Sample Scheme of Work and Lesson Plan GCE in Applied Business OCR Advanced Subsidiary GCE in Applied Business: H026 OCR Advanced Subsidiary GCE in Applied Business (Double Award): H226 OCR Advanced GCE in Applied Business: H426 OCR Advanced GCE in Applied Business (Double Award): H626 Unit F251: Launching a business on-line This Support Material booklet is designed to accompany the OCR GCE in Applied Business specification for teaching from September 2009. © OCR 2009 Contents Contents 2 Sample Scheme of Work: OCR GCE in Applied Business Unit F251: Launching a business on-line 4 Sample Lesson Plan: OCR GCE in Applied Business Unit F251: Launching a business on-line 8 2 of 9 GCE in Applied Business A Guided Tour through the Scheme of Work = Innovative Teaching Idea This icon is used to highlight exceptionally innovative ideas. = ICT Opportunity This icon is used to illustrate when an activity could be taught using ICT facilities. GCE in Applied Business 3 of 9 Sample GCE Scheme of Work OCR GCE in Applied Business Unit F251: Launching a business on-line Suggested teaching time 15 hours Topic AO1 – Theoretical coverage Topic outline Suggested teaching and homework activities Suggested resources Points to note Introduction to the unit Candidates take notes from PowerPoint presentation - focus the outline of the unit. Unit specification Candidates start considering and jotting down possible businesses they could use for the unit. PowerPoint presentation/handout which outlines the requirements of the unit – what the candidates will produce. Start initial investigations into the selected business to establish if it is already selling on-line. It is often difficult to locate a business that does not currently sell on-line. It is therefore acceptable for candidates to use a case study. However, the case study must be sufficiently detailed to enable the candidates to fully meet the requirements of the unit specification. Working in a pair, candidates research two businesses which are currently using ecommerce. Candidates make notes on the following: Presentation on how a business can make use of ICT based around the use of the Internet. Make reference to the unit specification page 56 – ‘The environment within which the strategy will take shape’ first set of bullet points. The research undertaken in this section will allow candidates to use examples in order to demonstrate depth and breadth of coverage. How a business could use ecommerce = Innovative teaching idea 4 of 9 - how the businesses use the website to market their products/services; - the information available about the products and services, the processes involved with buying directly from the site, how payment is processed. Candidates take notes from the presentation. = ICT opportunity GCE in Applied Business Sample GCE Scheme of Work OCR GCE in Applied Business Unit F251: Launching a business on-line Suggested teaching time 15 hours Topic outline Benefits and drawbacks of ICT = Innovative teaching idea GCE in Applied Business Topic AO1 – Theoretical coverage Suggested teaching and homework activities Using notes from the presentation and independent research candidates complete the theoretical coverage of this section. Candidates should follow the first set of bullet points on page 56 of the unit specification – heading ‘The environment within which the strategy will take shape’. Candidates individually record as many benefits and drawbacks as they can on the handout. Candidates then work in small groups amalgamating their ideas. Each group feeds back their final list of benefits and drawbacks to the group. Class discussion to ensure that all the relevant points have been covered. Make reference to the unit specification page 56 heading ‘The environment within which the strategy will take shape’ - second and third set of bullet points. Suggested resources Points to note Handout which has two columns one for benefits and one for drawbacks. = ICT opportunity 5 of 9 Sample GCE Scheme of Work OCR GCE in Applied Business Unit F251: Launching a business on-line Suggested teaching time 15 hours Topic outline Processes involved with setting up and running a website – front-end Processes involved with setting up and running a website – back-end = Innovative teaching idea 6 of 9 Topic AO1 – Theoretical coverage Suggested teaching and homework activities Candidates write up the theory of benefits and drawbacks of ICT Candidates look at two websites, not the same as the ones investigated above. They are then required to analyse these sites using the headings within the handout. They must also consider how each bullet point benefits or hinders the customers who visit to the website. Using this research, candidates write up the theory of the manageability of the front-end of the website. Use examples from research to demonstrate depth and breadth of understanding. Candidates make notes on the presentation Candidates investigate one further website to see how it deals with the issues outlined in the presentation. Suggested resources Points to note Handout which includes the first set of bullet points found on page 58 of the unit specification eg. ‘attraction for the customer to the site’. Research will help candidates develop depth and breadth of understanding. It will also allow them to use generic examples within their AO1 coverage. PowerPoint presentation on the manageability of the back-end of the website – page 58 of the unit specification. As above research is used to help candidates understand the different concepts and quote examples within their theoretical coverage. = ICT opportunity GCE in Applied Business Sample GCE Scheme of Work OCR GCE in Applied Business Unit F251: Launching a business on-line Suggested teaching time 15 hours Topic outline Topic Suggested teaching and homework activities = Innovative teaching idea GCE in Applied Business AO1 – Theoretical coverage Suggested resources Points to note Using their notes from the presentation and research, candidates write up the theory of the manageability of the back-end of the website. = ICT opportunity 7 of 9 Sample GCE Lesson Plan OCR GCE in Applied Business Unit F251: Launching a business on-line AO1 – Benefits and drawbacks of ICT OCR recognises that the teaching of this qualification above will vary greatly from school to school and from teacher to teacher. With that in mind this lesson plan is offered, as a possible approach but will be subject to modifications by the individual teacher. Lesson length is assumed to be one hour. Learning Objectives for the Lesson Objective 1 Candidates to work effectively within a group contributing ideas and listening to other group members Objective 2 Candidates to establish the benefits and drawbacks of using ICT Objective 3 Candidates to familiarise themselves with the relevant bullet points within the unit specification Recap of Previous Experience and Prior Knowledge In the previous lesson candidates were writing up the different ways that ICT and ecommerce could be used within a business. Candidates were covering the first set of bullet points on page 56 of the unit specification. Content Time Content 10 minutes Candidates complete the handout identifying as many benefits and drawbacks to ICT as they can. 15 minutes Candidates working in groups amalgamating all their ideas. Group ensures they can explain each point in detail. 15 minutes Each group feeds back their ideas to the class. A group list is outlined on the whiteboard. 15 minutes Class discussion to see if the groups’ ideas match those of the unit specification. Discuss in full any points that have been omitted so that all candidates have a full knowledge and understanding of the topic. 8 of 9 GCE in Applied Business Sample GCE Lesson Plan Consolidation Time Content 5 minutes Question and answer session to check that everyone is happy with all the bullet points in the unit specification. GCE Applied Business 9 of 9