Unit 02 - Lesson element - Interpretation of business financial documents (DOC, 444KB) 15/03/2016


Lesson Element

Unit 2: Working in business

LO3: Be able to use business documents

Interpretation of business financial documents

Instructions and answers for tutors

These instructions cover the learner activity section which can be found on page 3 . This

Lesson Element supports Cambridge Technicals Level 3 in Business.

When distributing the activity section to the learners either as a printed copy or as a

Word file you will need to remove the tutor instructions section.

The activity

In this lesson element learners will investigate the purpose and interpretation of a range of business financial documents.

Suggested timing

1 hour

ABC – This activity offers an opportunity for English skills development.

123 – This activity offers an opportunity for maths skills development.

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Ask learners to prepare a large poster presentation which includes at least one example of:

bank statement

budget variance report – to show positive and negative budget variance and how this was calculated

delivery note

goods received note

payslip – including deductions, gross and net pay


remittance advice

request for repair form.

Learners should find a good example of each document, print it out and stick it onto a sheet of A4 and then annotate all the various elements of that document to show their understanding – for example, business name and address, customer name and address, account number etc. Make sure that learners include any explanation of how any calculations were made, for example budget variances and deductions from gross pay to get net pay. Learners should put all documents onto a large display. Alternatively this whole activity could be produced electronically.

There are many examples on the internet of these forms, which can be found using Google or any other search engine. The finished posters would make good wall displays for any learning environment. The activity will allow learners to find out about documents that they will encounter in later life, in a more practical way than just being told about them.

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Lesson Element

Unit 2: Working in business

LO3: Be able to use business documents

Learner Activity

Interpretation of business financial documents

In this Lesson Element, you will investigate the purpose and interpretation of a range of business financial documents.


You are going to make a large poster presentation which includes at least one example of:

bank statement

budget variance report – to show positive and negative budget variance and how this was calculated

delivery note

goods received note

payslip – including deductions, gross and net pay


remittance advice

request for repair form.

You should find a good example of each document, print it out and stick it onto a sheet of A4 and then annotate all the various elements of that document – such as business name and address, customer name and address, account number etc. Make sure that you also include any explanation of how any calculations were made – for example budget variances, deductions from gross pay to get net pay. Put all documents onto a large display.

Alternatively this whole activity could be produced electronically.

These two websites contain many images of budget variance forms and payslips:

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https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=budget+variance+form+example&espv=2&biw=1366&bi h=667&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=0CDQQsARqFQoTCMPloImmcgCFUTaGgodLUQDbg&dpr=1 https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=examples+of+payslips&espv=2&biw=1366&bih=667&tb m=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&sqi=2&ved=0CB8QsARqFQoTCOr__rKmcgCFcUuGgodPQ0MAA

You will find many examples of the other forms by searching on the internet. Other useful sites: http://www.pfeg.org/resources/details/money-management-firstpayslip?tid_2[0]=14&tid_17=All http://connectability.ca/2013/01/18/different-ways-to-buy-things-like-goods-and-services/ https://www.nationwideeducation.co.uk/public/uploads/pdf/currency_forms_of_money_and_p ayment_2014_11_06_10_46_48.pdf

The important thing is that you demonstrate understanding of each document in terms of what each element is and what it means. Any calculations should also be explained.

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