Unit Overview Sheet OCR POLICING QUALIFICATIONS Unit number: ___________________ Unit title: ____________________________ Candidate name: ________________________________________________________ Describe the activities that enabled you to achieve this unit, stating what you did, where, how often, and over what period of time.* *You may continue on a separate sheet if required. I confirm that the evidence provided is a result of my own work: Signature of candidate: _________________________ Date: ________________________ I confirm that the candidate has demonstrated competence in this unit by meeting all of the outcomes of effective performance, behaviours, knowledge and evidence requirements. Signature of assessor: _________________________ Date: ________________________ Countersignature of qualified assessor (if required) and date: _____________________________ Initials of IV (if sampled) and date: __________________________________________________ Countersignature of IV (if required) and date: OCR Policing Qualifications _________________________________________ © OCR 2010