criterion 1.1 is assessed in this task.
To complete this task you must understand that managing money correctly is vital for the success of any business.
To complete this task you must:
IDENTIFY at least FOUR factors that need to be taken into account when managing money for a business
EXPLAIN in approximately 30 words the importance of money management for a business.
IDENTIFY at least FOUR factors that need to be taken into account when planning money for a business.
1 .....................................................................................................................................................................
2 .....................................................................................................................................................................
3 .....................................................................................................................................................................
4 .....................................................................................................................................................................
EXPLAIN in approximately 30 words the importance of money management for a business.
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Task 2 Explain what can happen if money in a business is not managed appropriately
Assessment criterion 1.2 is assessed in this task.
To complete this task you must understand the affects of not managing money in a business
To complete this task you must:
EXPLAIN at least FOUR results of poor money management
1 .....................................................................................................................................................................
2 .....................................................................................................................................................................
3 .....................................................................................................................................................................
4 .....................................................................................................................................................................
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OCR Level 1 Award in Understanding Business Enterprise
Task 3 Explain who can be affected if money in the business is not managed appropriately
Assessment criterion 1.1 is assessed in this task.
To complete this task you must understand that the failure to manage money correctly can affect many different groups of people who are both directly and indirectly connected to the business.
To complete this task you must:
EXPLAIN how at least FOUR groups of people would be affected if money is not managed correctly.
Complete the table below.
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OCR Level 1 Award in Understanding Business Enterprise
Task 4 Explain the different ways of showing that plans for money in a business are being met
Assessment criterion 2.1 is assessed in this task.
To complete this task, you must understand that a wide range of things need to be taken into account when planning money for your business. Other people will want evidence that you are keeping to your plans.
To complete this task you must:
EXPLAIN what is meant by cash flow
EXPLAIN what is meant by profit and loss
EXPLAIN what is meant by budgeting
EXPLAIN ONE other way of showing that plans for money are being met.
EXPLAIN what is meant by cash flow
EXPLAIN what is meant by profit and loss
EXPLAIN what is meant by budgeting
EXPLAIN ONE other way of showing that plans for money are being met
OCR Assignments – Issued January 2013
OCR Level 1 Award in Understanding Business Enterprise
Task 5 Explain the need to keep clear records of money transactions in the business
Assessment criterion 2.2 is assessed in this task.
In order to complete this task you must understand the reasons why clear records of money transactions are required in business.
To complete this task you must:
EXPLAIN at least FOUR reasons why it is important to keep good records of money transactions.
1 .....................................................................................................................................................................
2 .....................................................................................................................................................................
3 .....................................................................................................................................................................
4 .....................................................................................................................................................................
Task 6 Assess own requirements that need to be included when planning money for a business
Assessment criterion 2.3 is assessed in this task.
In order to complete this task you must understand that you need to receive an income from a business if you are to be able to personally survive
To complete this task you must:
COMPLETE a personal survival budget
COMPLETE the table on the following page to show your personal survival budget for the first year of your business venture. You may use either weekly or monthly figures, but remember to multiply the expenditure by either 52 or 12 respectively.
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Personal Survival Budget
IT COST? (£)
OCR Assignments – Issued January 2013
OCR Level 1 Award in Understanding Business Enterprise
Unit 8 – Understand Enterprise and Enterprising Skills
Task 1 Describe the different ways of defining an enterprise
Assessment criterion 1.1 is assessed in this task.
To complete this task you need to understand what is meant by the term enterprise.
To complete this task you must:
DESCRIBE at least TWO ways of defining an enterprise
1 .....................................................................................................................................................................
2 .....................................................................................................................................................................
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Task 2 Explain the key characteristics of an owner-managed enterprise
Assessment criterion 1.2 is assessed in this task.
To complete this task you need to understand that owner-managed enterprises have certain characteristics which distinguish them from other types of enterprises.
To complete this task you must:
IDENTIFY and EXPLAIN THREE key characteristics of an owner-managed enterprise
Complete the table below:
OCR Assignments – Issued January 2013
OCR Level 1 Award in Understanding Business Enterprise
Task 3 Describe the skills and behaviours that are associated with being enterprising
Assessment criterion 2.1 is assessed in this task.
To complete this task you need to both understand what enterprising skills are and that in addition to having enterprising skills you will also need to show enterprising behaviour. You also need to understand that anyone can have these skills whether or not they are involved in an enterprise.
To complete this task you must:
IDENTIFY and DESCRIBE TWO enterprising skills
IDENTIFY and DESCRIBE TWO enterprising behaviours
IDENTIFY and DESCRIBE TWO enterprising skills.
Complete the table below:
IDENTIFY and DESCRIBE TWO enterprising behaviours
Complete the table below:
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OCR Level 1 Award in Understanding Business Enterprise
Task 4 Analyse the extent to which enterprising skills and behaviour can be developed in individuals
Assessment criterion 2.2 is assessed in this task.
To complete this task you need to understand that enterprising skills and behaviours may be developed.
To complete this task you must:
EXPLAIN in approximately 50 words how these skills and behaviours could be developed
ANALYSE in approximately 50 words how easy it may be to develop these skills and behaviours
EXPLAIN in approximately 50 words how these skills and behaviours could be developed
ANALYSE in approximately 50 words how easy it may be to develop these skills and behaviours
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OCR Level 1 Award in Understanding Business Enterprise
Task 5 Describe where and when enterprising skills are useful in different situations and explain the advantages of being able to use these skills in different settings
Assessment criteria 3.1 and 3.2 are assessed in this task.
In order to complete this task, you must understand that different enterprise skills may be required in different situations.
You must complete the table overleaf to:
THREE different situations where enterprising skills might be useful
the enterprising skill(s) which would be useful in each of these situations
the advantages of using each of these enterprising skills
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Complete the table below
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OCR Level 1 Award in Understanding Business Enterprise
Task 6 Analyse the ways in which enterprising skills and behaviours can be further developed in different situations
Assessment criterion 3.3 is assessed in this task.
To complete this task you must:
EXPLAIN how enterprising skills and behaviours can be further developed in different situations.
Complete the table below giving at least ONE skill and at least ONE behaviour
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