Level 4 Systems Architecture Evidence Checklist Candidate Name Centre Number Qualification Unit Title Systems architecture Level UAN 4 A/601/3505 Ensure the following are included as a minimum Complete boxes with a or required information Please reference the assessment criteria achieved with the relevant page number where the evidence can be found If the evidence checklist has not been completed correctly, completing the qualification details above and referencing below, the candidates work will not be moderated and will be returned to the centre. Candidate Tutor Page Assessment Objective Covered by Evidence Checked Checked Reference () () Printouts/Reports Required 1.1 Explain how number systems and data representation are used to store information in a computer 1.2 Explain the role of input, output and storage devices 1.3 Describe the characteristics of C.P.U. components and the operation of the Fetch Execute Cycle 1.4 Describe the operation of a peripheral device, controller hardware and physical connection using correct technical terminology and reference to relevant standards 2.1 Use and configure operating system interfaces and functions 2.2 Explain the role of process management and concurrent processes in computer operating systems 2.3 Describe how operating system features can contribute to data and system security 3.1 Describe the function and operation of distributed operating systems 3.2 Describe the functions of data communications systems in enabling network and distributed systems 4.1 Describe the operation and functions of mainframe systems 1 Level 4 Systems Architecture 4.2 4.3 4.4 Describe the evolution of and characteristics of distributed applications Describe data and process distribution Explain distribution and transaction transparency Date of Completion: Candidate’s Signature: Assessor’s Signature: The candidate may choose to approach the qualification holistically and combine elements from multiple units together as part of a project. This is acceptable from a working perspective but centres and candidates must ensure that each unit is evidenced in its own right, which may require the candidate to present the evidence several times and will also require them to clearly indicate for each unit where the assessment objectives and learning outcomes are met. Centres must refer to the actual units to ensure that candidates have fully met all the requirements. 2