Unit 102 - Digital media skills - Scheme of work and lesson plan (DOC, 236KB)

Sample Scheme of Work
Creative iMedia Level 1 (04304-04306)
Unit 102: Digital Media Skills
Topic: Digital media skills for asset production
Suggested Teaching Time: 30 Hours
Topic outline
Suggested teaching and homework
Suggested resources
Points to note
Multiple choice questionnaire (paper based or
electronic) for initial assessment
This unit helps learners to understand the
basic digital media skills for the creative
and media sector. It allows them to
understand the client brief and
preparation techniques to convert and
repurpose files:
Introduction to the unit and initial
Identify existing it skills
0–1 hours
Teaching activity: introduce what is digital media and
what is repurposing
Ref lesson plan 1 - introduction
Introduction to MAPS
View MAPS 3 e-portfolio online
2 hours
All learners to request a new account (or logon if
account already exists)
Ref lesson plan 2 – MAPS intro
Explain unit aims and objectives
Customise own workspace
Create a post and blog entry
Activity: to upload a file
Digital media exploration
3–4 hours
Teaching activity to explore the range of digital
media types and where they are used
Group exercise: to rate the quality of a range of
digital media
Homework: to search and collect a range of digital
Sample materials and digital media
For rating of digital media – use the OCR planning and
review template which has a rating table included at the
Ref lesson plan 3 – explore digital media
Learners should identify where the digital
media is used, the format it takes, their
rating on quality and appropriateness
A range should consist of at least 3 types
of digital media (e.g. Photography, video,
animation, audio) with examples of these
within the public domain.
Learners should rate the digital media
using a minimum of 4 criteria in addition
to the identification of the media type.
There should be a minimum of 3 digital
media types rated.
Final assignment – exploration
Introduce the OCR or centre devised assignment
5–6 hours
Start task 1 of final assignment
Collate evidence for task 1 of the final assignment
(learning outcome 1 – exploration)
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OCR planning and review template (available as a
download from the OCR website)
All assignment work must be individual
Ref lesson plan 10 – assignment work
Creative iMedia Level 1 (04304-04306)
Unit 102: Digital Media Skills
Topic outline
Working with still images
7–9 hours
Suggested teaching and homework
Suggested resources
Points to note
Teaching activity: features of image editing software
applications (identifying what is available)
Sample materials – a range of high and low resolution
images and graphics such as:
Image file types to include tif, psd, jpg,
png, gif
Teaching activity: to identify what tools and
techniques of the software is used to edit and
repurpose images and graphics
An a4 print image at 300dpi (with 3508 x 2480 pixels)
Teaching activity: to identify different file types and
where they are used
A web image at 72dpi (with 800 x 600 pixels)
Only basic editing and processing
techniques need to be evidenced for this
unit since the primary aim is about the
process and workflow.
Exercise: to edit and repurpose a range of images
and graphics for sample activities (not the final
assignment brief)
Ref lesson plan 4 – still images
A cd cover image at 300 dpi (since for print) with 1425 x
1425 pixels ie 4.75” square
A web banner at 72dpi (with 600 x 160 pixels)
Homework: to find a number of still images in
different formats for use in class
Working with video
10–15 hours
Teaching activity: features of video editing software
applications (identifying what is available)
Teaching activity: to identify what tools and
techniques of the software is used to edit and
repurpose video and other moving image media clips
Tools to include: cropping, changing
brightness/contrast and changing colour.
Save in different file formats and
resolutions eg for web (72dpi) and for
print (200-300dpi).
The final graphic must have sufficient
pixels for the intended use (eg using the
dpi resolution x print dimensions etc)
Sample materials – a range of moving image files in
different file formats and resolutions in .avi, .mov and
.mpef formats
Ref lesson plan 5 – moving images
Teaching activity: to identify different file types and
where they are used
Moving image file types to include .avi,
mpeg-2, mpeg-4
Only basic editing and processing
techniques need to be evidenced for this
unit since the primary aim is about the
process and workflow.
Exercise: to edit and repurpose a range of video and
moving image clips for sample activities (not the final
assignment brief)
Homework: to find a number of short video clips for
use in class (may be sourced online or recorded
using a compact digital camera for example)
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Creative iMedia Level 1 (04304-04306)
Unit 102: Digital Media Skills
Topic outline
Working with audio
16–19 hours
Suggested teaching and homework
Teaching activity: features of audio editing software
applications (identifying what is available)
Teaching activity: to identify what tools and
techniques of the software is used to edit and
repurpose audio files
Suggested resources
Points to note
Sample materials – a range of audio files such as
music, voiceovers and event sounds in both .wav and
.mp3 formats
Audio file types to include wav, mp3
Ref lesson plan 6 – audio
Teaching activity: to identify different file types and
where they are used
Only basic editing and processing
techniques need to be evidenced for this
unit since the primary aim is about the
process and workflow.
