Level 7 - Unit 01 - Assessor marking grid (DOC, 113KB)

QCF Level 7 Diploma Teaching and
Assessing Learners with Dyslexia/Specific
Learning Difficulties – 10219
Unit 1: Understand theoretical concepts for teaching individuals with
dyslexia/specific learning difficulties
Assessor’s marking grid
The aim of the grid is to assist assessors in identifying that all of the evidence requirements
have been met. In order for a candidate to achieve the unit, candidates’ work must show
evidence of achievement of all the criteria listed below.
When completing evidence requirements it is essential to refer to the Learning
Outcomes and Assessment Criteria
Candidate name: ............................................................. Date submitted: .............................
Evidence requirement
Assessor’s comments
Learning Outcomes 1, 2 & 3
Understand theoretical concepts underlying dyslexia/specific learning difficulties
Understand theoretical concepts underpinning the teaching of individuals with
dyslexia/specific learning difficulties
Be able to present information on theoretical concepts to other professionals
1. Write an extended essay on key theoretical concepts relating to literacy and numeracy
development and teaching.
The essay:
Identifies key theoretical issues relating to the
chosen concepts
Includes an analysis, evaluation and critical
reflection on the current theoretical
Shows understanding of relevant theories from
related academic disciplines
Shows relationship of research to practice
Shows how the candidate will apply findings to
own practice
Unit 1: OCR L7 Diploma in Teaching and Assessing Learners with Dyslexia/Specific Learning Difficulties (10219: QCF)
© OCR 2012
Evidence requirement
Assessor’s comments
The essay is laid out:
Clearly and legibly, presented to a high
In a logical structure
Using accurate grammar, spelling and
Concludes with a reference list, using standard
conventions for referencing quotations and
references (E.g. Harvard referencing)
Is approximately 5000 words in length.
(Maximum deviation acceptable is 10% on
either side: 4500-5500 words.)
(Appendices may be added if appropriate and
are not included in the word count.)
2. Produce and deliver a presentation to others. Evidence for this may be produced within the
group setting where the candidate presents to the rest of the group. Alternatively, evidence
could be provided from an observed session from the candidate’s own professional context
where the candidate is presenting or teaching for example to a group of parents, teaching
assistants, teachers, lecturers or employers.
The presentation:
Is a minimum of 10 minutes and maximum 15
minutes. (In the case of an observation of a
talk or presentation in a real-life setting, a
minimum of 10 minutes should be observed by
the assessor)
Contains evidence of candidate answering
questions in response to this presentation.
This should be approximately 5 minutes in
addition to the time taken for the presentation
Is accompanied by visual material
Is accompanied by handouts or other relevant
materials as appropriate
Unit 1: OCR L7 Diploma in Teaching and Assessing Learners with Dyslexia/Specific Learning Difficulties (10219: QCF)
© OCR 2012
Evidence requirement
Assessor’s comments
Examines an aspect of dyslexia or literacy
difficulties for example relating to teaching and
assessment, current theories or
If evidence of this presentation is provided on
DVD/video material, relevant accompanying
notes should be provided for the assessor
I confirm that the evidence provided is a result of my own work.
Signature of candidate: .......................................................... Date: ....................................
I confirm that the candidate has demonstrated competence by satisfying all of the
performance criteria and range for this element:
Signature of assessor:
.......................................................... Date: ....................................
IV initials (if sampled):
.......................................................... Date: ....................................
Countersignature (if required): .................................................. Date: ....................................
Unit 1: OCR L7 Diploma in Teaching and Assessing Learners with Dyslexia/Specific Learning Difficulties (10219: QCF)
© OCR 2012