Learners should also start to develop
awareness of copyright issues such as on
music tracks
Exercise: to edit and repurpose a range of audio files
for sample activities (not the final assignment brief)
Homework: to find a number of short audio clips for
use in class (may be sourced online or recorded
using a digital recorder or microphone and computer
for example)
Interim assessment
Sample (practice) assignments
20 hours
Assess learners for their ability to edit and repurpose
still images, video and audio, using practice material
How to review
Teaching activity: how to review work
21–22 hours
Group activity: to discuss and review a piece of work
Use the OCR planning and review template as
Exercise: to review own work on samples of digital
Group activity to display samples of digital media on
projector screen
Ref lesson plan 7 – interim assessment
Learners own digital media and those of peers
Ref lesson plan 8 - reviewing
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Creative iMedia Level 1 (04304-04306)
Not to be used as final work for
assessment and external moderation
learners should produce a personal
review reflecting upon how successfully
product meets the requirements of the
brief, identifying any parameters and
constraints that influenced their decisions
identifying what they would do differently
if faced by a similar task and why.
Unit 102: Digital Media Skills
Topic outline
Suggested teaching and homework
Suggested resources
Points to note
How to plan
Teaching activity: what are client requirements?
Computer software applications
23 hours
Teaching activity: how to select appropriate
equipment and resources
Use of sample materials: to plan a response to a
sample client brief (not the final assignment)
Learners should be identifying what the
client required in terms of the purpose
and the target audience.
Teaching activity: identification of file formats that
would be suitable for a specific purpose
Ref lesson plan 9 - planning
Equipment list with annotated comments
on reasons why suitable for the project
Narrative or annotated document that
covers relevant techniques for audio, still
image and moving image assets. For
example, compression techniques, audio
bit depth, volume, image pixel
dimensions, resolution, moving image
video format, pixel dimensions, file
Exercise: to create a plan that lists the main activities
involved in converting each of the different types of
digital media files
The digital workflow to cover the
recording/capture, editing and storage of
the assets and final work, including any
working file formats and how these differ
from the requirements of the end user.
Final assignment – planning
Review the OCR or centre devised assignment
24–25 hours
Collate evidence for task 2 of the final assignment
(learning outcome 2 – planning)
Final assignment – creating
Monitoring and supervision of learners completing
their assignment work.
26–28 hours
Collate evidence for task 3 of final assignment
(learning outcome 3 – produce), to include:
Start task 2 of final assignment
OCR planning and review template (available as a
download from the OCR website)
All assignment work must be individual
Digital media resource files for use with the OCR
assignments can be downloaded from the OCR website
at www.OCR.org.uk
Ref lesson plan 10 – assignment work
Ref lesson plan 10 – assignment work
All assignment work must be individual
Still image file
Moving image file
Audio file
A) [with ongoing upload of work to MAPS e-portfolio
for secure storage]
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Creative iMedia Level 1 (04304-04306)
Unit 102: Digital Media Skills
Topic outline
Final assignment – review
29 hours
Suggested teaching and homework
Suggested resources
Points to note
Monitoring and supervision of learners completing
their assignment work to produce a review.
OCR planning and review template (available as a
download from the OCR website)
All assignment work must be individual
Collate evidence for task 4 of the final assignment
(learning outcome 4 - review)
Ref lesson plan 10 – assignment work
Teacher feedback required for each
student on their final work – to be
uploaded with other evidence
Learners should produce a personal
review reflecting upon how successfully
product meets the requirements of the
brief, identifying any parameters and
constraints that influenced their decisions
identifying what they would do differently
if faced by a similar task and why.
MAPS upload
30 hours
Verification and supervision of learners uploading all
the required evidence files to the MAPS e-portfolio,
completing checklists as required
Next steps to include links with other
creative imedia units to be delivered
Summary of unit completion and next steps
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Creative iMedia Level 1 (04304-04306)
Unit 102: Digital Media Skills
Sample Lesson Plan 1
Creative iMedia Level 1 (04304-04306)
Unit 102: Digital Media Skills
Introduction and initial assessment
OCR recognises that the teaching of this qualification above will vary greatly from school to school and
from teacher to teacher. With that in mind this lesson plan is offered as a possible approach but will be
subject to modifications by the individual teacher.
Lesson length is assumed to be one hour.
Learning Objectives for the Lesson
Objective 1
Assess students knowledge and skills of working with IT
Objective 2
Know what is pre-production
Objective 3
Understand the use of different pre-production documents
Recap of Previous Experience and Prior Knowledge
Not Applicable
5 minutes
Introductions and aims of the lesson
20 minutes
Initial assessment
10 minutes
What is digital media?
15 minutes
Media types used – still images, moving images (video) and audio
5 minutes
Where digital media is used
5 minutes
Summary of digital media types and uses, aims for next lesson
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Creative iMedia Level 1 (04304-04306)
Unit 102: Digital Media Skills
Sample Lesson Plan 2
Creative iMedia Level 1 (04304-04306)
Unit 102: Digital Media Skills
Introduction to MAPS
OCR recognises that the teaching of this qualification above will vary greatly from school to school and
from teacher to teacher. With that in mind this lesson plan is offered as a possible approach but will be
subject to modifications by the individual teacher.
Lesson length is assumed to be one hour.
Learning Objectives for the Lesson
Objective 1
Know what MAPS is used for
Objective 2
Create an individual account
Objective 3
Know how to customise own workspace
Objective 4
Know how to create a post and blog entry
Objective 5
Know how to upload evidence to MAPS
Recap of Previous Experience and Prior Knowledge
Not Applicable
5 minutes
Introduction to MAPS 3
10 minutes
Students to access MAPS and register for an account (unless already created)
5-10 minutes
Customise own workspace
15 minutes
How to create a post and blog entry
10 minutes
How to upload a file
5 minutes
Create a blog entry
10 minutes
Upload a sample file
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Creative iMedia Level 1 (04304-04306)
Unit 102: Digital Media Skills
Sample Lesson Plan 3
Creative iMedia Level 1 (04304-04306)
Unit 102: Digital Media Skills
To explore different types of digital media
OCR recognises that the teaching of this qualification above will vary greatly from school to school and
from teacher to teacher. With that in mind this lesson plan is offered as a possible approach but will be
subject to modifications by the individual teacher.
Lesson length is assumed to be one hour.
Learning Objectives for the Lesson
Objective 1
Know the different types of digital media
Objective 2
Understand where digital media is used
Objective 3
Know how to rate digital media
Recap of Previous Experience and Prior Knowledge
How to access MAPS
How to upload a file and create a blog entry
5 minutes
What is digital media?
10 minutes
View examples of digital media to include still images, moving images (such as
animation and video) and audio
15 minutes
Look at where digital media is used
20-30 minutes
Group activity: To find examples of digital media, identify rating criteria and apply
ratings to the three different types
5 minutes
Summarise types of digital media, where used and how rated
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Creative iMedia Level 1 (04304-04306)
Unit 102: Digital Media Skills
Sample Lesson Plan 4
Creative iMedia Level 1 (04304-04306)
Unit 102: Digital Media Skills
To edit and repurpose still image files
OCR recognises that the teaching of this qualification above will vary greatly from school to school and
from teacher to teacher. With that in mind this lesson plan is offered as a possible approach but will be
subject to modifications by the individual teacher.
Lesson length is assumed to be one hour.
Learning Objectives for the Lesson
Objective 1
Know the features and capabilities of image editing software
Objective 2
Know what basic tools and techniques are used with image editing
Objective 3
Understand why different file types are used
Objective 4
Be able to repurpose a digital still image file
Recap of Previous Experience and Prior Knowledge
The different types of digital media
Where digital media is used and how to rate them
5 minutes
Review the software available and key features
10 minutes
Demonstrate use of basic tools and techniques
15 minutes
Apply basic tools and techniques
20-30 minutes
Editing and saving a digital still image (using uncompressed file formats)
20-30 minutes
Editing and saving a digital still image (using compressed file formats)
5 minutes
Summarise basic editing tools and file formats
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Creative iMedia Level 1 (04304-04306)
Unit 102: Digital Media Skills
Sample Lesson Plan 5
Creative iMedia Level 1 (04304-04306)
Unit 102: Digital Media Skills
To edit and repurpose moving image files
OCR recognises that the teaching of this qualification above will vary greatly from school to school and
from teacher to teacher. With that in mind this lesson plan is offered as a possible approach but will be
subject to modifications by the individual teacher.
Lesson length is assumed to be one hour.
Learning Objectives for the Lesson
Objective 1
Know the features and capabilities of moving image editing software
Objective 2
Know what basic tools and techniques are used with moving image editing
Objective 3
Understand why different file types are used
Objective 4
Be able to repurpose a digital moving image file
Recap of Previous Experience and Prior Knowledge
The process of editing and repurposing still images
5 minutes
Review the software available and key features
10 minutes
Demonstrate use of basic tools and techniques
15 minutes
Apply basic tools and techniques
20-30 minutes
Editing and saving a digital moving image (using uncompressed file formats)
20-30 minutes
Editing and saving a digital moving image (using compressed file formats)
5 minutes
Summarise basic editing tools and file formats
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Creative iMedia Level 1 (04304-04306)
Unit 102: Digital Media Skills
Sample Lesson Plan 6
Creative iMedia Level 1 (04304-04306)
Unit 102: Digital Media Skills
To edit and repurpose audio files
OCR recognises that the teaching of this qualification above will vary greatly from school to school and
from teacher to teacher. With that in mind this lesson plan is offered as a possible approach but will be
subject to modifications by the individual teacher.
Lesson length is assumed to be one hour.
Learning Objectives for the Lesson
Objective 1
Know the features and capabilities of audio editing software
Objective 2
Know what basic tools and techniques are used with audio editing
Objective 3
Understand why different file types are used
Objective 4
Be able to repurpose a digital audio file
Recap of Previous Experience and Prior Knowledge
The process of editing and repurposing moving image files
5 minutes
Review the software available and key features
10 minutes
Demonstrate use of basic tools and techniques
15 minutes
Apply basic tools and techniques
20-30 minutes
Editing and saving a digital audio file (using uncompressed file formats)
20-30 minutes
Editing and saving a digital audio file (using compressed file formats)
5 minutes
Summarise basic editing tools and file formats
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Creative iMedia Level 1 (04304-04306)
Unit 102: Digital Media Skills
Sample Lesson Plan 7
Creative iMedia Level 1 (04304-04306)
Unit 102: Digital Media Skills
Interim assessment
OCR recognises that the teaching of this qualification above will vary greatly from school to school and
from teacher to teacher. With that in mind this lesson plan is offered as a possible approach but will be
subject to modifications by the individual teacher.
Lesson length is assumed to be one hour.
Learning Objectives for the Lesson
Objective 1
To assess learning and readiness for final assignment
Recap of Previous Experience and Prior Knowledge
How to repurpose digital media files.
5 minutes
Introduction and describe requirements for completing sample assessment material
5 minutes
Section 1 – Identify the requirements for repurposing sample digital media files
45 minutes
Section 2 - Individual work to repurpose a still image, moving image and audio file
5 minutes
Review progress made and next steps
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Creative iMedia Level 1 (04304-04306)
Unit 102: Digital Media Skills
Sample Lesson Plan 8
Creative iMedia Level 1 (04304-04306)
Unit 102: Digital Media Skills
How to review work
OCR recognises that the teaching of this qualification above will vary greatly from school to school and
from teacher to teacher. With that in mind this lesson plan is offered as a possible approach but will be
subject to modifications by the individual teacher.
Lesson length is assumed to be one hour.
Learning Objectives for the Lesson
Objective 1
Know the purpose of a review
Objective 2
Understand the importance of reviewing work
Objective 3
Know how to review final work
Recap of Previous Experience and Prior Knowledge
Interim assessment
5 minutes
What is a review?
15 minutes
Group activity to discuss and review a sample piece of work (use projector)
15 minutes
Individual activity to review own work on digital media files
10 minutes
Review the OCR planning and review template
5 minutes
Summarise the review process
10 minutes
MAPS update with blog/post entries
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Creative iMedia Level 1 (04304-04306)
Unit 102: Digital Media Skills
Sample Lesson Plan 9
Creative iMedia Level 1 (04304-04306)
Unit 102: Digital Media Skills
How to plan work
OCR recognises that the teaching of this qualification above will vary greatly from school to school and
from teacher to teacher. With that in mind this lesson plan is offered as a possible approach but will be
subject to modifications by the individual teacher.
Lesson length is assumed to be one hour.
Learning Objectives for the Lesson
Objective 1
Know the purpose of a plan
Objective 2
Understand the importance of planning work
Objective 3
Know how to plan final work
Recap of Previous Experience and Prior Knowledge
How to review work
5 minutes
What is a plan?
15 minutes
Group activity to discuss and review a sample plan (use projector)
15 minutes
Individual activity to plan own work on digital media file repurposing
10 minutes
Review the OCR planning and review template
5 minutes
Summarise the planning process
10 minutes
MAPS update with blog/post entries
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Creative iMedia Level 1 (04304-04306)
Unit 102: Digital Media Skills
Sample Lesson Plan 10
Creative iMedia Level 1 (04304-04306)
Unit 102: Digital Media Skills
Assignment work
OCR recognises that the teaching of this qualification above will vary greatly from school to school and
from teacher to teacher. With that in mind this lesson plan is offered as a possible approach but will be
subject to modifications by the individual teacher.
Lesson length is assumed to be one hour.
Learning Objectives for the Lesson
Objective 1
To complete work for the final assignment
Objective 2
To upload evidence to the MAPS e-portfolio
Recap of Previous Experience and Prior Knowledge
Not applicable (this lesson is repeated for each of the unit learning outcomes)
5 minutes
Introduction and describe requirements for completing assignment work
35 minutes
Individual work on own assignment
15 minutes
Login to MAPS and upload evidence files for assignment, completing the evidence
checklist as required
5 minutes
Review progress made and logout of MAPS
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Creative iMedia Level 1 (04304-04306)
Unit 102: Digital Media Skills